The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2618: Sweep all (six more)

Chapter 2618 sweeps all (six more)

"who are you?"

Just on the side of Qin Xiaolei and the middle-aged man, they are completely confrontational.

Behind Xu Feng, a voice suddenly sounded.

Xu Feng’s face suddenly changed.

He originally wanted people on both sides. If he lost both sides, he would finally take advantage of the fishermen.

I did not expect that it was directly broken.

Xu Feng spread his hands and said: "The person who came to get the formula of Chiyue Ling Liquid."

He said, go straight ahead and go out.

Qin Xiaolei's face has become extraordinarily ugly.

His eyes stared at Xu Feng, and he said: "Boy, your life is really big. It’s really surprising that such a serious injury has survived."

The middle-aged man stared at Xu Feng, haha ​​smiled and said: "It seems that you are Xu Feng who wants to chase after Ji Zeteng."

"I don't think you are in my hands. If I can kill you, that guy will definitely give me a lot of benefits."

Ni Songquan’s eyes flashed.

He looked at Qin Xiaolei on the opposite side and said: "Qin Xiaolei, let's kill this kid first, and then fight for the formula of Chiyue Ling Liquid. How do you feel?"

I heard Ni Songquan’s suggestion.

Qin Xiaolei nodded and smiled: "This is of course a very good thing. Your people in the shadowless island have been chasing this guy. I will give you his life and kill it."

Ni Songquan’s deep eyes, with mockery, said: “Qin Xiaolei, would you be so kind?”

"He is just a three-way cultivation of the spiritual world. Several of us want to kill him, and it is easy."

"If you want to fight us and fight for the formula of the Red Moon Spirit, I am afraid it is impossible."

Ni Songquan felt that Qin Xiaolei was definitely playing the game.

Xu Feng stood there, his face was calm.

"Ni Chang, I will kill him first."

Just now, Xu Feng’s man was found to have a five-pronged momentum in his body.

Above his head, the fourteen threads are directly criss-crossed.

In his opinion.

It’s a breeze to cultivate a five-pronged youth.

Qin Xiaolei stood on one side, his eyes were ridiculous in the depths, and his heart was secretly saying: "Hey, when you lose both of them, I will come to collect the benefits of the fishermen. Is this not a good thing?"

Qin Xiaolei had seen the strength of Xu Feng before.

At that time, Xu Feng was only twice as spiritual.

Both can compete with people like Zhou Wei.

What's more, now that Xu Feng has broken through to the three-way spirit, the strength must be greatly improved.

He does not think that Ni Songquan and others can easily kill Xu Feng.


The man attacked Xu Feng’s moment, and his mind was directly on the palm of his hand.

The formation of the violent violent waves, in his eyes, emerged are the cold killing.

He thought he could easily kill Xu Feng.

Unfortunately, the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny.


As the golden light of Xu Feng broke out, it was like a natural swallow.

A punch of a bombardment went out instantly.

The smile on the man’s face disappeared directly.

His body flew back and the blood spurted out of his mouth.

His pupils are all contracted.

"how is this possible?"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Ni Songquan and others, saying: "If there is no accident, I think you are better together."

"He knew that my strength was not weak. I want you and me to lose both sides?"

Xu Feng said directly.

Ni Songquan and others looked at Qin Xiaolei.

"Qin Xiaolei, I said how can you be so kind?"

Ni Songquan did not expect that a young man with a three-pronged spirit could be so powerful.

"Ni Songquan, you have so many people in the shadowless island, if you can't kill a three-pronged spirit, I have nothing to say."

Qin Xiaolei stood there and said.

Xu Feng looked at the two people arguing.

He said directly: "Can you not talk nonsense? Let's go together. Anyway, you are a dead end."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

The shadowless island and the people away from the soul island are full of anger.

They did not expect that they and others would be turned into a three-pronged youth, so disregarded, so small.

"Boy, you are too arrogant, I am going to see Ni Songquan, what qualifications do you have to say this?"

Ni Songquan was completely irritated.

The spirit of his head was stirred up, and the six spirits of the spiritual environment were repaired, and the sixteen spirits were all floating.

In an instant when he stepped out, the spiritual power of his body violently fluctuated, and his hands became sharp.

Going down to Xu Feng’s glimpse.

The sharp blade seems to be able to tear the void, forming a violent hurricane, becoming more ferocious and more arrogant.


Xu Feng looked at Ni Songquan and attacked him. He spit out two words directly.

Let Ni Songquan almost did not vomit blood.

Then, above his head, twenty threads appeared.

He broke through to the three spiritual repairs of Tong Lingjing, and he now has thirty threads.

However, he does not want to use all 30 threads.

Twenty spirits are enough to kill all the people.

"It’s like swallowing a fist."


Ni Songquan’s eyes were suddenly contracted.

He finally understood why Qin Xiaolei stood on the side and had not yet started.

It turns out that this young man with a three-pronged spirit is not simple.

Ni Songquan was directly attacked by the earthquake.

"Come back!"

Xu Feng did not mean to stop, the moment of direct shelter, the ninth day of the killing field.

The blood-red light shrouded his fist, and the shadow of the image became more powerful.


Ni Songquan was ousted again by Xu Feng, and his blood spurted out of his mouth. His face became very incomparable.


Ni Songquan looked at Qin Xiaolei and said: "Qin Xiaolei, if you still don't shoot, we all will die here."

Qin Xiaolei's face also became a little dignified, he never imagined.

Xu Feng, who is a three-way spirit, has become so powerful.

"Everyone shot together."

Qin Xiaolei did not continue to argue with Ni Songquan.

Suddenly, the five warriors around the spiritual world were also directly surrounded by Xu Feng.

"Ha ha ha... come on, the more you come, the better."

Xu Feng directly laughed.

The clothes on his body made a squeaky voice.

"It’s like swallowing a fist."

It’s quite like the swallowing of the heavens and the more intense the violent waves.

Twenty threads are criss-crossed, and it is really invincible.


Nine people attacked Xu Feng, but they could not hurt Xu Feng.

Instead, they continually quit.


Xu Feng directly screamed, his like a swallowing fist suddenly changed, the shadow of the image seems to become more horrible.

"How could this be?"

Qin Xiaolei and other people are all in awe.

There is no reason for him. Xu Feng’s imagery is like a swallowing of heaven, and it has risen from the realm of getting better into the realm of perfection.

(On the last day of 2017, I wish you all a healthy New Year, all the best, happy family! A lot of updates here in the six, thank you for your continued commitment in 2017, thank you for your support, I hope everyone will be better in the New Year, Better, better!)

(End of this chapter)

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