The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2514: I let you go away!

Chapter 2514 I let you go away!

Lian Yun’s face is full of smiles.

She said: "I saved you, but that is, your ability to recover is very strong, and you can repair yourself."

Lian Yun said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at the infinite rhyme and said: "Thank you!"

"you are welcome."

Lian Yun’s face is a happy look, as if Xu Feng can live, she is really happy.

She asked Xu Feng: "I am called Lian Yun, what is your name?"

"My name is Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng said to Lian Yun.

"Hey, how is this name so familiar?"

When she heard the name of Xu Feng, she suddenly frowned. She seemed to think that the name was very familiar.

Immediately, she suddenly remembered.

Half a month ago, a very strong middle-aged man came to Baiyang Island, wasn't he looking for a young man named Xu Feng?

"Familiar with?"

Xu Feng was slightly surprised. He remembered very clearly that he was the first woman to meet.

Lian Yun suddenly nodded in a hurry and said: "You don't know, when you are in a coma, there is a middle-aged man who seems to be very powerful. Even my father is very afraid of him. He is looking for a young man named Xu Feng."

"Oh, where did we know that you were the one he was looking for, otherwise you might have gone with him."

Lian Yun is very clear that the middle-aged man is very powerful.

However, Xu Feng was able to survive under such a serious injury.

That means Xu Feng is very extraordinary.

Xu Feng is helpless in his heart. It seems that the middle-aged man is Bai Xiaoshu in his father's mouth.

"This time, it’s really a bad time. I don’t know what year and month to see my father and mother.”

Xu Feng can only sigh in the heart, he also knows that this time things are accidents, no one can handle it.

Lian Yun was very interested in watching Xu Feng and asked: "Xu Feng, are you from the big forces of the spiritual gods?"

Xu Feng heard the words, suddenly shook his head.

"I am from a small continent below."

Lian Yun heard the words, some were not happy, she thought Xu Feng lied to her.

"Cut, there are such powerful powerful people coming to you, you are from the mainland below, do you think I will believe it?"

"Since you don't want to say it, I don't force you. You are thirsty, I will give you some spiritual fluid."

I haven't waited for Xu Feng to speak.

Lian Yun trotting, facing the outside of the room, happy to leave.

Not much time.

Lian Yun was followed by a gray-haired old man. His eyes widened and he stared at Xu Feng.

“Can you really live?”

Lian Yun said to Xu Feng: "This is the spirit that I took. You should drink it quickly and then nurse and nurse."

Said, Lian Yun holding a vial, so fed to Xu Feng's mouth. "

Xu Feng is awkward.

He reached out and took the small bottle himself, just touching the hand of the pure rhyme.

"These days, I am feeding you like this, these spirits can nourish the meridians."

Lian Yun did not find Xu Feng's strange.

She is still immersed in the joy of Xu Feng waking up.

The old man walked up to Xu Feng's body, and he kept checking, his face was incredible.

"It’s incredible that such a dead person can still be resurrected."

The old man checked it again.

He said to Lian Yun: "Miss, this person is so badly injured, he can still survive. I think his body must have a big secret, saying that he can't help the lady..."

"Master of punishment, what do you say?"

Lian Yun is a little angry.

However, Xu Feng frowned, and he was somewhat disgusted with the words of this criminal master.

The meaning of this criminal master is obvious.

That is to use Xu Feng to do experiments.

As a refiner, this is a matter of character.

"Miss, I am also thinking about your safety."

The criminal master said.

Lian Yun puts his hand on the master of the penalty and says: "If my safety is based on the suffering of others, I would rather be unsafe."

"Since Xu Feng is fine, then please go to the master."

When the criminal master turned around, his eyes deepened with a cold killing.

When the corner of the mouth rises, the heart is cold and cold: "There must be treasures on this kid, and sooner or later I will get my hands."

"Miss Lian, I don't know if you saw a kitten when you salvage me from the nine seas?"

Xu Feng clearly remembered that the kitten was in his arms.

However, after he woke up, the kitten was obviously absent.

Lian Yun heard the words, suddenly laughed.

"You can survive, it's really thanks to your monster. If he didn't drag you hard, so that you don't soak in the sea for a long time, you probably still die."

Lian Yun said to Xu Feng.

"Where is the kitten?"

Xu Feng’s face was anxious.

Lian Yun said: "You can rest assured that he seems to have fallen asleep, right in the room next door."

"That's good!"

Xu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Right, you just woke up today, and you have to take a rest and rest, I will not bother you."

"What do you have, yell at the outside, I will come over to help you."

Lian Yun said, when he stood up, the waist and limbs of the Ying Ying, the perfect figure, were revealed.


Xu Feng took a deep breath.

After Lian Yun left, he quickly sat down on his knees and found that his injuries were almost restored.

"You have a good luck this time, your kitten is also desperately trying to save you, otherwise you will die if you have a heavenly grass."

In the body of Xu Feng, the mysterious woman said.

Xu Feng knows that he can survive.

It is the reason for the cultivation of the Amakusa.

He found his own cultivation now, and he is getting closer and closer to the half-level spiritual environment.

"Maybe it will take a long time, my cultivation will be able to break through to the half-step spirit."

Xu Feng’s inner heart is dark.

In a blink of an eye.

Three days passed.

The injury and breath of Xu Feng’s body were completely adjusted.


Xu Feng is ready to get up and go out to breathe.

He hasn't asked for a good rhyme. What is it here?

At this time, he heard a burst of miserable buzz.

"Is this not the voice of a pure rhyme?"

Xu Feng suddenly opened the door of the room and rushed out to the outside.

He found that the environment of this yard was very elegant.

the most important is.

In a place not far away, standing a few figures, are full of anxiety.

Xu Feng walked quickly over there.

He knew her mother-in-law and asked at the moment: "What is going on with my mother-in-law?"

The mother-in-law sighed.

"Miss's poison has recurred. In the recent period, it was more serious than once, and I don't know how long she can live."

The words of her mother-in-law sounded.

Xu Feng's face is full of mistakes, said: "Lian Yun is poisonous?"

He turned to the front room and went straight up.

I know this time, a cold voice came out.

"I let you get out!"

This voice is the master of punishment after coming to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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