The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2513: Are you awake?

Chapter 2513 Are you awake?

Lian Yun walked in front.

Her handsome face is a smile.

As if, she did not change her own heart because of her own experience.

"Good people naturally have good news!"

Lian Yun said softly to a few people.

When Lian Yun walked on Baiyang Island, there were many villages and towns and some cities.

no doubt.

Baiyang Island is one of the three major forces, and this area is so vast.

There are at least three cities on Baiyang Island.


Lian Yun walked on Baiyang Island, and many people greeted Lian Yun.

I can tell.

Lian Yun is very popular in Baiyang Island.

"It seems that this time, the lady is kind and kind, and meets people who have been seriously injured in the sea."

"Hey, I hope that this person will not be envious of the enemy. The last time the lady was saved, she will kill her soon."

"It’s really mean and shameless to leave the soul island. It’s just to use this method to destroy the talent of the lady.”

"In this place of the nine ruins, the people are originally bad, and there are so few people like Miss."

Many people have talked about it one after another.

Not much time.

In the middle of Baiyang Island, it is a palace that looks like a castle.

A few people following the intensive rhyme, Xu Feng was carried up like this, and walked toward the palace.


"The island owner, things are not good, this time, from the nine wild seas, the lady brought back a dying person."

Just when Li Yun came to her yard with Xu Feng.

On the other side, someone has come to the front of the cleansing.

The Cold War heard the words and suddenly stood up.

"This girl..."

The Cold War is now going outside.

Lian Yun looked at a few people and said: "Trouble you for help, clean his wounds, thank you."

Lian Yun said politely to several people.

Those few people looked at the innocence and could not refuse.

Now I will help Xu Feng clean the wound.

The clean war came to the courtyard of Lianyun.

"Yue, why are you still doing this?"

"Father, he doesn't know if he can survive, and he will listen to his destiny." Lian Yun looked at Xu Feng not far away.

It has been cleaned and replaced with a clean shirt.

The wound on the body is also treated with some simple herbs.

The clean war appeared at the side of Xu Feng.

He suddenly frowned and said: "He is already a dead man, how can he save?"

The fault of a clean and honest face.

He can clearly feel that Xu Feng's heartbeat has stopped, leaving only a little bit of heart.

This is still able to survive, this life is too big, right?

Lian Yun helplessly sighed.

"Look at his own creation."

The Lien Chan confronted a few people just now and said: "Take him to the yard next to him."

"Father, what are you doing?"

Lian Yun heard the words, suddenly annoyed.

"Yue, you forgot the last lesson. His origins are unknown. If you really can survive, what should you do if you hurt?"

The honest war is affirmative to the integrity of the rhyme.

Lian Yun said: "Father, he is now dying, even if he wakes up, it is impossible to hurt me."

"Not to mention the protection of my mother-in-law around me, you can rest assured."


Lian Yun directly said: "Several of you, help me carry him to the bed inside the room."

"I am going to find some remedies to see if I can make him live."

Lian Yun has already walked outside the yard.

Several people looked at each other and looked at the war.


The Cold War knows that the character of this prostitute is swaying and swaying, "Let's follow the lady's instructions."

He looked at the mother-in-law who was not far away, saying: "In the mother-in-law, Miss is definitely not able to withstand the second injury."

"You have to protect the lady all the time, don't let her be dangerous, otherwise, don't blame me."

When her mother-in-law heard the words, she nodded: "Is the island owner, you can rest assured that protecting the lady is my life."

The clean war went outside the yard.


Looking north city.

Bai Xiaoshu came to the city.

The depths of his eyes are cold and cold.

"Do you know Xu Feng?"

Bai Xiaoshu directly caught an old man. He looked at each other and asked directly.

"Xu Feng...Xu Feng, I don't know...I don't know..."

The old man kept shaking his head.

"I really don't know?"

The fan inside Bai Xiaoshu’s hand pointed directly at the old man, and his face showed a cold killing.

"Know... he used to be the deputy doorkeeper of Yulingmen. Later he was chased and killed, as if he had fled to the nine wild seas..."

"I beg you... don't kill me... don't kill me..."

The old man bowed directly to Bai Xiaoshu.

"Why didn't you just say it?"

Among the eyes of Bai Xiaoshu, the cold killing is pervasive.


The old man has not had time to react, and a horrible spiritual power shuttles directly from his chest.

"I went to the nine wild seas?"

Bai Xiaoshu looked at the sea where he had just sailed. It was so vast and innocent. Where can I find a young man?

Turned around.

Bai Xiaoshu appeared in the nine wild seas.

Shadowless island.

A middle-aged man is Bai Xiaoshu.

He appeared in the sky above the house of the Shadowless Island.

"Do you have a youth called Xu Feng in Shadowless Island?"

His steady voice sounded and the vibration was incomparable.

"Who, dare to scatter on my shadowless island?"

However, I have not waited for that person to react.

He has become a dead person.

An old man’s face full of fear, appeared in front of Bai Xiaoshu, said: “The island owner of the shadowless island, we do not have a person named Xu Feng.”

Departing from the island.

Bai Xiaoshu asked the same.

Baiyang Island.

Bai Xiaoshu is also here.

The people of Baiyang Island are shocked.

The fear of honesty and face is trembled on the ground.

"We have no youth called Xu Feng in Baiyang Island. If you don't believe it, adults can search for it."

Bai Xiaoshu's face was disappointed.

He left the place and took a purple token in his hand.

"Master, can't find Xu Feng."

There was a voice coming from the token for a long time.

"That's it, you have to go back to Xu Pang."

It is the voice of the purple dress.


In a blink of an eye.

The whole half-month has passed.

Lian Yun looked at the bed, from the beginning, the youth with a white face.

Now, Xu Feng's heartbeat has recovered, and the wound on his body has actually healed.

Cough and cough...

Xu Feng only felt that he was sore, and he didn't know how long he had been in a coma.

Suddenly coughing, his mouth was filled with wow water, constantly rolling out from the stomach.

Xu Feng feels his eyelids, heavy and incomparable.

"Are you awake?"

Lian Yun looked at Xu Feng and woke up, his face was full of smiles.

Her look is joy.

Xu Feng heard the gentle voice, he looked at the pure rhyme.

"Girl, did you save me?"

(End of this chapter)

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