The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2161: President's chance

Chapter 2161, the president's chance

"If you change it!"

Xu Feng’s mouth showed a faint smile.

The old face is full of bitter look.

He really didn't think that Xu Feng looked so young, he turned out to be the best of the seven products.

I don't know if he knows that Xu Feng is a master of eight products, will he be surprised and surprised?

"Master Xu, I am here to apologize to you, it is really you are too young."

Lao Chen looked at Xu Feng with a sincere tone.

He said: "If you really want me to be a mount, then I can only pull down my old face once."

Xu Feng laughed and waved his hand: "You have this old bone, give me a mount, I am afraid of problems."

Xu Feng is actually joking with the other party.

After all, the previous registration, the other party is not malicious.

Subsequently, Xu Feng followed two people and walked toward the Ironsmiths Association of Iron Heart City.

The president of the Ironing City Association of Iron Heart City is a seven-person versatile master.

"When you go to inform the president, you will say that this time we will participate in the refining contest, it is bound to shine."

"We have something to see him."

When Lao Chen came to the refining guild, he spoke to a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man nodded and walked toward the depths of the refining guild.


It was a white-haired old man, and his old eyes sparkled with a madness.

"The old man still doesn't believe that for so many years, he can't break through to the Eight Senses."

"I am going to participate in the refining contest soon. When is it not to be mocked by those old things?"

Du Qing's eyes are all firm.

He madly manipulated the alchemy furnace in front of him and constantly refining the medicinal herbs.

The spiritual power of his body is surging, and the power of the soul is also devoted to the alchemy.

The time passed by, the alchemy furnace in front of him, like a huge whirlpool, crazy rotation.

The powerful momentum in the entire yard spread out in all directions. In the alchemy furnace, there was a violent wave.


Du Qing’s eyes were unwilling, and with the riot of the alchemy furnace, his whole person’s mood suddenly became somewhat impetuous.

In his eyes, he was puzzled and said: "Why does it seem that every time I refine my eight-piece statue, I will feel guilty?"

He really does not understand.

As time passed, the alchemy furnace in front of him became more violent.

Outside the yard, the person who came to report.

He was stopped by two young people.

"Master is refining the remedy, and must not bother."

The person who reported the news said: "It is Master Chen who asked me to pass the president and say that there are big things to report."

"Hey, Master is now at a critical juncture. We will go see you with you and see what's going on."

The two young men are a man and a woman. If you look closely, the robes of the refiners worn on them are very dazzling.

The person who was in charge of the communication did not dare to neglect the two men. Both of them are the best of the five products. The future is promising.


The person reporting the news took two young people and walked in front of the refining guild.


However, when they turned around, they heard a muffled sound and came out of the yard.

Du Qing’s body is black and black, and his eyes are not reconciled.

"Failed again!"

Du Qing is really incomparable, he knows that this time the refining contest, he has to be mocked by those old things.

Xu Feng and other three sat down in the courtyard of the refining guild.

After a short time, I saw the two young people and the people responsible for the communication.

"Master Chen, Master Lin, you have something to report to your teacher." The young man looked at the three men, and immediately when his eyes fell on Xu Feng, there was a touch of disdain and disdain, as if looking at a certain country. , said: "When Master retreats to refine Dan, let our brothers and sisters have the full authority to deal with the refining guild."

Both of them looked at each other and said: "Wan Gongzi, we found a very powerful person who participated in the refining contest this time."

"This master Xu, he will represent our iron heart city to participate in the refining contest, I hope you can pass it on."

Chen Laotou said to the young man.

When he spoke, he browed slightly.

The young man’s eyes were condensed. He looked at Xu Feng and said, “Ha ha ha... Master Chen, are you kidding?”

"Let a countryman represent our refining guild to participate in the refining contest. Are you not letting us lose face?"

Wan Feng did not expect that even if such a young man went to participate in the refining contest, isn’t it a shame to the refining guild?

The young woman next to her said: "Senior brother, when Master retreats, can we not report it?"

Wan Feng screamed and said: "What do you know, in my opinion, I am afraid this country is wanting to come to our refining guild to mix and drink?"

"Just as he can also represent Iron City to participate in the refining contest, it is not a laugh."

"The two masters should not be deceived by him. When they become a laughing stock of others."


Xu Feng directly spit out two words and stepped into the refining guild.

"You dare to marry me, you are looking for death!"

Wan Feng did not expect that Xu Feng was so arrogant and dared to insult himself.


Seeing that Xu Feng is so young, Wan Feng feels that Xu Feng is unlikely to be more powerful, when he stepped out next time.

The hands suddenly turned into claws, and they would attack toward the waist of Xu Feng.

"Hey, look for death!"

I know that Xu Feng grabbed his wrist directly with one hand, and the other hand slammed into his face with a slap.


Then, a few slaps fell on the face of Wan.

"Go away, otherwise I will kill you!"

In an instant when Xu Feng’s eyes were filled with murder, the 10,000 seals were directly scared and fell to the ground.

The young woman next to her eyes looked like a million seals, couldn’t help but laugh out loud, and looked at the youth in front of her.

"Lead the way ahead, I will see you Master!"

The young woman still wants to say something.

However, under the eyes of Xu Feng, Xu Feng walked toward the inner court.

Master Chen and Master Lin looked at Wan Feng and said: "Wan Feng Xiaozi, you are probably a big disaster this time!"

"Oh, I am in a big disaster, I want to kill him!"

When the 10,000-year-old is so big, when has it been humiliated?

His eyes are killing.

"Well? Fried Dan?"

Xu Feng came to Du Qing's yard and he suddenly raised his brow.

"The old man inside, noisy, but it doesn't have any effect. Do you want to know why you fried Dan?"

Xu Feng said aloud.

The young woman next to her is stunned. She did not expect this young man to be so arrogant.

His own master is the president of the refining guild.

(End of this chapter)

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