The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2160: Mount, come over

Chapter 2160 Mount, come over

The seven products in the product are full of faces.

He can naturally see that the remedy of Xu Feng refining.

It is the best of the six products, the flower is counter-true Dan.

This kind of remedy is extremely difficult to refine.

Moreover, especially the speed of Xu Feng refining medicinal herbs is really too fast.

Even he can't do it.

However, what he is really shocked at the moment is that the quality of this medicinal product refining Xu Feng is probably more than 80% quality.

Xu Feng put the seven medicinal herbs in his hands, and he shook his head with some dissatisfaction. "Oh, there are still some imperfections."

Xu Feng felt that his refining medicinal herbs should be of ninety-nine quality. I did not expect that it would only reach the quality of ninety-eight.

The old man of the seven-product middle school refiner, he stepped forward and said: "This Taoist friend, can I see your refining flower against the true Dan?"

Xu Feng suddenly gave the old man a remedy.

"Casual look!"

The old man carefully grasped the medicinal herbs in his hand, and his body trembled with his eyes. His pupils suddenly shrank.

His mouth is shaking. He has lived for so many years and has seen many eight masters, but for the first time he has seen such a perfect medicine.

"How do you do it?"

The words of the old man rang, and the six refiners around them were all surrounded by the moment. They all looked at the flowers in the hands of the old man.

Each one is stunned and full of mistakes.

The only ones who taunted Xu Feng’s singers, one by one, couldn’t wait to find a place to sneak in.

They don't say that the refining of the quality of the ninety-eight quality Huai Rui Zhen Dan, even if it is refining the flowers against the true Dan are a problem.

The most important thing is that the speed of Xu Feng's refining of medicinal herbs is too fast, and they simply did not expect them.

Some people are still thinking about it, waiting for Xu Feng to refine the medicinal herbs, the ridicule of the good life.

Xu Feng looked at the old man, very calm: "This is very simple!"


The refiners around me almost didn't vomit blood.

One by one, I look at this young man with a calm look. The heart is a dark road: "This young man is really pretending to be a king!"

The old man looked at Xu Feng, and some incredible words: "Does the Taoist really be the best of the seven products?"

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly and said: “That’s right!”

The old man completely believed in Xu Feng's seven best products. He knew that if Xu Feng was not, it would be impossible to refine such a good medicine.

"This master, I represent the Ironing City Association of Iron Heart City, and welcome you to participate in the R&D Competition on behalf of our Iron City."

The old man was respectful to Xu Feng at the moment, and there was no such disdain.

In fact, do not blame the old man.

However, Xu Feng is such a young man that he can become a seven-product elite. He really has never heard of it.

The six refining divisions around, some old people who mocked Xu Feng, also came up at the moment and apologized to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s eyes were smiling. He looked at the crowd and said, “You still have to hurry up and do not want to continue to make me.”

"I don't like this person who is jealous of me. I won't grow meat if I get it."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Those who had previously ridiculed Xu Feng’s refiners, who are now coming to the knot, are all red-faced and guilty.

Xu Feng looked at an old man not far away, his eyes suddenly condensed, only because the violent momentum broke out there.

"No, I want to blow Dan!"

The old man was also stunned, and suddenly seemed to be in a hurry, and suddenly his Dan furnace's momentum became more violent.

Xu Feng’s body suddenly disappeared in the same place, only to see him suddenly appear in front of the refiner, and a slap in the face of the Dan furnace.

When the soul power of Xu Feng flowed, the original riot of Dan furnace suddenly calmed down.

However, Xu Feng's eyes are slightly congested, saying: "Hurry to regain control of the fusion of these herbs, and then control the power of the riots."

"Is it necessary to fry Dan, can you refine it?"

Some people looked at Xu Feng's figure and they were all stunned.

However, Xu Feng's hands were slammed on the Dan furnace.

Suddenly, the momentum of the riots disappeared completely, and the six best products re-masters also regain control of the Dan furnace.

His forehead is sweaty.

Originally, he had no problem with refining this drug.

However, everyone just gathered around Xu Feng, and he was distracted to see Xu Feng. Who knows that one is not paying attention, and suddenly there is a problem of manipulation.

Xu Feng looked at the old man who gradually took control of the Dan furnace. He said: "Don't be too careful to refine the medicinal herbs."

"If you have been so cautiously so, I am afraid that I will not be able to break through to the seven refiners in this life."

"Remember in the future, refining medicinal herbs is not necessarily a matter of sticking to the rules. If you can't make changes, there will never be a breakthrough."

"And, you have continued the way of others in your life, how do you surpass others?"

After Xu Feng finished, the old man’s eyes seemed to be enlightened.

Immediately, he was deeply envious of Xu Feng.

Among the shocked eyes of countless people, I saw that his figure was constantly floating, and the means of manipulation became faster.

Many people have envious eyes.

Because everyone feels it.

With the guidance of Xu Feng, the level of the old man's refining, obviously improved a grade.

However, Xu Feng is constantly pointing at it.

The old man’s breakthrough was in the category of the seven-skilled master.

The Dan furnace in front of him was completely stabilized, and the medicinal herbs flew out of the Dan furnace.

The old man's robes have been soaked.

He was deeply envious of Xu Feng and said: "Thank you for the guidance of the master, what the master has to say, but it does not matter!"

The old man did not expect that he broke through the seven-goods division and turned out to be under the guidance of such a young person.

Xu Feng waved his hand and said: "I am also giving you a smooth ride, you will break through sooner or later."

The seven-products of the refining guild, he is really admiring the five-body cast for this young man.

Some other refiners have turned to Xu Feng for advice.

Xu Feng did not have any embarrassment, and it was a generous guide.

Even if it is, some old people who have just ridiculed Xu Feng have also been given instructions.

The seven products that were registered were under the train, and he heard people say that the high platform is extremely lively.

He went up to the high platform.

Xu Feng’s gaze looked at the old man. He smiled and said: “Mount, come over!”

The old man’s face is full of pressure.

The old man of the seven-product middle school teacher smiled and said: "Oh, Lao Chen, you just said that Master Xu is the best of the seven products, you will give him a mount, have you forgotten?"

"What, is he really the best of the seven?"

The old man suddenly opened his mouth and his face was wrong.

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(End of this chapter)

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