The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2138: Kill the first half of the month

Chapter 2138 kills the first half of the month

However, Xu Feng immediately wants to understand.

The Lord of the Rising Sun Gate was also a little scared. At that time, his own ancestral gods killed the half moon.

Instead, turn to the next day to deal with the Rising Sun Gate.

In fact, Xu Feng never thought about to dominate the Western District.

The purpose of his creation of the Wanshen Shenzong was to make Wanxiang Shenzong the most powerful force in the Western District.

Of course, other forces, he is too lazy to kill each other.

"Since Sun Gate Lord is so sincere, I have to ask the elders of the summer to go back and tell the Sun Gate Lord that I am willing to unite with the Rising Sun Gate."

"After three days, I hope that he can arrange the people he should arrange according to his promise, and come to the half moon to meet us on time."

Xu Feng spoke directly to Xia Zhen.

"Xu Zongzhu, then congratulations on the cooperation between the two of us, I will not stay in the Wanshen Shenzong, now rushed back to the subpoena."

Xia Zhen finished talking to Xu Feng, with the middle-aged man around him, and left the Wanshen Shenzong.

After Xia Zhen left, Xu Feng was anxious to come to discuss.

Will the Rising Sun Gate release smoke bombs?

At that time, he took the people to the half moon, but was attacked by the people.

Since the half-monthly sect can unite the black blood sect, it may not be able to unite the Rising Sun Gate.

The old-fashioned demon stood up, and he said: "The sovereign, I think Sun Xuri, the main door of the Sun Gate, should be sincere cooperation."

"I also heard about Sun Xuri, this person is quite good, and people are considered to be bright and upright, and he has always been inconsistent with the black blood patriarch Zhao Cheng."

Xu Feng heard the double-winged old demon saying so, but it is also a lot of peace of mind.

He said: "It seems that we have been killing the half-moon sect this time. It should be a hard battle. It is impossible for the patriarch Zhao Cheng to come to the half-moon support."

"That means that maybe another deputy sect of the Black Blood sect will come to support the half-moon sect, as well as some other strong black blood sects."

"I don't know if there is a joint education in the half moon, but they don't have much time. It should not be possible to negotiate with so many forces."

The shadowless thief stood up and smiled and said: "The lord, you can rest assured that it is absolutely impossible to support the teacher."

"This person is an old fox, a tyrannical tycoon. If he promises to join forces with the half-moon sect, I am afraid it will only be a symbolic arrangement."

"He is probably hoping that we have a lot of power, all of them are fighting, and then they lose both sides. He finally took advantage of the fishermen."

The shadowless thief and the teacher who cut the mind have had an intersection, so he said directly and incomparably.

"If this is the case, we have a 100% grasp of the half-moon sect."

Xu Feng said directly.


Dark Temple.

"Right, are you okay?"

Jian Nanchun looked at the sword with his eyes, and there was a worry on his face.

However, he felt the breath of Jian Li, has recovered a lot, it seems that his father finally found a nine-deal.

Jian Li looked at Jian Nanchun, his face full of sorrow, said: "Father, you must avenge me this time, that Xu Feng is not dead, I am afraid that it will be difficult to let go of my life."

Jian Nanchun's eyes are also filled with killing, his face is gloomy.

"Lier, that Xu Feng is now very noisy in the West District, and according to the previous ruins of the ruins of the ruins, the Promise of the Promise took the shot to stop the Dragon."

"I am shooting now, and the Promise of the Promise will certainly block. So, your grandfather is also looking for a good opportunity."

Jiannanchun is very clear, the Promise of the Promise is the strongman of the title Lingdi.

His father's sword is also the title of the emperor.

However, compared with the Promise, it is impossible to compare with the other side.

In the entire dark temple, only the two lords and the main halllord were able to compete with the Promise.

Of course, the strength of the main black robes of the main hall is definitely stronger than that of the Promise.

However, the main robes of the main hall, as the master of the dark temple, he is unlikely to leave the dark hall, just to kill a Xu Feng.

Even if his father came forward, it was impossible to ask for the other party.

As for the second lord, if you want the other party to shoot, there is not enough chips and price, it is simply an idiot.

Otherwise, how could they watch Xu Feng grow like this?

However, Jiannanchun’s heart is also jealous. He does not know the Xu Feng, how to have a relationship with the Promise.

Moreover, what is the relationship between the two, the Promise of the Promise is actually offending the Dragon House, but also to stop the Dragon to kill Xu Feng.

Now, many people are guessing the relationship between Promise and Xu Feng.

Jiannanchun is very clear that this matter can be murdered by knife. He has arranged people to exert pressure on the Nangong family.

The sword is full of sorrow, saying: "If Xu Feng catches a living, I must be born to die, I want him to die better than life..."


In a blink of an eye.

Five days passed.

The western part of the vast territory of China has become extremely lively.

That is the power of the rise of the Wanshen Shenzong, which has to challenge the half-moon sect of one of the four major forces that have been established for many years.

The replacement of such new and old forces is enough to make the entire Western District completely boiling, and countless people have already come to the far side of the Half Moon.

Their purpose is very simple, that is, to see who can win the final victory in this real confrontation between the two major forces.

"Do you think that the half-moon sect can resist the Wanshen sect?"

Someone looked at the mighty team of Wanxiang Shenzong and could not help but question.

After all, the reputation of the Wanshen Shenzong during this time is very big.

"Are you not nonsense? I think that the Wanshen Shenzong is not afraid of the people. The half-monthly patriarch is in Hanchao, but the seven-character emperor is the strongest."

Some people are obviously not optimistic about the Wanxiang Shenzong. They feel that it is impossible for Wanxiang Shenzong to challenge the half-moon sect, which is tantamount to finding a dead end.

"That may not be, I heard that some time ago, Lin Zhi, the deputy lord of the half-moon sect, was killed by the lord of the Wanshen Emperor."

"Don't say that, the lord of the Manzang is really very powerful. It is said that the age of this person is only about thirty years old."

"Well, in the city where I am, hundreds of people compete for it, and finally a young man joins the Wanshen."

"It is said that the treatment is very good. He has also seen the lord of the Wanshen Emperor. The other party is a very friendly person. You never bully people."

All in all, the numerous Western Warriors, the biggest thing in these days is to discuss, in the end, half-moon and Wanxiang Shenzong, who can be better.

Anyway, there are all kinds of opinions.

Some people even think that this is a joint show between Wanyu Shenzong and Banyue, but it is attracting everyone's attention.

However, when they looked at the mighty team of Wanxiang Shenzong, they appeared in the sky not far from the half moon, they only knew.

Perhaps this is the real battle!

(End of this chapter)

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