The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2137: Rising Sun Gate Messenger

Chapter 2137, the Sunshine Gate Messenger

Half moon!

Yu Hanchao’s angry face, he grabbed the reel inside his hand and directly crushed it.

His eyes were filled with anger and said: "Who can tell me how to deal with the challenges of the Wanshen sect?"

In the voice of Yu Hanchao, it is all anger.

With the death of Lin Zhi, the loss of the half-monthly sect is now heavy.

It may be very difficult for the half-moon sect to resist the Wansong sect.

Someone came out and looked at Han Chao.

"The sovereign, it is better for us to unite with other forces, and they are certainly not willing to look at the rise of the Wanshen."

"Now, the situation of the rise of the Wanshi Shenzong is very clear. If other forces are unwilling to join us, it must be the last and a dead end."

"Yes, we can unite with other big forces, and then fight against this Wanxiang Shenzong, and even destroy the Wanxiang Shenzong in one fell swoop."

Yu Hanchao's eyes narrowed slightly.

He looked at the deputy lord next to him and said, "Ginger deputy lord, I am afraid I will trouble you to go and run in person, talking about the joint matter?"

Yu Hanchao looked at the old man next to him and said.

The old man also knew that when he was at the moment of his life and death, he stood up: "The sovereign, only four days, we are afraid that we can only talk to one power in detail, otherwise the time is too late. Who do you think we should talk to?"

Yu Hanchao also nodded, and he was slightly addicted.

"You go to the black blood sect to contact Zhao Cheng, Sun Xuri of the Sun Rimen, he has always disliked these activities. As for the teacher, it is an old fox, I am afraid he is not good, and may not be willing to shoot."

"Unless we are resisting the attack of Xu Feng Wan Tian Shenzong, we can truly unite other forces to destroy the Wanshen."

Hear the words of Han Chao.

The deputy chief of Jiang said: "The lord, if the black blood sect is not willing to come to support the union, how should it be?"

Yu Hanchao heard the words of Jiang’s deputy, and there was a firmness in his eyes.

"If the black blood sects are not willing to unite, then I can only fight with the Wanshen Shenzong. At that time, even if the entire half-monthly dynasty all die, we must fight to the end."

The meaning of this sentence by Yu Hanchao is very obvious. He also warned Jiang’s deputy master not to have the idea of ​​fleeing.

At that time, if the deputy chief of Jiang escaped, all his family members would be buried with the half moon.

There was an anger in the depths of the eyes of the deputy chieftain of Jiang, but there was no attack.

He is very clear about the character of Han Chao.

That is definitely a slap in the face, the master who said it.

Of course, the old man did not expect to escape.

He quickly left the half-moon sect and rushed out to the black blood sect.

In the eyes of Yu Hanchao, with a dignified color, the heart said: "I hope that the negotiations can be smooth, otherwise I am afraid that I will be dying in the half moon."

However, some people in the main hall went forward and rumored to Han Chao, saying: "Do you really fear that the deputy Jiang directly fled?"

Yu Hanchao heard the words, and the eyes were flashing with helplessness.

He voiced and said: "I don't want to be afraid of him to escape, but I want to negotiate with the Black Blood, and only he is suitable."

"At this time, if I go to the negotiations, I am afraid that half a month will not say those disciples, even if they are elders, I am afraid that they will escape most of them."

Immediately, Yu Hanchao stood up.

He looked at the few remaining six spirits in the hall, saying: "Everyone, in this half-month, the moment of life and death."

"I hope that everyone and me will advance and retreat together. I believe that the Wanshen Shenzong will inevitably be able to destroy my half-monthly sect. It will be an opportunity for the half-moon sect to rise."

"I ugly said that in front, if you dare to have escapers, whether it is elders or disciples, kill them!"

Some elders have hesitation in their hearts.

They are very clear that today's half-moon sects have already sunk.

Someone also secretly whispered in the heart: "Hey, when the half moon was in the middle of the day, you are a fool!"

"Most of the resources of the half-monthly, you can enjoy it yourself, we can only get a small part. Now that you live and die, you think of us."

"Hey, my family is big, just don't want it!"

Some people are more embarrassed, and now they are beginning to think about how to flee.


"Troublely tell me about your lord, and say that the Rising Sun Gate Elder Xia Zhen, carrying the meaning of the lord, came to see you!"

Xia Zhen came to the outside of the Wanzong Shenzong Zongmen, his eyes were shocked.

Followed by him is the son of Sun Xuri.

This is also Sun Xuri’s sincerity in expressing his feelings to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard the Xie Zhen, the elder of the Rising Sun Gate, come to see him. He did not frown again.

"I don't know what this Rising Sun Gate wants to do?"

Xu Feng said to the person who was in the communication: "You go to the other side to come to the discussion hall!"

"Okay, the lord!"

Xu Feng walked toward the main hall of the House of Representatives.

After a short time, I saw Xia Zhen with a middle-aged man and came to the main hall.

Xu Feng has a smile on his face. He is still very fond of this Xia Zhen.

"Summer elders, I don't think we will meet so soon!"

Xia Zhen confronted Xu Feng and said: "When you meet Xu Zongzhu, this time comes with the meaning of our Sun Gate."

"The one around me is the little master of our Sunburst. The doorkeeper has something very busy. He can't come in person, so let me take the door and show my sincerity."

Xu Feng did not expect such a great effort by the Lord of the Sun.

He immediately said: "It turned out to be the Lord of the Sun, but it was really scornful. Just don't know, what does the Sun Gate Lord mean?"

Xia Zhen said directly to Xu Feng: "Xu Zongzhu, I am afraid you still don't know, half-moon sect is now uniting with the black blood sect."


Xu Feng heard that his face was slightly changed, but he was not shocked by his performance.

He secretly said: "Sure enough, this half-month patriarch is not a fool."

Xia Zhen looked at Xu Feng so calmly and calmly, all in awe.

He only walked through the Wanshen Shenzong, felt the atmosphere of the Wanshen Emperor, and saw the thirty-two-character ceremonial erected by the Wanxiang Shenzong, and the heart was even more infinite.

"Xu Zongzhu, our Rising Sun Gate Master knows that you are serious and righteous, so he told me to show that he will never unite with the half-monthly black blood sect."

"He hopes to be able to unite with the Wanshen Shenzong. In order to show sincerity, this Wanshen Shenzong has shot a half-moon sect. He directly sent a deputy keeper and I will assist you in the Wanshen."

"Of course, he also hopes that after the Rising Sun Gate, if he encounters any difficulties, he also hopes that Wanshen Shenzong will lend a helping hand."

When Xia Zhen’s words were finished, Xu Feng was shocked.

He really did not expect that Sun Xuri, the leader of the Rising Sun Gate, had such a courage and wanted to unite with him.

Isn’t that Sun Sun Day not afraid, and his own domain of the gods is the target of the public?

(End of this chapter)

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