The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2129: Winged old demon letter

Chapter 2129 Letter of the Two-winged Old Demon

Xu Feng’s eyes sparkled with light.

In the entire cultivation room, the powerful killing intention spread out in all directions.

Other people in the practice room have come out of the training room.

"what's the situation?"

Qingyi’s eyes were shocked. He looked at the cultivation room and there was such a powerful killing. It was incredible.

Many other people in the Wanxiang Shenzong also came out one after another. They stared at the practice room with their eyes fixed.

"What is going on here, isn't the practice room a practice room for the retreat of the lord?" Someone looked at the practice room where the killing breath came from, and could not help but make a shocking voice.

"It seems that it is really the cultivation room of the sovereign retreat."

"The lord will not cultivate and go into flames."

"Oh... you crow's mouth..."

Mu elders, shadowless thieves and other people also appeared outside the cultivation area, and their eyes were full of surprises.

"How can there be such a terrible killing, it is incredible." Shadowless God can not help but think of something inside.

He is very clear that there is a very strong existence in Xu Feng's body. He was defeated by that very powerful existence.

However, the very powerful existence, the killing atmosphere that broke out at that time, was exactly the same as it was at the moment.

Even the killing momentum at the moment is even more terrifying than what he felt at the time.

"The sovereign will not be in danger?"

Qingyi and others are worried about their faces.

Shadowless thief smiled and said: "You don't have to worry too much. The lord should be practicing. His field of killing has become very strong. It should be no big problem."

Hearing the shadowless thief, they all have some doubts.

However, the fear of Xu Feng has not disappeared.

Xu Feng felt the killing of the Seven Killing Emperor. Although he felt terrible, he did not have too much discomfort.

With the complete fusion of the soul and body of the Seven Killing Emperor, the breath of the body makes Xu Feng feel extremely surprised.

The seven killing spirits returned to the peak, and certainly it will take a while, but now the seven killing spirits are repaired, and it is actually the peak of the seven spirits.

In other words, the Seven Killing Emperor in the West District is almost invincible.

There are seven killing spirits, and there is not much security in Wanshen.

Xu Feng knows very well that he can't stay in the Wanshen Shenzong for a long time.

Therefore, he needs a person to guard the Wanshen.

However, he only needs to deal with things in the West End, he will leave the West, he knows that the rest of the land of China is more prosperous.

"Seven killing seniors, congratulations!"

Xu Feng looked at the seven killing spirits who opened their eyes and smiled directly.

The seven killing spirits looked at Xu Feng, and their eyes were full of excitement.

"Xu Feng kid, I succeeded... succeeded..."

In the eyes of the seven killing spirits, glittering and crystal clear tears, he waited for this day, has been waiting for many years.

Xu Feng nodded with a smile and said: "Seven kill the predecessors, you still have to familiarize yourself with your body, familiar with the cultivation, I will go out first."

After Xu Feng finished, he turned and left the training room.

In the eyes of the Seven Killing Emperor, it was impossible to suppress that joy. He waited for so many years and did not expect that he could really survive.

After the joy of the Seven Killing Emperor, he began to sit cross-legged. He began to familiarize himself with his body and adjust his state.

After all, the horrible killing just now was released when he could not control. He had to be familiar with the body as soon as possible.


Outside the green wing and others, watching Xu Feng come out.

The moment they looked at Xu Feng, they took a deep breath.

Xu Feng looked at the crowd and gathered so many people, and suddenly reacted.

It must be the strong killing of the previous one, which led them to feel it, and they came over.

Xu Feng smiled at everyone: "Don't gather here, don't let people bother the training room."

After Xu Feng finished, those people also dispersed.

Qingyi and others all greeted him and said: "Lord, are you okay?"

Xu Feng smiled.

"What can I do?"

"Oh... yes, the lord, during this period of retreat, someone sent a letter saying that you want to kiss, you see!"

Qingyi handed a letter to Xu Feng.

"Two-winged old demon?"

Xu Feng looked at the letter and wanted to know that it was already a month away from the closure of the ruins.

That is to say, after the two-winged old demon returned to the black blood sect, and the black blood patriarchs resigned, that rectification, now should leave the black blood sect.

"When did this letter come from!"

Xu Feng looked at the Qingyi and asked.

The blue wing opened: "Probably two days ago!"

Xu Feng’s face suddenly changed, saying: “Not good!”

He is very clear that if the two-winged old demon can safely reach the Wanxiang Shenzong, it is a huge improvement for the overall strength of the Wanshen Shenzong.

However, he had previously learned that the patriarch of the black blood sect was not a good person.

Moreover, this person must report, narrow-minded.

Perhaps the other party will be afraid that everyone will be afraid, and will not be in the face of the people's face, the two-winged old demon, privately will not let the two-winged old demon better.

This is also the case, Xu Feng told the two-winged old demon, when he left the black blood, he was summoned to him.

In fact, Xu Feng has long thought about it, he can go to meet the two-winged old demon.

Xu Feng quickly opened this letter.

In the letter, the two-winged old demon told Xu Feng that he had resigned from the black blood sect. He only needed to bring his people and his family to come to Wanshen.

After all, the guy who has lived for so many years, such as the two-winged old demon, has almost the entire family.

Xu Feng looked at the route planned by the two-winged old demon. He said: "He should have chosen this when he gave me this letter."

"He left with so many people, it must not be very fast. And the patriarch of the black blood sect, even if he wants to do it, has to wait for the two-winged old demon to leave the black blood sect."

If Xu Feng’s budget is here, that is to say, after another day or two, it is very likely that the situation of the two-winged old demon will be very dangerous.

He received the letter directly, and he said to the blue wing: "The elders of the green wing, I need to leave the Wanshen Shenzong to meet a person. During this time, you will be vigilant and prevent the half-moon sect from coming again."

"However, at that time, if there is a danger of life and death, you only need to go to the practice room to solve it."

After Xu Feng arranged for everyone, he took a deep breath and went straight away from the outside of the Wanshen Shenzong.

He is very clear that he wants the two-winged old demon to come to join the Wanxiang Shenzong. If the other party is because of this, he will be destroyed by the black blood.

This will make Xu Feng feel uneasy inside.

Therefore, he must go to support the two-winged old demon as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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