The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2128: Seven Killing Emperor Resurrection

Chapter 2128, the Seventh Resurrection of the Emperor

Wanyu Shenzong.

Xu Feng also has dignity in his eyes.

For the first time, he helped people to condense their bodies. He didn't know if he could succeed.

After all, condensing the flesh requires a direct change in one's own body.

Whether it is the person's original cultivation talent, or the potential of the body, there will be great changes.

Xu Feng in the cultivation room of the Wanshen Shenzong, his eyes also showed a touch of dignity.

He looked at the dead body of Zhu Ji, who was dead.

You must know that the cultivation is to achieve the realm of the seven-character emperor.

Such a body is a treasure for many warriors.

After all, to achieve such a state, the blood inside the body contains a very pure spiritual power.

Some extreme warriors specialize in stealing the body of the Emperor and use it to improve the cultivation.

However, what Xu Feng has to do at the moment is to forge this body.

Xu Feng’s eyes are also dignified.

His hands began to float slowly, and the body of Zhu Jiu was also slowly controlled by him, which made the emperor's unique luster appear.

Xu Feng, first of all, using the medicinal herbs, constantly remove the impurities in the body, try to make this body better.

Time goes by.

Xu Feng will rule out the impurities of this Zhu Jiu body, and the stench of a stock is filled with the cultivation room.

Xu Feng was also a bit overwhelmed, and he quickly used the spiritual power to remove the impurities that Zhu Jiu’s body had excluded.

He took a deep breath and even showed a smeared flame. It was the flame of the fire of heaven and earth.

As the flame burns on the body of Zhu Jiu, the golden light erupts above the skin, constantly fighting against the heavens and the earth.

Xu Feng bites his teeth, which must be handled with care.

Otherwise, the body of Zhu Jiu will be damaged by the fire of heaven and earth.

What Xu Feng is doing now is to improve the resistance of this body.

If Zhu Jiu’s body can withstand the burning of the heavens and the earth, then after the Seven Emperor’s body borrows this body, the natural resistance will be strong.


Xu Feng took a deep breath, and in the entire cultivation room, countless supreme liquids rushed toward Zhu Jiu’s body.

If someone else sees this scene, it will be stunned.

You know, Zhu Ji is a dead person.

Such a dead person, the body can actually absorb the liquid.

Xu Feng controls those supreme liquids and constantly washes the body of Zhu Jiu.

He knows very well that the more the body is forged, the faster the strength of the Seven Killing Spirits will recover.

This is a very good thing for Xu Feng.

His current strength, facing the seven spirits, can kill each other.

However, in the face of the eight elites, there is really no way.

The last time I fought with Dragon, I can already see it all.

However, the Seven Killing Emperor can be resurrected, which is a completely different situation.

After all, the Seven Killing Emperor used to be the strongman of the title, and as long as he gave him time, he could quickly recover to the previous cultivation.

In this way, until Zhu Jiu’s body shone with golden light, and the blood began to flow, becoming extremely active.

Xu Feng is facing the seven killing spirits in the body, saying: "Seven killing seniors, this body is almost the same, then you can integrate with the other side, this is also the most crucial place. If the fusion fails, you may really Will dissipate between heaven and earth."

Xu Feng said aloud to the Seven Killing Emperor.

The Seven Killing Spirits heard the words and took a deep breath.

He appeared outside Xu Feng's body, his old eyes, looking at Xu Feng behind him, said: "Xu Feng kid, regardless of whether he can succeed in the end, the old man thank you. In these years, you are also my half A disciple, even if I am dead, I can also pay attention."

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Seven Killing Emperor and said: "Seven killing predecessors, as long as your desire to survive is strong enough, you will be able to survive."

"And, I have to thank you for your teaching these years, otherwise I can't grow to the present level so quickly."

The Seven Killing Emperors did not continue to drag the nonsense.

"Next, then I will start to merge."

The seven ghosts of the Emperor of the Emperor, the shadow of Zhu Jiu, directly into the body.

Xu Feng’s eyes are also dignified.

He constantly controls the body of Zhu Jiu, and the soul of the Seven Killing Spirits is constantly integrated into the body of Zhu Jiu.

This kind of process can be described as incomparable tangles, the incomparable process of suffering, so that countless people are full of shock.

The fusion of the soul of the Seven Killing Emperors and the body of Zhu Jiu is an incomparable difficulty.

As time goes by, the body of Zhu Jiu’s body shines.

Xu Feng’s eyes were condensed, and the dark channel said: “No, the soul of the Seven Killing Emperor and the body of Zhu Jiu are merged, and there is a rejection.”

The soul and body of the Seven Killing Spirits are merged at this moment. This is a very anti-sky behavior. After all, the Seven Killing Emperors themselves cannot control them.

Xu Feng's eyes sparkled with dignity, only to see his body's soul power burst out.

The soul power of the eighty-fifth order.

He directly began to help the seven killing spirits to sort out the soul.

With the soul power of Xu Feng, helping the seven killing spirits to sort out, it has become much smoother.

"The blood of the gods, and finally is the time for you to play a role."

Xu Feng took out the Shenxue grass found in the ruins of the ruins.

The reason why he did not dare to help the seven killing spirits reshape their bodies for a long time, that is, if there is no **** of blood, they will almost always fail.

With the help of God's blood grass, the soul of the Seven Killing Emperor will be smoothly merged with Zhu Jiu's body. This is a very smooth process.

Of course, after Xu Feng took out the blood grass, it melted directly into a drop of crystal clear liquid like blood.

As the liquid merged into the body of Zhu Jiu, there were still some exclusions that seemed to disappear completely.

The Seven Killing Emperor also felt the role of the **** of blood, and his emotions became much easier.

In this way, the integration is incomparably smooth.

Xu Feng took back his own soul power, took out the Chinese character star stone, and began to refine the power of the stars and integrate it into the soul.

These Zhongxing Xingyuan Stones, even if they are collected in the Western District.

I have to say that for Xu Feng, it is simply a charity.

His Zhongxing Xingyuan Stone, when it was built in the site of the ruins, has been consumed.

At this moment, with the supplement of Zhongxing Xingyuan Stone, his soul power has the help of the soul heart and recovers quickly.

The soul of the Seven Killing Emperor, along with the refining of the blood of the gods, seems to be completely integrated with the body of Zhu Jiu.

The powerful killings were filled in the cultivation room, and Xu Feng felt the killing, and both eyes were shocked.

The Seven Killing Emperor is not the former title of the Emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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