The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2088: Guild wars

Chapter 2088 Fighting the evil spirits


The kitten walked a step forward and jumped onto Xu Feng's shoulder, and the eyes were full of excitement.

Xu Feng looked at the look of the kitten and knew that the kitten had a good harvest this time.

Xu Feng said: "How? How much?"

The kitten suddenly giggled and said to Xu Feng mysteriously: "Brother, guess?"

Xu Feng heard the words and said: "Then you will get thirty colorful fruits."

The kitten suddenly shook his head.

Xu Feng is a little surprised, saying: "Thirty-five!"

He is very clear that the multicolored fruit, the mature multicolored fruit, is at most seventy or eighty.

These seventy or eighty colorful nectars are already precious.

He thinks that the kitten is very powerful, and one person picks up half of the colorful fruit.

The kitten continued to shake his head and his face was proud.

Xu Feng suddenly rolled his eyes and said: "You won't be so powerful?"

"Ha ha..."

The kitten suddenly stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and laughed directly.

"Brother, I picked up sixty-four colorful fruit."

Xu Feng heard that almost no blood was sprayed.

That is not to say that there is no more than a dozen colorful sacred fruit.

Inside the fire, Xu Feng walked toward the opposite side.

After a short time, he saw the shadowless thief and Nangong Temple also came over.

The shadowless **** is full of depression, and he is really a famous name. He was ruined by this kitten.

Xu Feng looked at the shadowless thief, and could not help but jokingly smiled: "I said that there is no shadow, you are also the famous thief, you can not grab a kitten?"

The kitten was suddenly on the side, very dissatisfied: "Brother, I will declare first, I am a bright and accurate pick, but no snatch."

The shadowless **** sighed and said: "Hey, it’s really the waves of the Yangtze River." The old man seems to have changed the name of this thief."

Looking at the expression of the shadowless god, Xu Feng also laughed.

"Let's go, let's meet Chen Jiwen."


"Hey, I have to look at this time, where can you run?" Inside the evil blood path, they are crazy killings.

Beside him, in addition to the elders of the two six-character emperors, the rest of the half-monthly people were all dead.

As soon as he thought of his own evil spirits, he had been a young man in the West.

His inner anger is burning, he can't wait to find Xu Feng, to give the other party a corpse.

However, I did not expect that he actually met Chen Jiwen around Xu Feng, and he just took this old thing out of bad breath.

Chen Jiwen’s face was pale at the moment, and his breath was so messy that he was not the opponent of the three.

It was only a moment of fighting, and the meridians of his body were destroyed by the evil blood, and he was constantly humiliated.

Chen Jiwen bit his teeth, his old eyes with unwillingness and anger, said: "The evil blood is old, you have the ability to kill me, give me a good time for Chen Jiwen, you torture me like this, what hero is a hero. ”

The evil blood is old, but he bites his teeth. He stares at Chen Jiwen: "The more you want to die, the less I can make you wish."

"Continue to interrupt me with his hands and legs. I want him to die slowly in torture. I want him to die."

When the evil bloodsman thought of it, all the other people in his half-moon sect were killed by the piranhas. The three of them were not powerful, and I was afraid that they would be swallowed up by those who eat the tree.

"Hey, you just bully people like this, don't you feel a little shameful?"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, he didn’t think that the evil blood had come out so fast, and he just met Chen Jiwen.

It’s really a sentence, not a family.

The evil blood path saw the moment of Xu Feng.

His old eyes are crazy killings, and the third **** field of his body suddenly bursts out.


Around his body, the blood-red light shone, and he bit his teeth.

If the eyes can kill, Xu Feng is probably killed many times. It is conceivable that he hates Xu Feng at the moment.

The shadowless **** peeked at the peaks of the two six-character emperors, saying: "You two are responsible for holding me in the two, I will deal with this kid, I have to let him try it, what is the taste of life is not as good as death."

Xu Feng looked at the shadowless thief and Nangong, saying: "You only need to contain them two people. This old dog is handed over to me."

The evil blood did not expect that Xu Feng looked so young, just the four-character emperor repaired, even so arrogant.

However, the shadowless thief and Nangong 琛, though worried, did not say much.

Both of them are very aware of Xu Feng's character.

If it is, things that are not sure, the other party will definitely not do it.

Moreover, for the strength of Xu Feng, Nangong Temple and the Shadowless Thief are very clear.

"Kid, I have to see, what qualification do you have to fight me?"

The evil blood said, the spiritual power of the body is like a storm, and the powerful waves are simply shocking.

Xu Feng’s inner heart is dark and dignified. “Is this the true strength of the Six Pinling Emperor’s peak?”

In accordance with the strength of the evil blood, he is in fact close to the seven spirits, but can not find the opportunity to break through.


I saw that the blood of the third heavenly peak of the evil blood path was directly concentrated between his hands.

The blood-red giant claws seem to be able to tear everything, condense into a blood-red sword, and squat toward Xu Feng's chest and pierce.

The violent whirlpool of madness tumbling, the wind whizzing past.

The golden light of Xu Feng floats, and the body of the Emperor is fully displayed.

In the face of a strong person like evil blood, he knows that he can't have the slightest care.

Otherwise, once the opportunity is seized by the other party, it is definitely a injury.

Therefore, he is doing his best at this moment.

Double angry sea, fourteen spiritual veins, spiritual power is also stirring.

The powerful momentum broke out, making the old eyes of the old evil spirits shocked.

He did not expect that this young man would not be simple.

“The third day of killing the field?”

"The first heavy gravity field."

With Xu Feng, he did not use it in the field of space, and both fields stimulated at the same time, which made the eyes of the evil blood old and old are shocked.

The evil blood is biting his teeth, saying: "It turns out that you have a little means, it is still a super genius, but unfortunately it is destined to die in my hands."

The blood-red sword, under the blessing of the spiritual power of the evil blood, became more fierce and more violent.

The spiritual power gathers to form the endless blood red light.

(End of this chapter)

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