The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2087: Be fooled!

Chapter 2087 is on the go!

The kitten is very satisfied with the tone of Nangong.

The deep claw patted Nan Gong’s shoulder and said: “This is not bad. Your attitude is very good. Benedict decided to give you five colorful spirits.”

"Thank you for the kitten!"

Nangong’s face was full of smiles. He also had dozens of colorful spirits that he had just collected. The kitten gave him five, which is not too small.

The shadowless **** is full of depression, and he is really a vain for a lifetime, running through the entire Western District for a lifetime.

First, it was given to Xu Feng by the pit. Now it is actually pitted by a pet of the other party. Is this the legendary "dung manure"?

Without a shadow, I can't help but comfort myself.

The kitten smiled and said: "Look at our masterpieces. Now it's really fun to have these colorful and colorful fruits."

"What are you two doing?"

When the kitten spoke, the shadowless thief and the Nangong Temple, even the green and colorful spirits, were not willing to let go.

"These colorful spirits have not yet fully matured, but they are not bad." Nangong and the shadowless thief began to sweep.

The kitten sat on one side, took out a colorful fruit, and slammed it straight down, the mouthful of juice.

In his eyes, he was intoxicated and refreshed. He ate his mouth while eating: "Oh... this taste is really good, it is in line with Benedict’s appetite."

Nangong Temple and the Shadowless Thief, watching this scene, swallowed.

They are not willing to eat the mature multicolored fruit, grasping the colorful fruit of the green oil in their hands, bite down.

Simply, this colorful fruit, although not fully mature, is also sweet and delicious, the taste is incomparably perfect.

"Oh, I said that the two of you are really too much. You are good to leave two embarrassing people." The kitten looked at the shadowless thief and Nangong, and couldn’t help but vomit.

Nangong Temple and the Shadowless God sneaked down and found the branches above, almost no visible multicolored fruit.

In the end, the shadowless thief pointed to the place not far away, and it was a green and colorful fruit, and it was only the size of the thumb.

After all, there is no sunshine shining, and the absorption of the heavens and the earth is very little, which leads to the multicolored fruit, which is simply small and can no longer be small.

"There isn't there another one?"

The Nangong Temple next to it is also full of sincerity, pointing not far away, saying: "I am very human, there is also one there."

The kitten looked at the two men, and both of them immediately laughed.

"Let's go!"

The kitten snorted, and there was no shadow of the thief and Nangong, and they went straight out in the direction just now.

However, the speed of the kitten is also very fast, he can sense the location of Xu Feng, quietly lurking past.


"Hurry up and stop me from this little beast. I still don't believe he can live and leave." Jin Wennan's face was awkward.

He didn't know what was going on, obviously felt himself, and was about to catch up with Xu Feng, but he was always a little bit worse.

In this way, as his screaming sounds, the elders who are obsessed with the mind are constantly encircling Xu Feng.

On the contrary, there is no shadow of the thief and the Nangong Temple. When they escaped, they were unimpeded and unimpeded.

"Kid, stand up!"

When Xu Feng fled, he found that there was a six-character emperor in front of him, directly blocking his way.

His mouth raised slightly and said: "Since you want to find death, then I will fulfill you, I am welcome."

"Big words..."

The words of the six-character emperor have not been finished yet.

The whole person was flew out by Xu Feng’s fist, the direct birth of the cockroach, and Xu Feng’s soul secret technique broke out directly.

"Soul storm."

The soul secret attacked, and the soul attacked, like a storm, sweeping the soul of the six spirits.


He spurted out a blood, pale face, want to resist Xu Feng, but was bombarded by Xu Feng's fist again.


The whole person flew straight out, and his body was heavily smashed, and blood spurted out of his mouth, and his face was not reconciled.

"Four Pin Ling Emperor... How is it possible?"

Liu Pinling Emperor, did not want to understand until the death, in the end how this four spirits emperor how to do it, so easily kill yourself.


Xu Feng's speed is increasing very fast. His heart is secretly calculating time. He said: "The kittens should be almost ready?"

He felt behind him, at least six breaths constantly chasing himself, with a sly smile on his face.

Xu Feng felt the breath of the kitten and gradually approached himself. The smile on his face was more intense.

He knew that the kitten was successful.

Unexpectedly, this captured the colorful fruit, so smooth.

Jin Wennan’s eyes were shocked. He found that he wanted to catch up with Xu Feng in front and seemed to be unlikely.

After all, he has been chasing a small half hour and is about to leave the valley.

In his old eyes, there was a sudden smear.

"Oh, not good, be fooled!"

Jin Wennan is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He still doesn't understand where he is now. He is in the middle of Xu Feng's adjustment of the tiger.

"Gold elder, what happened?"

Those people greeted them and asked Jin Wennan.

"You idiot waste, what are you chasing after the old man?" Jin Wennan screamed, and the few people were scratching their heads.

Isn't this what you let us chase each other?

Can you say that you are an idiot on your own?

However, such words are naturally not dare to say it.

"We are fooled, that kid is to adjust the tiger to the mountains, he is attracting us to chase him." Jin Wennan's words sounded, they finally understand why Jin Wennan is so angry.

"Let's go back quickly."

The elders turned around and they were going back.

Jin Wennan immediately yelled: "Are you an idiot? Half an hour, do you think those people are waste? Don't collect the colorful fruit."

"Ha ha ha... Jin Wennan old dog, today's colorful fruit, I will smile, thank you for your gift!"

In front, Xu Feng found that Jin Wennan and others did not catch up. He suddenly made a laugh, and the voice spread far and wide.


Jin Wennan spurted out a sigh of old blood, and he bit his teeth, glaring at the back of Xu Feng.

"Kid, don't let me catch you, or I will peel you up." Jin Wennan's voice is extremely embarrassing.


Just at this time……

The elders who had been eager to teach have ran up and said: "Gold elders, colorful spirits have been stolen..."

"These are the remaining colorful fruit..."

A six-character emperor, inside his palm, that is two multi-colored fruit of thumb size, so lying there.


Jin Wennan’s slap in the face of the other party, angered: "Idiot!"

(End of this chapter)

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