The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1994: Alum and Yinger

Chapter 1994, Ming Yuer and Yinger

Xu Feng received the inheritance of the emperor's medicinal herbs and the tactics of the Emperor Wu, and he was very happy inside.

With that, the crystal ball disappeared completely.

When he came outside, he saw Feng Ling.

"It seems that the inheritance is over!"

Feng Ling took a deep breath, like putting down a big stone in his heart. For so many years, he finally fulfilled the wish of Emperor Lingwu.

Feng Ling is very clear. He has been in the 72nd peak area for many years. He wants to find a suitable inheritor. He did not expect to have never encountered it.

"Fengling seniors, I don't understand, why didn't you let me accept this inheritance before?" Xu Feng looked at Feng Ling and asked with curiosity.

Feng Ling smiled and said: "I didn't know that your talent for the trainer was very good before. I thought you were just a martial arts talent."

"I later learned that the original Dantang was created by you. Your talent for the refiner is not worse than your martial arts talent. But you have left the 72nd peak area."

Xu Feng heard the words and suddenly understood.

Feng Ling is afraid of gaining inheritance, but has no use, and can not inherit the will of Lingwu Emperor, can not learn to use.

"Ling Ling seniors, thank you!"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite of Ling Ling, and expressed deep gratitude.

He is very clear that even if Ling Ling does not pass this on to him, it is ok.

However, Feng Ling will still pass on to him.

"Haha... you are welcome, you have such talent, and your diligence, when you become the southern continent, the most dazzling power, it is also my most happy time, but also for me and Lingwu the Great. The biggest return."

Feng Ling knows Xu Feng, step by step, do not know how many difficulties he experienced, and the tempering of life and death is even more important.

"Ling Ling predecessors, you can rest assured that this southern continent, I Xu Feng is going to climb to the top sooner or later." Xu Feng looked at the sky in the distance, his eyes are overbearing color, said: "And, I want to bring With the expectation of Emperor Lingwu, out of the southern continent, the farther Lingshen continent is my world."


Xu Feng took Yinger and the kitten and left the Dragon Pool.

Feng Ling looked at the back of Xu Feng's departure, and he had expectations in his eyes.

"Long Teng nine days refers to the day, who can ask the talent geometry?"

"If this one does not reach the top, how many people in the world can dominate?"

The inner heart of Feng Ling is very clear. Xu Feng’s return to the new year, the date of return, may be the time to climb the southern continent.

With his talent and strength, and determination, the summit of the southern continent is also a matter of urgency.

Next to Yin Ting looked at Feng Ling and said: "Master, Xu Feng's talent is really terrible. What is he doing now?"

Feng Ling said with a smile: "His repair has already broken through the three spirits, but his combat power, I guess, the six spirits may not be his opponent."

The inner heart of Feng Ling is shocked. If he didn't look at Xu Feng personally killing the Red Blood Emperor, he couldn't believe it. Xu Feng's strength would be so strong.

Yin Ting's face is full of shock.


"Yueda, the place where your lord went, has he been away for three days?" Ming Yuer looked at Yuelu, with an anxious color on his face.

During the three days, she has become a lot of people. She did not expect that Xu Feng’s trip was three days and she has not returned yet.

It’s hard to be done. Xu Feng left the 72nd peak area directly. I don’t know how long it will take to return.

Thinking of this, Ming's heart is remorse, she feels that she should not think so much that day, directly to see Xu Feng.

Yuelu is also helpless in his face. "Miss Ming, I really don't know where the head of the church is going. How dare I ask him?"

"Does he leave the 72 peak area?" Ming Yu looked at Yuelu and asked.

Yuelu thought for a moment and said: "Miss Ming, the church owner should not leave the 72nd peak area, and he still has something to come back to deal with."

"The big manager, the owner is back!"

At this time, a person came to Yuelu’s front and reported.

The aunt's face suddenly excited, she ran to the person's body and said: "Where is your church, take me to see him."


The person who reported the news discovered that the original Ming Yuer was also there. He suddenly thought that Xu Feng was followed by a woman like a flower.

If Ming Yuer and the woman who is like a flower are met, then it is not a big problem. He is a little bit vomiting at the moment.

"You, man, what's the matter, tell me where your lord is?" Ming's character was originally very gentle, but at the moment she could not calm down.

"Say it!"

Yuelu said to the person who reported the news.

"The general manager, the head of the church just returned, has already gone to his yard." The man said to Yuelu.

After listening to the Ming Dynasty, they ran out to the outside.

She knows that Xu Feng is in the courtyard of Dantang. She has been to Dantang many times. She has already been familiar with Dantang.

Seeing that Ming Haoer ran out, the person who reported the news came to Yuelu’s body and said: “The big manager, I am afraid the situation is not good.”

"What do you mean?" Yuelu asked unclear.

The person who reported the news said: "The church owner has just followed a beautiful woman who is like a flower, and seems very close to the owner."

"Oh, no!"

Yue Lu suddenly screamed, but found that it was too late, he knew that Ming Yuer must have arrived at Xu Feng's yard.

"The owner, do you know who the woman is?" asked the informant, curious, and asked.

Yue Lu said: "The woman is the lord of the church, but in my opinion, in the heart of the church, her status is the highest."


The people who reported the news were a bit sloppy.



Xu Feng and Yinger had just returned to the yard. When he walked inside the room, there was a knock on the door outside the yard.

Yinger was finishing the yard, her face was full of smiles, and when she heard a knock on the door, she said, "Who?"

The hands of Ming Yuer were suspended in the air. When she heard the voice of the woman, her arms became a little trembling.


Yinger directly opened the door of the yard and saw the Minger standing outside.

Yinger is a very intelligent and embarrassing embarrassment. She looks at the appearance of Ming Yuer. Where is it that she does not know that Ming Yuer is coming to her own young master.

She smiled and said: "This lady, you invite, I am the young master, I am called Yinger, I don't know what the lady called?"

The Ming dynasty heard the words, but there was a hint of envy in the depths of her eyes. She knew that Xu Feng’s ambiguity was a rarity.

When Xu Feng came back, he finished the matter in the 72 peak area and went directly to Ying Ying. He could know the status of Ying Er in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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