The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1993: True heritage

Chapter 1993 True Heritage

Not much time.

An old man in a red robe, his spiritual power flowing, his eyes with a singular smile, his eyes fell on Yinger's body, with a touch of stunning, but also with greed.

"Ha ha ha... Feng Ling, I can't think of you here, there is such a beautiful woman, why don't you tell me earlier?"

When the old man spoke, he was still staring at Yinger, and his face was full of desire.

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

"I don't know the old dog, you also match?"

Xu Feng suddenly screamed, and the golden light broke out from his body. He saw him stepping out and suddenly appeared in the void.

The golden light became extremely horrible, and he held his fists in his death, but anyone who dared to insult Ying Ying, he must be born to die.

"Where is the kid who came out, are you looking for death?"

Red Blood Lingdi eyes stared at Xu Feng, with anger.

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Red Xueling Emperor and said: "I heard that you still claim to be the Red Blood Spirit Emperor? I would like to see, where do you come from the qualifications that you claim to be the Red Blood Emperor?"

"Don't you say that your blood is red, but whose blood is not red? Or, are you a dog blood?"

"I will kill you!"

The Red Blood Emperor did not expect that a young man would dare to insult himself. He waved his sleeves and violently rolled out.

I know that Xu Feng is still standing there, and the air wave hits Xu Feng. Even Xu Feng has not moved.

"It seems that you are a self-proclaimed red-blooded emperor, isn't it?" Xu Feng's face was ridiculously colored, and his mouth slightly raised.

"Kid, don't be proud, then I want your life." Saying, the field of the Red Blood Emperor emerged, and turned into a claw, and attacked.

His speed is raised to the extreme, his field is the field of the wind.

The golden light of Xu Feng broke out, and he punched out with a fist.


Just at the moment when the golden fist and the claw collided, the sound of the broken bones sounded, and the red blood spirit directly flew out, and a blood spouted out.


Xu Feng squatted up, followed by another punch, squatting on the head of the Red Blood Emperor, he tried to control the power, did not kill this person.

"Ah... who are you?"

The red blood spirit of the emperor's face was terrified, and his eyes looked at Xu Feng with a blank look.

Xu Feng appeared in the side of the Red Blood Emperor. He punched it out again: "You dare to insult my family, I want you to die."

"Don't you call it the Red Blood Emperor? Then I will let your blood flow slowly and slowly, letting you burn in the flame and die slowly."

The dragon has a reverse scale, and Xu Feng’s inverse scale is Yinger.

This red-blooded emperor was actually humiliating Yinger, his death.


Xu Feng was immediately on the body of the Red Blood Emperor, directly breaking a few wounds, and suddenly the flames of the flames burned directly.

Ah ah ah ah ah……

The miserable snoring came out constantly, and the red blood spirit emperor was really born to die, and his eyes were regretted.

"Now, do you dare to make an idea for my family?"

"Do you still think I am a waste?"

“What qualification do you claim to be a spirited man?”


The red blood spirit emperor is like this, life is better than death, he finally looked at Xu Feng directly, pleading: "I beg you... I beg you... kill me..."

It is a pity that Xu Feng still did not kill the Red Blood Emperor. What he wants is that the Red Blood Spirit is better than death and dares to bully Yinger.


Feng Ling and Yin Ting were stunned at this moment. They did not expect that Xu Feng’s strength would be so strong that he could kill the two spirits with his body.

Until the end, the Red Blood Emperor directly became smouldering.

Xu Feng appeared at the side of Yinger, facing Feng Ling and Yin Ting, saying: "The two predecessors, the trouble has been solved, we will say goodbye."

"Xu Feng, and stay!"

Feng Ling said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng turned and said: "Feng Ling predecessors, is it not that you still have any difficulties?"

"Xu Feng brothers, please come with me."

Feng Ling said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at Yinger around him and said: "Yinger, you and the kitten are waiting for me here. I will go with the seniors of Fengling."

After Feng Ling took Xu Feng into the Dragon Pool, he saw that he had gone to the edge of the Dragon Pool, where there was a dark passage.

As Feng Ling and Xu Feng continued to penetrate into the dark passage, the two came to a palace-like existence, only to see a huge crystal ball in the center.

"A familiar atmosphere?"

Xu Feng’s eyes were shocked, and he was very clear that this breath turned out to be the breath of Emperor Wu.

"Xu Feng brothers, here is the inheritance of the real Lingwu Emperor, the inheritance of the medicinal herbs and the tactics, you are so talented today."

"I have found such a good inheritor to Master, I believe he will be very happy." Feng Ling said to Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng brothers, you try it, can you feel everything inside." Feng Ling said to Xu Feng with a smile.

Xu Feng put his hand on the crystal ball, and he felt the constant flow of information flowing toward his head.

Among them, it is actually the feelings of Emperor Wu of the Emperor Wu and the formation of the law, to know that the Emperor Lingwu is the existence of the nine masters.

On Xu Feng’s body, the powerful soul power broke out, and he continued to accept it from the inheritance of Emperor Lingwu.

The radiance of the crystal ball has gradually become dim.

Feng Ling quietly walked outside the hall, he did not stay to disturb Xu Feng.

Time does not know how long the past.

Xu Feng only felt that there were a lot of Dan Fang in the mind of his own mind, and there were many eight-in-one methods.

He opened his eyes and his face was shocked. The Emperor Lingwu did not shake the existence of the southern continent. It was really powerful.

Xu Feng had previously received the inheritance of the Seal of the Emperor Wuwu. He was shocked as a man of heaven at the time. He did not expect that there would be a more powerful array than the seal.

Moreover, for Xu Feng, the most precious thing is the Dan Fang of the eight-piece Zundan. The Danfang of the eight-piece Zundan, which he had hidden in his mind, is just a few.

These medicinal herbs are all the medicinal products of the eight products.

Now, in the inheritance of these medicinal herbs of Emperor Wu of the Emperor, there are nearly a dozen kinds of Danfang of Bapin Dan medicine, from eight kinds of medicinal herbs to eight kinds of medicinal herbs.

"Jiu Pin Di Dan?"

Even Xu Feng felt that from the inheritance of Emperor Lingwu, and the inheritance of Danfang of Jiu Pin Di Dan, it was incredible.

Xu Feng’s smile on his face, his heart said: “This time it’s really making a big profit. I don’t think there is a hidden inheritance of Lingwu Emperor.”

"Why... Why did Feng Ling not let me accept the inheritance before?" Xu Feng had some doubts and said: "Will out and ask him."

(End of this chapter)

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