The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1883: Liushuicheng

Chapter 1883 Flowing Water City

Xu Feng has been deliberately dragging and not making a sound. What he wants is that the other party is in a hurry.

He is very clear that it is highly probable that the strength of the other six will be stronger than him.

If he is very anxious, the other six people may give him a trap.

Finally, Xu Feng felt that the timing was almost mature.

"You are not that I don't want to see you, but I don't trust."

Xu Feng said to the side of the token.

"Little brother, you don't have to worry."

"If you really don't feel at ease, it's better than this. You pick a place, we all have a round there, how do you feel?"

There was an old voice coming across.

"That's not necessary, you directly say where you need to meet, and I will go to you later."

Xu Feng said to the golden token.

Although his heart is worried that those people are not doing a good job, they will not easily give up such a good opportunity.

The process of making these seven tokens is not simple. The other party is so worried about leaving seven tokens. It is very likely that there are important treasures.

Moreover, his current repair is exactly when the card is stuck, and it is difficult to break through the repair.

Anyway, going out for a trip this time is a good thing.

“Where do you feel where it fits, where do we meet?”

The old voice sounded.

It can be heard that the owner of the token should be an old man.

"I think it will be in the city of Flowing Water."

"If we are in other cities, it is very likely to attract the attention of the people."

“The flowing water city is not too big in the West, but it is not too small, and there is no big force to follow in the city, and no one has noticed our whereabouts.”

A man with a relatively calm voice, his voice makes people feel very calm, and people who want to come here should be a reliable person.

Xu Feng is aware of the existence of Liushuicheng.

He remembered Zhu Xiao before, to buy the material for making Ling Zhou, is to go to the city.

According to Zhu Xiao, the Liushui City is a relatively stable city in the Western District.

The city owner is a good old man. He doesn't like to intervene in anything in the city. As long as he does not violate the principle, he almost does not care.

In this way, Liushuicheng has almost become a commercial city.

Inside the Liushui City, there is a branch of the Lingbao Pavilion.

Lingbao Pavilion is one of the three major chambers of commerce in the South China, with business spread throughout the southern continent.

Lingbao Pavilion mainly deals with materials, as well as medicinal materials, as well as many Lingbao, exotic treasures and the like.

Of course, the auction of Lingbao Pavilion is well known in the southern continent.

Almost every time, the auction hall of the Lingbao Pavilion will attract many strong people.

After everyone's unanimous deliberation, it was finally decided to meet in Liushuicheng.

"That way, after we all went to the city, we used the golden tokens to connect with each other, so that everyone would doubt each other."

The voice of the old man sounded, and others agreed.

After all, these seven tokens represent seven people.

If you are a little careless, you will most likely be in danger.

Everyone is not a fledgling boy. Naturally, they don’t believe in each other, and they all have a mentality of alertness.

"Okay, let's take the lead and wish us a happy cooperation."

The old voice sounded, this time the connection is finally everyone's opinion.


Xu Feng left the next morning and quietly left from Beige City.

It takes about a day and a half to go to Beishui City from Beige City.

The seven people decided to contact each other in Liushui City three days later.

Xu Feng went to Liushui City in advance, just want to see how the city is flowing?

Moreover, he needs to be familiar enough with the city to avoid unnecessary dangers, and that is not worth the candle.

All the way up, Xu Feng did not encounter any trouble, and he went smoothly to the outside of the city.

The crowds around, seeing it, the city is really popular.

Xu Feng also found that this water city is really not simple.

The most important thing is that it is not within the scope of the vast land of China.

The surrounding warriors, the existence of many spiritual emperors, almost walked on the streets, the lowest repair is a good spirit.

Of course, there are also quite a few young men who look very young, but they are already spiritually cultivated. It is incredible.

Xu Feng’s heart is dark and shocking. “This is the core of the true southern continent. This is the land of China.”

He is very clear that this place in the Western District is so powerful, it is still so powerful.

I am afraid that the other three districts will have more powerful spirits.

However, Xu Feng also knows that there is a cultivation of the supreme liquid, and for any warrior, the cultivation speed is greatly improved.

He took a step forward and walked toward the flowing city.

Liushuicheng is completely open and there are no escorts.

The city's main government is in the middle of the city, where a huge attic stands.

The owner of Liushuicheng is a six-character emperor, and he never provokes anyone.

More importantly, there is a Lingbao Pavilion in the Liushui City, and there is almost no one to dare to go to the city to make trouble.

For Lingbao Pavilion, they are businessmen.

I don't like to make troubles. As long as the city is safe and stable, they are very good at the Lingbao Pavilion's continuous flow of supreme liquid every day.

Xu Feng was in the city of Liushui, and he found an inn and he sat down.

"Small two, come two pots of wine."

He walked to the edge of the inn's window and sat down.

Not long after, the store Xiao Er sent two pots of spirits, some side dishes.

Charge one hundred drops of the supreme liquid.

"This brother, I see you are the first time to come to the city?"

The shop Xiao Er looked at Xu Feng and asked with a smile on his face.

Xu Feng heard the words, and did not hide it. He smiled and said: "How do you see that I am the first time to come to Liushuicheng?"

There was a smile on the face of the store, and he smiled and said: "Only the first person who came to Liushuicheng will continue to sweep across the streets of Liushuicheng."

"Oh, your observations are really careful."

Xu Feng’s face is not easy to detect, and the store’s second child is really not simple. He even saw it at a glance. He came to Liushui City for the first time.

"Little brother, there are several places in Liushuicheng. Since you are the first time, you must go to see and see."

"For example, the auction of Lingbao Pavilion, but the auction of Lingbao Pavilion will be held only once in three months. For the time being, you may not go."

"Secondly, it is the gamble."

The store’s second child said here, laughing: “This gambling is a very exciting place, and some people are there and get rich overnight.”

"Some people, there, become a poor man overnight, and even become a dead person. It can be said that opportunities and challenges coexist."

(End of this chapter)

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