The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1882: Seven golden tokens

Chapter 1882 Seven Golden Tokens

"Chen Chang, what is the legacy of the ninety-one, who is the sovereign?"

Xu Feng looks at Chen Jiwen.

Chen Jiwen used to be the deputy lord of the shocked sect. He was quite familiar with the situation around the horror.

"The city owner, the ninety-one was originally a subordinate sect of the horror of the sect, but I don’t know what happened in these years?"

"There are a lot of young talents, especially the sovereigns of the ninety-one. The strength is even more rapid."

"When the horror was still there, there were times when I wanted to destroy the ninety-one. However, the strength of the ninety-one lord is very strong."

"After the six spirits were killed by him, Xie Xian will not be able to do this thing."

Everyone in the hall is silent.

If the lord of the ninety-one sect can kill the six spirits, he will at least be the peak of the Six Spirits.

If it is the Seven Spirits Emperor, then it is very tricky.

After all, there is no high-ranking spirit emperor in Beige City.

"It seems that the ninety-one is a bit tricky."

Xu Feng slightly frowned.

Jing Baobing said: "The city owner, you don't know. This is a very powerful one. This time, it is very powerful. It directly integrates the subordinate forces before the shocked sect. Now the strong under his hand, I am afraid it is no less than our North City."

"In this way, it is highly probable that the ninety-one lord has already broken through to the seven spirits."

Xu Feng is very clear, if there is no breakthrough to the seven spirits emperor.

Those forces who were subordinate before the shock of the sect, will never surrender with willingness.

"About the September 1st incident, we will come to an end for the time being."

Xu Feng spoke to the crowd.

“Everyone is rushing to practice and cultivate the supreme liquid needed for cultivation. Everyone can enjoy it, and for the time being, it does not limit the amount of the liquid.”

"The elders, the number of the supreme liquid is controlled by you first." Xu Feng looked at the elders sitting on the side.

Now, I can't find the right person for the time being.

Moreover, the amount of the supreme liquid is related to the survival of a force, and it can not be sloppy.

The medium-sized vein of the unintentional island water is enough to take a period of supreme liquid, and you don't have to worry about the amount of the supreme liquid.

"Today, I will meet here temporarily."

Xu Feng said to the crowd.


"Snow Sakura, I may have to leave North City for a while."

Xu Feng found himself staying in Beige City, and it was really impossible to improve.

Every day he constantly practices chaos and chaos, but he can't improve much.

He felt that he had to go out and practice.

"Do you want to go out and practice?"

Snow Sakura looked at Xu Feng, her voice was extremely gentle.

She is very clear that the man around her is absolutely unwilling to be mediocre.

As everything in Beipcheng has settled down, Xu Feng’s realm cannot be lifted and he will leave.

"Well, I can't improve the realm now, even though I have big elders around them." Xu Feng's face was slightly addicted. "But in the future, I still have to go by myself. I have to be stronger to protect each of you." personal."

Xu Feng’s voice is very sincere, he is very clear.

After he became a tyrant of the past, if he left the Tianhua domain earlier, perhaps his realm had already broken through to the spiritual respect.

In that case, perhaps the dominance of the dominance may not happen.

In his mind, he remembered the horror of the male tyrants, and his heart was bursting with violent fluctuations.

"You are careful."

Snow Sakura knows that he can't stop Xu Feng from letting him go.

Moreover, she is more aware that perhaps it was not the cause of fallen heart disease.

Xu Feng and her will not come together.

What she has to do is to silently support Xu Feng, and by the way, she will continue to improve her cultivation and strength.

Xu Feng did not enter the room with Snow Sakura this time, but went to his room alone. He had to check Teng Zicheng's storage ring.

After entering the room, Xu Feng sat cross-legged.

He took out the golden token inside the Teng Zicheng storage ring and took it in his hand.

Looking at the golden token in his hand, his face changed slightly.

"It’s weird, how do I feel this golden token, seems to have a strange atmosphere?"

"Try to sink into the power of the soul, what the odds of this token are."

Xu Feng did not hesitate at the moment, suddenly sinking his mind.

Just as his soul power entered the golden token, six other people opened their eyes at the same time.

"The seventh token, finally appeared."

The breath of these six people can be the existence of the middle-class spirit.

Among them are the strong men of the Six Spirits.

"What's going on, there are other people's breath."

Xu Feng’s face changed slightly.

"The owner of the seventh token, do you feel our presence?"

A voice inside the token spread directly into Xu Feng’s mind.

Xu Feng heard that his face is changing.

"What are you guys?"

Xu Feng asked directly to the tentative voice of the token.

I know, the other party can actually hear.

"Do you have a golden token in your hand? This golden token and our token are seven tokens."

"The combination of these seven tokens is a map of treasures. It was once a high-ranking spirit, and he left a place to sit."

"So, the owner of our six tokens has been looking for the seventh token, and I can't think of it finally."

There was a voice from me over there.

Xu Feng generally understands the other side's meaning, that is, the seventh token is missing now.

"The owner of the seventh token, do you hear our words?"

"If you hear it, please join us as soon as possible. Let's find the treasure."

"That is the place where the high-ranking Emperor is sitting, very unusual."


Xu Feng did not continue to talk to this group of people. His face changed slightly. He felt that since it was seven people, it needs to be considered.

In case this is a trap, if he goes, there is no life.

"I can't do it. I will agree on a place first. I will go and see it later."

Xu Feng did not continue to answer the token's other people's conversation, he received the token directly.

In a blink of an eye.

Three days later, Xu Feng was in the three days.

Arrange the things in Beipcheng to Qingyi and others.

The escorts continue to recruit middle-class spirits, but there are very few people who sign up.

After all, the middle-class spirit is not a Chinese cabbage. If it is so easy to find, it will not be so popular.

Xu Feng once again sinks his mind into the token.

"The owner of the seventh token, you finally appear again, we really look for treasure together."

"If you are worried about security, we are all going to treasure. We don't know, there will be no traps."

"Yeah, the six of us were also found each other because of the token. Up to now, none of us have seen each other."

There was a word from me over there.

(End of this chapter)

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