Chapter 1867 Gravity Road Hearts Complete

"Oh, no!"

The elders looked at the whirlpool, and Xu Feng’s figure had disappeared.

She suddenly came out into the whirlpool, she wanted to see if there was a trace of Xu Feng.

Unfortunately, she wants to be close to the center of the whirlpool, but it is extremely dangerous.

"Damn, I knew this before, I shouldn't let that kid take risks."

The face of the elders became incomparably ugly.

The old patriarch came to the edge of the unintentional island. He looked at the great elder in the waves and said, "Great elder, what are you doing?"


The elders flew toward the unintentional island. There was a deep worry on her face. "The old patriarch, things are not good. Xu Feng was swallowed by the whirlpool."


The old patriarch suddenly became shocked, and his eyes were shocked.

"How is it possible? Are you not here? How can he make such an adventure?" The old patriarch looked at the elders with some blame.

He is very clear, although before the ancient comet, their Qingyi Dragons surrendered to Xu Feng, he felt that he lost his dignity.

However, when he continued to get along with Xu Feng, he found that this young man was completely open-minded. Their Qingyi Dragons followed Xu Feng, only good, no harm.

Mo said that it is the old patriarch, even if all the people of the ancient comet are subtly, Xu Feng is regarded as the master.

They have gradually recognized the move to surrender Xu Feng.

Now, if Xu Feng died in this whirlpool, then these people are really dangerous.

"Oh, you don't know Xu Feng's temper. When he rises, how can I persuade me to live." The elders are also worried at the moment.

The old patriarch waved his hand at the elders and said: "Don't worry, this kid won't do things that are not sure, maybe he really found something?"

The old patriarch took the lead in stabilizing and he looked at the huge whirlpool.

"I have arranged for one-third of the people to retreat toward Dalong Island. Many of your Snow, Silver Fox people have also withdrawn."

The old patriarch said to the elders.

"Old patriarch, you said that if Xu Feng has three long and two short, I am afraid that I will die in my life." The elders smashed their feet, and the wrinkles on the old face were slightly shaking.

She has now regretted that she did not desperately stop Xu Feng.

"Maybe he will survive."

The old patriarch stared at the huge whirlpool and said.

I don't know, wherever he comes from, he believes in Xu Feng.



Xu Feng only felt himself, and continued to fall along the center of the whirlpool.

There was a burst of waves around him, and his eyes were firm.

His body has been falling and he does not know how long it has fallen.

He felt a massive gravity pressure attack, and he found that underneath the whirlpool, it turned out to be an empty area.

"Hey... Isn't there any treasure under this vortex?" Xu Feng's eyes swept across the surrounding area and his face changed slightly.

"Good and powerful gravity."

Xu Feng stared at not far away, he found the gravity there, the incomparable horror.

He stepped forward with his legs and marched toward where the gravity came.

His speed has become very slow.

The bones on his body made a squeaking sound.

The bones seem to be deformed and twisted by the horrible gravity, oppression.

Da da da……

Xu Feng’s feet were on the ground, and all the footprints were left behind. The footprints seemed to be crooked cracks.

"Good horrible gravity, don't know what is in front of it?"

Xu Feng’s heart is shocked.

Such a terrible gravity makes him really hard to imagine.


Xu Feng didn't know how long he had gone. He just felt the clothes on his body, and he was completely wet by the heavy sweat.

His face changed slightly, and the look was a shocking color. He looked at the distance and there was a heavy wind blowing.

"Gravity debris?"

Xu Feng looked at the distance and there were several pieces of gravity in the field.

He seems to understand why there is such a huge whirlpool.

Dare, the debris in the gravity field here, perhaps because of the long time, is diffused.

Ever since, the debris in the field has touched the surrounding sea.

In this central place, seawater cannot be reached because gravity is too heavy.

But in this way, other places will set off a wave of waves, naturally forming a huge whirlpool.

"It’s really helping me. My gravity is now the ninth state. After refining these fragments of gravity, it is enough to elevate the realm of gravity."

"As long as the gravity of the heart reaches the great realm, my strength is a huge change."

"Even if I am facing the Emperor of the Three Spirits, I am not afraid."

Xu Feng’s face was full of surprises.

It’s really rich and dangerous.

If he was afraid of danger before, he would retreat with the elders and others.

He could not find these fragments of gravity.

"I still have to refine these pieces of gravity, and then these vortices will disappear, and the elders will not worry."

Xu Feng rushed to the front of the debris in the gravity field, and the nine-gravity gravity on his body broke out instantly.

As the gravity of the heart emerged, he sat cross-legged and began to refine the debris in the gravity field.

Xu Feng’s look is full of doubts, and he said: “How can there be debris in the gravity field here? This deep bottom of the sea seems to be a submarine channel.”

Xu Feng thought of this and continued to refine the debris in the gravity field.

"When I refine the debris in the gravity field, I will raise the gravity center to the realm of great perfection, and then slowly explore what is inside."

As Xu Feng continued to refine the debris in the gravity field, he refining quickly.

The nine-gravity heart on his body sparkled with a khaki glow.

After the debris in the gravity field is refining, it is transformed into a pure gravity center.

The nine-gravity gravity of Xu Feng’s body began to slowly condense, and it became the heart of Jiuzhong’s peak gravity.

As he continued to refine, the gravity of his body continued to skyrocket, and the gravity of the heart was raised to the tenth level.

"Haha, this time it was a blessing in disguise. My gravity is full of heart. Now I am facing the Sanpinling Emperor, and I am not afraid."

Xu Feng is very clear that the ten-gravity heart is completely comparable to the gravity field of the first heaven, and even more strengthened.

Now the ordinary Sanpinling Emperor Warrior, who wants to resist his first Tianfeng peak killing field, coupled with the great consummation of gravity, will definitely become stretched.

Above the unintentional island, it has become extremely empty.

As the old patriarch arranged for the retreat, there were only a few people left.

Snow Sakura is now worried about her face. In her eyes, tears float.

(End of this chapter)

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