The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1866: Xu Feng was swallowed

Chapter 1866, Xu Feng was swallowed up.


Xu Feng followed the elders and others and came to the back of the unintentional island.

I saw a wave of waves rolling over there.

The central is a huge whirlpool of incomparable madness.

The splash of water from the waves, like the height of a few feet, is simply terrible.

Looking at the whirlpool that is still spreading, Xu Feng's face has changed slightly.

He looked at the old patriarch and said: "Old patriarch, you take people to retreat toward Dalong Island. I am here for a while."

Xu Feng said to the old patriarch, he knows that the unintentional island continues to do this, and sooner or later will be swallowed by the vortex.

By then, the entire unintentional island will become extremely dangerous.

"Zhu Xiao, you are going to lead the way."

Above this sea area, the old patriarch is not very familiar, so Zhu Xiaolai is responsible for leading the way.

"These spirit boats can be used, first transfer people to Dalong Island."

Xu Feng will take out the remaining forty Ling Zhou and take it out to the old patriarch.

"Okay, I will arrange it."

The old patriarch also knew that the situation was in jeopardy. Now, and Zhu Xiao and others, they began to arrange for the evacuation of the unintentional island.

You must know that the existence of nearly 10,000 people on this ancient comet does not retreat early. When it is time to find a crisis, it is really unprepared.

Xu Feng looked at the tumbling whirlpool, as if there were any monsters in it that were churning, causing the waves to float wildly.

"Great elders, how long has this vortex been discovered?" Xu Feng looked at the whirlpool, slightly frowning, and asked the elder.

The elders heard the words and said: "The city owner, when we found this vortex, it was very small. If you know it is not much, the vortex will become very big."

"Look, now this whirlpool has spread to more than a dozen feet."

Inside the voice of the elders, there was also a surprise.

In the ancient comet, there is no such sea area.

Therefore, for the elders, even if she is the peak of the Six Principals, she is full of fear in the sea.

"Great elder, you are watching here, let me go and see."

Xu Feng told the elders.

The elders suddenly stopped Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, never let it go, this vortex is extremely dangerous."

"Even if it was me, I was almost swallowed up by the whirlpool. I definitely can't let you take this risk. You are now our snow and silver fox family, and the hope of the ancient comet."

The elders are telling the truth.

She knows very well that these people from the ancient comet come to this outside world.

Although they get rid of the crisis of the ever-disappearing life.

However, without Xu Feng’s arrangement and leadership, these groups of people will fall apart and will be swallowed up by other forces.

Moreover, Xu Feng is still a man of Snow Sakura, and it is also the hope of their future, and he certainly can't watch Xu Feng take risks.

Xu Feng glanced at the elders with gratitude and smiled: "The elders, you can rest assured that this whirlpool I feel a bit clue."

"So, even if I am swallowed up by the whirlpool, I can live out safely, you don't need too much worry."

Xu Feng knows that the elders really care about him.

He is also very clear that if he is dead now, it will be a devastating blow to the people of the ancient comet.

Of course, Xu Feng still does not want to die, he still has too many things not completed, his goal is the spirit of the mainland.

His next task is to dominate the entire southern continent. He wants to destroy the dark temple in the southern continent. He wants to make the Nangong family tremble.

"Xu Feng kid, do you really have a good grasp?"

The elders looked at Xu Feng’s firm eyes and asked with concern.

Xu Feng nodded cautiously and said: "The elders, you don't have to worry, although I am not as good as you, my understanding of this vortex is very clear."

The elders know the facts that Xu Feng said.

She nodded at the moment and said: "Xu Feng, then you remember, if there is any danger in the event, immediately retreat outside the vortex, I immediately shot to help you escape the attraction of the whirlpool."

The elders thought that as long as Xu Feng did not enter the center of the vortex and was not completely swallowed, she would be able to save Xu Feng.


Xu Feng nodded to the elders. He looked at the whirlpool in the distance. He took a deep breath.

The spiritual power of his body floated wildly, and his two angry seas and fourteen spiritual veins began to fluctuate at the same time.


His body jumped up and suddenly his feet stood firmly above sea level, and the huge vortex fluctuated.

The sea water madly spread out in all directions, his body stood still, still standing still, his eyes are firm.


The huge whirlpool slammed out, and a raging wave of waves rushed toward Xu Feng’s smashing impact.

The elders standing on the unintentional island, the spiritual power of her body is flowing wildly, ready to rescue Xu Feng.

In the moment when the waves fell, Xu Feng’s body went out to the side.


The ripples of the waves are above the sea level, and the splashes of water, like the sharp edges of the road, seem to be able to pierce the void.

Xu Feng’s eyes were dignified, and he felt the attraction from the huge whirlpool, with a faint smile on his face.

"It seems that this vortex is the same as I guessed. It will die after the whirlpool." Xu Feng just saw the trajectory of the vortex, and the heart already had speculation.

This huge vortex attraction is terrifying, but if you avoid the constant rotation of the water, you can avoid its attraction.

Xu Feng's current body movement, constantly avoiding the vortex around the vortex, he is not attractive every time he falls.

The big elders on the unintentional island are worried in her eyes.

To know that Xu Feng is getting closer and closer to the center of the whirlpool, the difficulty she wants to rescue will be great.


The wave of waves hit the waves.

Xu Feng’s body is in the waves and seems to be insignificant.


As he continued to approach the center of the vortex, the surrounding waves rushed over.

"not good!"

The big elders on the unintentional island, the pupils of the eyes suddenly contracted. She stepped out and found that the waves had swept away and Xu Feng disappeared.

Xu Feng's body came out directly from the center of the vortex. He found the center of the vortex without any attraction.

His speed is very fast, and he is constantly falling below the whirlpool.

He wants to see what exactly is underneath this vortex and can cause such a huge whirlpool.

The most important thing is that Xu Feng feels the gravity of his body and seems to be constantly floating.

He suspects that it is probably something related to gravity.

Moreover, he just felt the huge gravity in the center of the vortex.

(End of this chapter)

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