The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1853: Western District

Chapter 1853 The pattern of the Western District

Zhu Xiao looked at Xu Feng and was shocked in the depths of his eyes.

Of course, he can see that Xu Feng is the leader of four people.

He thinks Xu Feng’s identity is certainly not simple.

With so many strong people around, if there is an ordinary family, there is no such foundation.

"This little brother, you don't know. There are many small islands in our sea area, all of them are warriors like us."

"Our sea area belongs to the western part of the vast land of China, and our strength is relatively weak. We do not want to be eroded by those big forces, and we will avoid these islands."

"Western District?"

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed. He doesn’t understand that this vast land of China is still divided into regions.

How big is the area of ​​this vast land in China?

"The little brother is afraid that he is not familiar with the vast land of China."

Zhu Xiao looked at Xu Feng and asked tentatively.

Xu Feng did not conceal, nodded and said: "We have just come to other places in China, you can tell us about the situation in China."


Zhu Xiao said to Xu Feng.

"The vast land of Shenzhou is the core of the southern continent and the most prosperous place in the southern continent. It is home to countless great forces."

“The territory of Shenzhou is also divided into four regions in the southeast and northwest. The eastern region is the site of the four ancient nationalities for many years. The area is huge.”

Xu Feng heard that there were some mistakes.

Unexpectedly, these four ancient people are so powerful, they even divided almost a quarter of the vast land of China, it seems that it is only a family that has been passed down for thousands of years, and the foundation is really strong.

"The next step is the Southern District. There are a lot of big forces in the Southern District, including the three major chambers of commerce, and the top-level forces such as the Wanjia Refining Family."

Zhu Xiao said here, opening: "The North District is the vast land of China, the most prosperous and the most lively place, just because there are a lot of forces there, almost a hundred schools of contention."

"Of course, all this credit is a college. The college is called Genesis College. It is the youth genius of many of China's vast land, the place of dreams."

"In the creation of the world, there are super strong people, there is boundless competition. In these years, but those who are shocked by the vast land of China, very few are not from the creation school."

"Of course, there is one of the largest forces in the North, and the Association of Refiners is also in the North."

Zhu Xiao finished the southeastern district, and then the western district.

"This son, to be honest, our western region is the most marginal place in the vast land of China. Our resources here are not as many as in other districts."

"And, due to the remoteness of the environment, our western district is almost a mixed bag. There are countless small forces."

"In the Western District, there are four major forces in the top, namely, the heart-cutting, the Rising Sun Gate, the Black Blood, and the Half Moon."

Xu Feng did not expect that he would come out of the ancient comet, which is the most backward western region of China. This is a bit interesting.

Our sea area belongs to the site of the half moon.

However, the forces of the half-monthly tube are many, they are too lazy to come to the island to find things.

"Little brothers, about the general situation of the vast land of China, it is almost like this."

"Of course, the intricate relationship is not something I can know." Zhu Xiao said with a sigh on his face.

Xu Feng was very satisfied with Zhu Xiao’s performance and said: “If this is the case, then what do you think of us, who want to stand in the West?”

When I heard Xu Feng’s question, Zhu Xiao suddenly took a look.

Immediately smiled: "Little brother, the West District is completely strong and respected. It is very simple to stand on the ground. You can occupy any power and destroy any forces."

"And, I have forgotten to tell you that the Western District has the entire vast territory of China, and the largest number of martial artists. These scattered martial artists are famous in the vast territory of China."

"These scattered warriors, if you have enough capital to impress them, it is not impossible for them to work for you."


At this time, in front of everyone, ten people appeared.

Zhu Xiao and others are full of mistakes, they clearly do not feel the fluctuation of space.

"This is the transmission array method I set up. We came to other places in China from other places. I didn't expect to transfer it to this island."

Xu Feng looked at the surprise of the few people, he said directly.

So as not to cause doubts.

After all, if you tear the space from here, it is a wild comet.

"Since you are the island owner of this small island, then I ask you, you are willing to return to us." Xu Feng looked at Zhu Xiao and asked directly.

Zhu Xiao’s face was filled with a bitter smile. He looked at Xu Feng and looked at the people around Xu Feng. “Does the little brother think that we still have a choice?”

"Haha... you won't regret it. Follow me, I will lead you to unify the West." Xu Feng's voice has a strong sense of hegemony.

His eyes are firm inside.

Zhu Xiaowen’s words are all a glimpse.

It is not a simple matter to want to rule the Western District.

"How? I feel like I am opening a river in the letter?" Xu Feng seems to see through Zhu Xiao's mind and directly question.

"The little brothers don't know. The helm of the four forces is the top powerhouse. They are not idle people."

"At least, among the four major forces, there are several Qipinling emperors, not to mention the six spirits." Zhu Xiaoyi said fifty-one.

Xu Feng heard the words, but also nodded in agreement, said: "Do not worry, the road needs to go step by step, this West District will be unified sooner or later."


In the past ten minutes and a second, the people in the wild comet have been sent out.

Above this small island, it is almost crowded.

For this small island, nearly 10,000 people are extremely crowded.

Zhu Xiao and others are all stunned and stunned.

They don't understand what these people are in front of them. It seems that they are still a weak force.

Although there are no high-ranking spirits, but those people are six spirits, placed in the West, is also a medium-level big force.

As long as you don't provoke the four forces, they are almost in the West.

However, how can the four forces make such a force grow up?

"Zhu Xiao, I ask you, how far is the nearest city from here?" Xu Feng looked at Zhu Xiao on the opposite side. This small island is obviously not enough to accommodate nearly 10,000 people.

Since Xu Feng wants to set up a force now, it is simply established in this western region. Anyway, it is very chaotic.

His enemy enemies, I am afraid I will not think about it for a while, he is in the West End.

"The nearest city is called Beip City. There are many strong people in the city's main government, but it is not difficult for your subordinates to destroy each other."

What Zhu Xiao said is the fact.

After all, the strongest in Beige City is nothing more than the Five Spirits Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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