The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1852: Shenzhou Haotu

Chapter 1852, Shenzhou Haotu

Everyone came to the place where the space was enchanted.

Xu Feng took out the polystone from the storage ring.

In the eyes of the people around him, he began to scatter the cluster of stones.

The madness of those gathers into the void, and the spirits work in all directions.

The old patriarch of the Qingyi Dragons has wide eyes and said: "Is this the legendary transmission method?"

The old patriarch once knew about the existence of the transmission array method on the many books of the Qingyi Dragon.

According to the above description, if someone can arrange the transmission array method, they can leave the ancient comet.

However, let alone the transmission matrix method, even if the array method is arranged, it is difficult to find a person throughout the ancient comet.

Seeing that Xu Feng was able to arrange the transmission array method, he could not help but be shocked.

You know, the formation is hard to learn.

He also learned that Xu Feng’s martial arts talent was terrible these years, and that the cultivation of a spirit of the Emperor was able to defeat the snake red sky of the Emperor of the Three Spirits.

He even suspected that there is nothing Xu Feng will not?


In a short while, the entire transmission matrix method began to work.

Xu Feng’s face was faintly smiling, and his six-fold space was revealed, and the place where the space was enchanted was directly torn apart.

"Don't worry, we will send it directly from here." Xu Feng said to the crowd, he also took a deep breath.

When I came to the ancient star of the wild, these days, his cultivation was a great achievement.

Moreover, his soul power has broken through the eighty-fiveth order, and even many of the spiritual powerhouses have failed to reach such a realm.

"The Qing patriarch, the snake war chief, the great elders, the four of us left from the transmission array, we are waiting for them to come out."

The reason why Xu Feng let the three people leave with him first.

If he leaves alone, it is highly probable that these people will feel that he wants to escape alone.

Taking three people away, both dispelled their suspicions.

At the same time, it also prevents some of the three major races, some uncontrolled, who left alone.


Three people said.

Xu Feng looked at the old patriarch and said: "The old patriarch, do not send more than ten people each time, otherwise the transmission matrix is ​​prone to problems."

"Everything here is handed over to the old patriarch, and we are waiting for you outside."

Xu Feng gave a command to the old patriarch, and took the three people. Under the transmission of the transmission array, they all felt a change of heaven and earth.

Oh la la...

When Xu Feng landed on the ground, a burst of screaming voice came out.

Xu Feng found that it turned out to be a small island.

"I don't know where the transmission is. The size of this small island is not large. It seems that there are some warriors on it."

Xu Feng felt above the island and there was a floating of the martial arts.

The wild comets are all added up, almost tens of thousands.

The size of this small island, which accommodates nearly 10,000 people, seems a bit narrow.

The Blue Wing and the Snake War, the three elders all left the ancient comet for the first time.

They instantly felt that the big stone that oppressed in their hearts seemed to disappear instantly.

They feel the whole body full of strength, not the soft feeling.

"The world outside is really wonderful."

Qingyi’s face is smiling, and he feels very clear. In time, his cultivation can be further improved and constantly improved.

"We are outside, waiting for them to slowly pass out from inside." Xu Feng said to Qingyi and others.

"Who are you? How come on our unintentional island?"

At this time, a few people not far away rushed over.

Xu Feng looks at a few people, all of which are high-level spiritual honors. It is really not simple.

You know, this is an ordinary island.

"Kid, what do you see, didn't you hear the uncle, we asked? Didn't you say it quickly? How did you appear on our heartless island."

One of the eight spirits of the man, his eyes stared at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng said: "Since you are a heartless island, let your island owner come to see me. I have something to ask him."

"Where is the hairy boy who is so big, isn’t it true that our island master is what you want to see?" said a man with a fierce sorrow.

"Kill them and talk nonsense with them."

A man came attacked by Xu Feng.

I know, Xu Feng actually stood in the same place, no moving bullets.

Instead, he left the man's fist and attacked his chest.


I know, Xu Feng’s body, the golden light burst out, and the man was directly shocked out.

The man fell to the ground, spit blood, and could not climb again.

Several people around are full of fear.

"Hurry and call your island owner to come to me, otherwise you will die." Xu Feng said to a few people with a threatening tone.

"Okay, let's call, let's call..."

The few people ran around and fled in the distance.


In a short time, the first wave of people will be sent out from the transmission array.

Xu Feng let them stand there now.

"The island owner, the island owner, they are, they still want to see you." The few people brought, a man of the three spirits.

Xu Feng’s heart is shocked. Is it the edge of the vast land of China, which is the core area of ​​the southern continent?

You must know that such a small island can still appear as a warrior of the Sanpinling Emperor, and only the vast land of Shenzhou has such a heritage.

The face of the island owner was changed. He felt very clear. Standing next to Xu Feng, it was like a guardian.

Anyone is many times stronger than him, and he can be killed in an instant.


He raised his hand at the moment and looked at the few subordinates around him. He smiled and smiled. He came to Xu Feng's body and respectfully said: "This son, don't know where, come to my heartless island. What advice?"


The subordinates of the unintentional island are all jaw-dropping. Their island owners are so polite to a kid, so they are so surprised.

"Under Xu Feng, we unwittingly came to this heartless island. Is your heartless island the edge of the land of China?"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite island owner and asked directly.

The unintentional island owner did not dare to neglect. His eyes swept slightly over Cui Feng and others, saying: "Xu Gongzi, this heartless island is the edge of the vast land of China. We are on the sea and go out from us. It is the vast land of China."

"It really is the land of China."

Xu Feng slightly decapitated, he looked at the island owner and said: "How can you guys be above this sea?"

(End of this chapter)

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