The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1838: Battle snake red sky

Chapter 1838 vs. Snake Red Day

"Xu Feng is so powerful?"

Many people just thought that Xu Feng was self-defeating and could not live.

But, knowing that Xu Feng’s shot, he will withdraw from Qingyi’s smile.

In other words, the strength of Xu Feng may not be really weaker than Qing Yi.

The blue-faced smile that had just been disdainful, his face became tense at the moment.

He is very clear that if he loses to the snake red sky in succession, he loses to Xu Feng.

Then, in the ancient comet, his reputation for so many years will be lost, and all his efforts will be lost.

Before, he was so defiant of Xu Feng, mainly because he felt that Xu Feng was not qualified to be his opponent.

Now, knowing that Xu Feng is qualified, he certainly won't take it lightly.

"Xu Feng, it seems that I did look at you before, I apologize to you."

Qing Yixiao has never put Xu Feng in his eyes.

Seeing that Xu Feng was evenly matched, he suddenly began to condense.

Kill the fist!

Xu Feng’s killing fists also began to show.

People kill!

Ground kill!


The three-style boxing method is constantly changing and interlacing, making the opposite side of the blue smile, seemingly overwhelmed, and he gradually fell into the wind again.

"I didn't have a blind eye. Xu Feng actually took advantage of the battle and took the initiative." Someone looked at Xu Feng, punching and punching, and the shaking of the blue smile, the look of the cheeks became incredible.

The elders are also wide-eyed. She thinks that Xu Feng’s strength is very strong, but she did not expect it to be so strong.

"A good guy."

Qingyi looked at Xu Feng's figure, and his face showed a shock. He did not expect Xu Feng to challenge Qingyi, not arrogant, but to have real talents and true skills.

How could it be that the snake red day broke through to the Sanpinling emperor, and now there is another Xu Feng, which makes him feel depressed and depressed.


Qing Yi’s palm prints, and Xu Feng’s golden fists accompanied by blood red light, collide with each other.

As a result, Qing Yixiao’s body was retreating, and he spurted out a stream of blood. Although he was not seriously injured, he was eventually injured by Xu Feng.

Qing Yi smiled at Xu Feng’s fist and became more fierce. The heart said: “But it’s gone. This Xu Feng’s strength is definitely not weaker than the snake red. I don’t need to consume him here, let him and the snake red sky, really Fight one time."

Just when Xu Feng still wanted to fight, Qing Yi smiled and reached out to stop Xu Feng’s attack. “Xu Feng, your strength is very strong, I choose to admit defeat.”

"Qing Yi smiled and lost."

The onlookers are all stunned. This year’s battle for the ancient list is simply the most exciting one in history.

First, Qing Yixiao, who took over the first place in the list of years ago, was defeated by the snake red days.

Then, Qing Yixiao lost in the hands of Xu Feng.

In other words, now, the battle for the first and second place should be one in Xu Feng and Snake Red.

However, before Xu Feng’s battle for the ancient list, many people never heard of the name.

Xu Feng looked at the opposite of Qing Yixiao, and the punch said: "Carrying!"

Xu Feng's goal is to get the first. Although his current soul has recovered a lot, the feeling of missing the soul is really uncomfortable.

Moreover, the most worrying thing for Xu Feng is that the soul of the Seven Killing Emperor can still be restored. He just remembers vaguely, and the Seven Killing Emperor finally shouted at him.

Now, he simply can't feel the breath of the soul of the seven killing spirits. He wants to swallow the nine days of snow lotus to see if there is any chance to restore the soul of the seven killing spirits.

Even a little bit is a good thing.

Qing Yi smiled very refreshingly. "I didn't see you without letting you, but the skill is not as good as people."

"Your strength is very strong. I hope that you can defeat the snake red sky. I don't like him to be the first."

Qing Yi’s words rang.

"Do not worry, give it to me."

Xu Feng heard the words and nodded.

His voice seems to make people feel confident, but no one understands where his confidence comes from.

That is the existence of the Emperor of the Three Spirits.

Snake Red Day looked at the confident Xu Feng, his cheeks became extremely embarrassing, said: "Xu Feng, you still have to fight with me."

"However, your fight with me will be the last thing you regret in your life. You must kill my brother first. I should have been eye-catching. You have to come out and grab the limelight. You should die."


The snake red stepped on the ring, his voice was very cold.

"The real peak of the old list."

"This kind of matchup will probably become a real legendary battle."

"We must know that in our wilderness, the leaping battle between the Emperor of the Spirit and the Emperor Sanpin, it has never happened above the battle for the ancient list."


Now, they have no arguments. In the end, Xu Feng is even more entrenched, or the snake red days are even more powerful.

Everyone knows that this will be a battle worth looking forward to.

They are also looking forward to what step Xu Feng can take.

Stop at the second place, or defeat the snake red day, the top of the summit?

Everything will be revealed.

Snow Sakura’s face was deeply worried, and she clenched her fists.

The kitten squatted on her shoulder and said: "Snow Sakura sister, don't worry, my brother will beat the snake red sky."

The kitten's voice is very crisp, it seems that he really believes Xu Feng.

"I have never seen my brother fail."

Snow Sakura heard the words, and the heart was comforting himself. "Yes, Xu Feng seems to have never let people down from appearance to the present."

However, the snake red sky is the existence of the three spirits, which makes the snow cherry still can not really rest assured, only staring at the two people.

"Snake Red Sky, your brother wants to catch Snow Sakura, he is dead and embarrassed." Xu Feng looked at the opposite snake red sky, slowly said: "You seem to be strong to break through to Sanpinling, but I am not afraid Don't continue to talk nonsense, let's go."

"Ha ha ha... complete your determination to die."

The snake red laughed, and the chilly field of his body instantly emerged.

In an instant, his chilly field attacked Xu Feng.

"Killing the field!"

Xu Feng’s body, the first day of the killing field broke out, not inferior to the chilly field of the opposite snake red sky.

The confrontation between the killing field and the chilly field has made the warfare of the two people climb to the extreme.

However, the atmosphere of the people around them has reached the peak.

Everyone seems to hold their breath and wait quietly, the beginning of the battle between two people.


The serpent red spit out a word, and the chilly atmosphere above the body condenses on his claws, and the blood-red claws are shining.


Paws, toward Xu Feng's chest, seem to want a white tiger.

(End of this chapter)

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