The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1837: Is this the real strength?

Chapter 1837 This is the real strength?

On the body of the snake red sky, a cold and incomparable breath suddenly emerged.

However, when the breath emerged, it was a real cold that was beginning to condense.

Among the eyes of the snake red sky, the cold is killing.

That killing makes many people feel guilty.

Both the green wing and the elders have changed their faces. They stared at the snake red sky and said: "Snake, he actually awakened the most primitive blood of your three-legged snakes?"

Both of them were shocked. They must know that their three races have come to the ancient comet for many years.

With the continuous generation from generation to generation, it is rare to be able to wake up the most primitive blood.

Moreover, the most primitive blood is the most powerful blood.

The face of the snake war with a proud smile, said: "Blue Wing, you did not expect it, our three-legged snakes are destined to rise in the wild comet."

"I believe that with the blood of the snake red sky, he will most likely break through to the high spirits in the future, and will lead us to leave this ghost place."

The face of the snake battle has a firm color.

Almost everyone in the wild comet wants to leave this place.

Here, you can hardly see any sun and you can't feel any sunshine.

Some are surrounded by the sea of ​​fire, and the life that is disappearing.

People of these races are very powerful in terms of reason, but even if they break through to the middle-class spirits, they are still only a hundred years old.

For them, it is simply a nightmare.

Therefore, when you hear the words of the snake red sky, many people of the race have their eyes shining.

If the future of the snake red can really lead them away from the ancient comet, then he should be the entire wild star, the master of all.

"Snake war, it is not so easy to leave the ancient comet, otherwise we will not be trapped in this star for so many years."

The voice of Qingyi is with helplessness. He knows very well that it is difficult to break through to the high-ranking spirits.

Those who appear on the ancient stars of the wild, are they not all high-ranking spirits? Aren't their strengths strong?

However, their final ending is either tragic death in the boundless sea of ​​fire, or entering the western part of the wild comet, and it will disappear forever.

The ancient comet is simply a boundless cage, and he binds the fate of all the living creatures of the ancient wild star.

These people want to leave the ancient comet, but there is no way to go to heaven, there is no door to the land, and the western region is the territory of the devil.

"Hey, it’s not easy to leave the ancient comet, but I believe that the Red Sky can do it." The snake fights and bites his teeth and says.

The elders slowly shook their heads and said: "Snake war, you don't want to be too early. If you want to leave the ancient comet, if it is so easy, then our three major races will not be trapped here for so many years. Can't leave half a step."

There was a strong smile on the face of the snake. He looked at the people around him and said, "I know, you are the blood of the ancestor of our three-legged snakes. One day, I will prove that your sayings are all It’s a mistake, Snake Red Sky can take us away from the ancient comet."

In the words of the snake war, with unlimited confidence.

You must know that it is the blood of the first ancestor of the three-legged snake family.


Qing Yixiao felt the ice coldness of the snake red sky emerged, and suddenly the blood-red claws suddenly smashed.

The fierce claws became fierce and fierce, and the violent wind blew, and the boundless winds swept through the waves.

"It is impossible to easily defeat me." The momentum of Qing Yixiao was also fully revealed. The fingerprints of his hands were continuously displayed.


The claws of the snake red sky, the mad rushing past, made the resistance of Qing Yixiao become a futile, and he gradually fell into the wind.

"Qing Yixiao, you have to lose!"

Many people look at this scene, and both eyes are surprised.

In the old days of the ancient list, the first green smile, is it to be replaced by the snake red sky?


The red paws instantly tore the shoulders of Qingyi’s smile, his body carrying blood, and suddenly quit and quit.

Xu Feng’s gaze fell on the body of the snake red, and his majestic war broke out. He felt that he should fight the snake red sky.

Xu Feng now breaks into the cultivation of a product, and he wants to see what his current ultimate combat power is.

"Qing laughed, you lost!"

The snake red sky looked at the opposite side of the blue smile, since he has already reached the top, naturally there is no need to kill the Qingyi smile.

In doing so, it seems that he is very unprofessional.


The face of Qing Yi’s smile appeared to be a lonely color. He knew that he had lost to the snake red sky.

The blood of the snake red sky is very strong, and the attack of the three spirits is not something he can resist.

"Qing Yixiao, I have always regarded you as my goal in the past few years. Now I have finally defeated you. The first place in the list is my."

The voice of the snake red sky is arrogant, arrogant, and with the excitement after achieving the goal, his eyes have become extraordinarily embarrassing.

He was suppressed by Qing Yixiao for so many years, and finally he was proud of his face and defeated Qing Yixiao, becoming the first person to be deserved.

Qingyi looked at the slightly injured and smiled and said: "Next, Xu Feng, you are fighting with Qingyi, or directly admit defeat."

"If you admit defeat, that means you are not qualified to fight with the Snake Red Day, you are only the third place in the list."

Xu Feng looked at Qingyi and said: "I really want to ask for advice, the strength of Qingyi."


With the sound of Xu Feng, many people are full of mistakes, this Xu Feng is not really crazy, so I want to fight a smile.

At this moment, Qingyi’s smile is bound to be lost to the red head of the snake, and now he is fighting with Qingyi. Isn’t he looking for a dead end?

"Hey, when did a good spirit emperor become so arrogant? If you want to fight, I will laugh, then come."

Qing Yixiao was just defeated by the snake red day, and his mood was naturally bad.

I heard that Xu Feng did not take the initiative to admit defeat, but also to fight for himself, suddenly angry.


He hasn't waited for Xu Feng to react. His palm prints carry a broken air and have already come to Xu Feng's chest and smashing.

"It’s good."

However, Xu Feng did not have any fear. He saw Xu Feng’s fist punching out, the golden light covered, and went to the palm of Qing’s smile.


Qing Yi’s body and Xu Feng’s body quit at the same time.

Qing Yixiao was surprised to see Xu Feng, he did not believe.

Many people think that Xu Feng will be defeated. I know that it seems that they are evenly matched.

“Is this the real strength?”

Many people can't help but think, is this the true strength of Xu Feng?

(End of this chapter)

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