The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1830: Giant sui

Chapter 1830, The Giants Returned

"Xu Feng, the patriarch of the giant Dai people, came to see you with a giant scorpion."

A young man from the Snowy Silver Fox family, he came to Xu Feng’s yard and said.

Xu Feng heard that there are some strange words: "What is the patriarch of the Giant Dai?"

He obviously let the giants come forward, how come even the patriarchs come?

"This brother, please help me bring them over, thank you!"

Xu Feng said to the young man politely.

"Haha, you bring glory to us, Snow Silver Fox, you don't have to be so polite to me." The young man turned and left.

In a short time, Xu Feng has seen the arrival of the giant Taishan and the giant python.

"Two, please come in."

Xu Feng made an invitation gesture to the giant Taishan and Juyi Deng.

The two entered the courtyard of Xu Feng.

Snow Sakura is now with Xu Feng.

When the giant Taishan looked at the snow cherry, they were all shocked, and the heart was more sure of their own ideas.

He is very clear that the big elders of the Snowy Silver Fox family, but the existence of the old traitor.

Now, even the heirs of the future patriarch of the Xueyinhu family have lived together with Xu Feng, which means that the other party recognizes Xu Feng.

Snow and silver foxes can hand over the entire family to Xu Feng. What can their giants do not make up their minds?

"Xu Feng, I am sorry to come here so late."

Jue Deng looked at Xu Feng, and his face was apologetic. His tall body was extremely strong. He cracked his mouth and said, "I want to cultivate like the giant tyrant."

"This is a very simple matter."

Xu Feng looked at the giant 猿 Deng, he has promised the other side, there is no hidden place.

He said to the giant 猿: "Next, I will pass you a way to exercise, this cultivation method can temper your body, but also make your body more flexible. For the control of power, It is no longer the brute force before."

"Thank you!"

Jue Deng was facing the deep shackles of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng directly passed the sacred **** to the giant 猿.

The giant 猿 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得 获得

"Xu Fengxiao brother, I am coming to you, mainly because there is something, I want to discuss with you." The character of the giant Taishan is still very straight, he is not the kind of person who can bend the corner, he looked at Xu Feng, there is no Excessive guest words, directly said.

Xu Feng is a bit strange. This giant Taishan is the strongest of the six spirits. He does not understand what the other party is looking for.

"Do you want to let me pass on the gods to the giants?" Xu Feng thought of this, he felt that this is not impossible.

Anyway, the **** of the gods gave him to the giant Dai, and there was no loss for himself.

"The patriarch, you have something, but it does not matter."

Xu Feng has a good impression on the people of the giant Dai people.

He feels that this group of people is very honest and loyal. There are not so many flowers and intestines. It is very comfortable to deal with such people.

"Xu Feng, I am the patriarch of the giant Dai people, I want to lead all of our giant Yi people, and return to you." The words of the giant Taishan, even if Xu Feng is shocked.

He is very clear that the strength of the giant Dai people is not weak.

At least, the bloodthirsty rat family attached to the Xueyinhu family is not as strong as the giant.

Moreover, the people of the Giant Dai people are born with infinite power, and their power is countless times of other races.

It can be said that the blood of the giant Dai people is not weak.

Snow sakura not far away is also stunned.

"Giggle...well, okay... these big guys follow their brothers, and there will be great benefits in the future." The kitten stood not far away and patted the little hand, constantly applauding.

Xu Feng looked at the look of the giant Taishan, it seems that it is not a joke.

He said: "The patriarch of the giant python, you have to think clearly, your giant scorpion is so strong, I am just a small priest of a spirit, how can you be worthy of following?"

Xu Feng does not want to use the Heavenly God to hold the giant Dai people, but to say: "If you want to cultivate the gods, you can teach them to you, and then you will cultivate yourself."

Xu Feng thinks that it may be that the giant Dai people want to be arrogant, but it is difficult to speak.

Will want to return to him.

Giant Taeshan slowly shook his head and said: "Xu Feng, I can feel that your blood and snow and silver foxes have nothing to do with it."

"That is to say, you are not a Snowy Fox family. You are now the husband of the future patriarch of the Snowy Silver Fox family. It is difficult for you to stay in the Snow and Silver Fox for a lifetime."

“Our giants are willing to follow you and help you grow.”

The words of the giant Taishan sounded, and his voice was powerful.

As the giant Taishan said.

The patriarch of the Snowy Silver Fox family can never be Xu Feng, just because Xu Feng does not have the blood of the Snow and Silver Fox.

However, their giants are willing to follow Xu Feng.

"The patriarch of the giant python, are you sure about this matter, are you thoughtful?" Xu Feng stared at the opposite giant 猿.

Although Xu Feng is now remembering and soul, it has not been completely restored.

However, he knows that his enemies and opponents are very strong. If he can get the support of the giant Dai people, he will be able to leave the ancient comet in the future.

For him, the giant Dai is definitely a huge boost.

Moreover, the characters of the giant Dai people are loyal and loyal. Since they decide to follow themselves, they will never be easily betrayed in the future.

"Xu Feng, we have already discussed, our giant Yi people are willing to follow you. However, we are a request, our giant Yi people are still giant 猿."

Giant Taishan is willing to follow Xu Feng, which is the talent and growth of Xu Feng.

If he wants to exchange with the giants, he certainly will not agree.

"Don't worry, I don't like nosy."

Xu Feng looked at the giant Taishan Mountain and said: "Since your giant Yi people decided to follow me, then I will also say a little bit. I am a heavy person and I will never let you down on your trust in me."

"But, what I hate most is betrayal. If one day I find out that your giants have betrayed me, I will kill you all by myself."

"Ha ha ha ... you can rest assured that our giant Dai people are not deceitful people." Giant 猿 Taishan face with a satisfactory smile.

"The giant Taishan, meet the master!"

Jue Taishan is facing Xu Feng, it is going to kneel down.

However, Xu Feng was holding his hands and said: "Since you want to follow me, you can't kneel down in the future. I only need the enemy to kneel down for me. I don't need my companion to kneel down."

"Secondly, I don't need to call my master in the future. You can call me Xu Gongzi."

His voice sounded, and the eyes of the giant Taishan were all bright.

It seems that he did not choose the wrong person, Xu Feng completely retains their dignity.

"Next, I will burn a copy of the **** of the gods and take it back to you. Anyone from your giant family can practice. Even if you are, cultivation has great benefits."

Xu Feng said, take out the jade slip, and start to burn down the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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