The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1829: Juyi Taishan's decision

Chapter 1829, Jue Taishan's decision


It’s unusual for Python to go all out.

A fierce fist, like a piece of big stone, keeps squatting down.

"Remember, the use of power, sometimes don't just know brute force."

"After four or two, have you ever heard of it?"

Seeing that Jue Deng was swept in a fist, he also carried the voice of screaming.

"Your punch is powerful, but it looks very cumbersome, and the opponent can easily avoid it."

"I will teach you now, four or two pounds..."

I saw that Xu Feng’s arm extended, and even a finger was pointed out, pointing at the fist of the giant scorpion, and gently pointed out.

"How can this be?"

Many people were stunned and saw the fist of Jue Deng, and on the finger of Xu Feng, they could not improve.

However, they only saw Xu Feng's feet, I don't know when, two deep footprints have emerged.

"The next step is the key to the four-and-two-pounds. How do you make four or two pounds?" Xu Feng suddenly squirmed in the moment, his feet were screaming, and the cracks on the platform suddenly appeared. Pervasive.


When the opposite giant smashed, the whole person was shaken out. His footsteps continued to retreat, and his arms felt extremely painful.

He rubbed his fist-sized eyes and looked at Xu Feng's little body. He really couldn't imagine that a person with such a weak body could burst into such a powerful force.

Don't say that the giant scorpion is shocked, even if it is the giant Dai people, they are all stunned and stunned.

The heart of the giant Taishan suddenly gave birth to an idea. His thick face was smiling and his heart said: "Our giants must seize the opportunity that God gave us."

He is very clear that the wild stellar star suddenly emerged such a genius, if their giant scorpion is caught, the future is boundless.

You know, the blood of their giant Dai people is no worse than the three races, but they have gradually disappeared over the years.

The heart of the giant Taishan has already made up its mind.

"Next, you try to transfer the power of your fist to the place of the body." Xu Feng looked at the giant 猿 Deng, said directly.

"I attack you with a punch, you try."

Xu Feng said that he attacked the giant cockroach on the opposite side and the golden light broke out. The violent sense of power made many people feel shocked.


According to Xu Feng's method, Jue Deng transferred his power to his feet. He suddenly found the huge impact and eased a lot.

Although he was also forced to withdraw by Xu Feng, but this attack has obviously eased a lot, he did not have the hard work before.


Jue Deng’s face is full of excitement.

"You want the forging method of the body of the giant tyrant, waiting for the end of the game, you come to our snow silver fox, I will teach you."

Xu Feng could not pass on the gods of the gods to the giants in the eyes of the public. He then said to the giants.

"Xu Feng, thank you, thank you so much!" Juyi Deng heard the words, the face is full of excitement, if he can be like the giant tyrants, then it must be a great increase.

"I surrender."

Jue Deng did not continue to fight Xu Feng. This time he did not feel that he was unlucky to get Xu Feng, but he was very excited.

If I didn't draw Xu Feng, he really didn't know when to be able to learn so much about the use of power.

As Xu Feng defeated the giants, the battles in other places ended.

The patriarch of the Qingyi Dragon family, his eyes looked at Xu Feng with curiosity, and immediately did not know what to think, the look became a bit weird.

"We are fighting for the ancient list, and now we have decided to have the existence of the top 25. We are watching the sky gradually dimming. We will continue to be in this downfall tomorrow morning. Everyone will continue to rank further. Tomorrow, the top ten will be born. ""

The patriarch of the Qingyi Dragon, his voice sounded.

Obviously, after so many battles, everyone is also a little tired.

Moreover, the night is dim and it is not suitable for continuing to fight.

When the snake red sky walked past Xu Feng, his eyes with a cold smile, said: "I hope that tomorrow, as always, good luck, do not meet me, or I will avenge my brother."

There is no weakening of the killing of Xu Feng by the snake red sky.

The trio of the snake family, some old people look at Xu Feng's eyes, but also with complex colors.

Many people did not expect that the Snow and Silver Foxes suddenly emerged such a powerful genius. After several consecutive battles, the strength was extremely powerful.

"Let's go, let's go back."

The grand elders of the Snowy Silver Fox family, with the color of joy on her old face, they are now in the top twenty-five, and four others.

Apart from Xu Feng, Xue Ying, Gui Bo, and another man of the Snow and Silver Fox family, his cultivation is the half-step of Emperor.


"Brothers, what do you think of my proposal?" Since the decision of the giant Taishan, he wants to talk to Xu Feng, he wants to lead the giant Dai to follow Xu Feng.

Naturally, we must seek the opinions of the rest of the entire Giant Dai people. Although he is a patriarch, he cannot be willing to go his own way.

"I think Xu Feng is very good. I have been with him for a while. He is very harmonious with people." The giant tyrants stood in the center of the crowd, he said.

Jue Deng also stood up and nodded. "I also think it is a good choice to follow Xu Feng. He is obviously not a snow-and-snow fox. He has no blood and silver foxes."

"You pay attention to seeing no, the kitten on his shoulder, the blood is terrible, I actually feel a kind of imposing oppression."

Giant Taeshan said to the crowd.

Many people think back, Xu Feng's shoulders, indeed holding a kitten.

The giant scorpion knows the kitten they said, "Well, the patriarch said it was good. The kitten is very powerful. You should never underestimate him. His strength is very powerful."

"The smell of the kitten, when I get along with Xu Feng, will also cause me a crush, and the same is true for the Snowy Fox family."

"The patriarch, we are here to say that we want to follow Xu Feng. I don't know if people are willing or not. After all, the sculpt of the sculpt that he has cultivated is very precious."

A strong man of the giant Dai people, he said with a hearty voice.

Others are also slightly indulged.

"Our giant scorpion has a **** of arrogance, and the strength is bound to increase greatly. We have a lot of help with him," said the giant typhoon Taishan.

"Giant Deng, you follow me to find the Snow and Silver Fox, we personally ask for Xu Feng, by the way, you can also practice the refining method of the giant tyrants."

Jue Taishan said to the giant 猿.

(End of this chapter)

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