The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1662: War Spirit Emperor (41 Eleven)

Chapter 1662 War Spirit Emperor (41 Eleven)

"I don't think that this killing organization really can afford me, even sending a killer of the spirit emperor?"

Xu Feng's face became very ugly. He knew very well that the killer like Lingdi, if he was seized by the other side, he would die.

If anyone finds it, Xu Feng’s back is sweat at the moment. He knows very well that the other party, as the killer of the spirit, can shoot at any time and place.

Before he saw the means of killing this killer organization, the killer of the half-step Emperor, can appear in his side without knowing it, and he will be hit hard.

Now, if he is seized by the killer of the spirit, he will die very badly.

"How to do?"

Xu Feng is very clear, if this continues, the other party will definitely shoot.

The noise around him sounded, and Xu Feng’s face was stern.


Xu Feng is very clear that his only choice is to fight.

Not fighting with the killer, but the people who want the law enforcement of the ancient city of Kyushu, not a group of waste, he is the only one who insists on the moment.

"What is this kid doing?"

The old man of the one-off spirit emperor showed a shocking color in his eyes. He was a little surprised by Xu Feng’s behavior, and his face suddenly changed.

"Well, this kid must have discovered me, so he is smashing into a crowded place." The killer of the one-of-a-kind, he looked at the more and more warriors around him.

"No, you can't miss the opportunity today. If you let him go back to the courtyard of Lingbao Pavilion, there is a strong person like Lingmu, and I want to kill him almost to die."

The old man's face became extremely gloomy. He secretly said: "The only option now is to kill this child as quickly as possible, and then I fled to leave the ancient city of Kyushu."

"It can only be like this."

The old man is very clear that if the mission fails, he still has to accept punishment. It is better to directly shoot, to use his strength as a spiritual master, to kill Xu Feng at the fastest speed, and then choose to escape, there is no problem.

"There is a killer!"

Xu Feng came to the crowd, he felt the moment of the death of the death, he screamed and screamed, suddenly caused a burst of turmoil.


Just at the moment of this millennium, an old figure, accompanied by a dark cold light, came toward Xu Feng's chest.

"Boy, you are really not simple, the seven spirits respect for being able to discover my existence, but unfortunately you still have to die." The old man's body, that very strange atmosphere emerged.

Xu Feng was secretly shocked. It seems that the killer of this killing organization is so unknowingly killing people because of their field.

The fields of these people are very weird, as if they were able to integrate them with the void, so that their atmosphere is almost hidden.

"Unfortunately, you still have to die!"

"People kill!"

Xu Feng did not have any hesitation. The ten-fold killing of his body broke out, and the blood-red killings of the road broke out, causing the whole void to tremble.

"Oh... what happened? Some people dare to start in the ancient city of Kyushu?" Many people around them screamed and suddenly retreated.

"Look at you, the young man is not Xu Feng who won the first place in the refining contest before the refining contest?" Someone recognized Xu Feng's identity at a glance.

"Really it is him, who is the killer? The horrible strongman seems to be the killer of the spirit level, and Xu Feng is dead."

All of this happened too fast, but Xu Feng’s blood-red fist was accompanied by a devastating momentum, and his fist broke out.

"Kid, good strength, but still dying!"

The field of the old man broke out, and the light of the dagger was drawn from the front of Xu Feng’s chest. The blood flowed out and Xu Feng’s body disappeared.

He was not killed by the old man, but the blood-red fist, and the embarrassed fall on the old man, and the old man also flew out.

"Well? Didn't you die?"

The people around him looked at Xu Feng standing, one by one, all of them were shocked. No one thought that Xu Feng had not been killed, and he also injured the other side.

You must know that it is the strong emperor of the spirit, Xu Feng is only the seven spirits respect.

"The seven spirits respect is a hard-fought one spirit, this Xu Feng is too horrible."

Someone looked at Xu Feng with a shocked look in his eyes.

"Kid, have to say, you are the old man these years, the most difficult person to assassinate, but unfortunately you still have to die." The old man of a good spirit Emperor eyes with a stern color.

"Give me to die."

The one-of-a-kind spirit madly attacked Xu Feng.

"It must be a fantasy."

At this moment, Xu Feng did not think of what means to retain. The soul power of the current eightyth order broke out directly, and it was necessary to display it in a magical environment.

The old man of the one of the spirits, his look suddenly became a bit sluggish, but in this moment of time, Xu Feng's blood red light tears everything.

"Ground killing!"

The second form of killing the fist, the blood-red fist, madly attacked the old man of the spirit of the Emperor, the violent fist squatting on the body of the old man.


The old man only felt the power of the majestic, as if destroying his internal organs, the whole person spurted out a blood, and the whole person directly quit.

"Day, I didn't read it wrong, Xu Feng actually pressed a good spirit to fight?" The people on the side of the crowd, now feel the pressure, is this really the battle between the seven spirits and the one spirit?

Shouldn’t it be that a spirit emperor pressed the seven spirits to fight?

Many people's faces have become weird, and no one has thought that this is the case.


The old man of the one-off spirit, his eyes are crazy killing, he did not expect his own class of spirit, even assassination failed.

Moreover, he was also beaten by a seven-character spirit. This is the biggest shame to him. At this moment, he only wants to kill Xu Feng, and he can wash away such shame.

Xu Feng looked at the one that was attacked by the spirit of the Emperor. The golden light of his body broke out, and the body of the spirit of the body was full and the golden light rose.

Xu Feng is very clear that the reason why he can compete against each other is because this person is a killer. His greatest means is assassination, not a battle of fairness.

Therefore, in front of the battle, Xu Feng is not afraid of this person.

Of course, Xu Feng also wants to be grateful, that is, his soul power has been upgraded to the 80th order, and he has been able to display the illusion of the martial arts just now, and then with the killing of the boxing, a hit.

"Kid, you have to die!"

The old man of the one spirit, the spiritual power of his body rushed wildly, and the horrible suffocating in front of him constantly condensed.

(Forty-one more sent, today's update is not over, the local friends who are rewarding, after your end of the forty-fourth, will thank you for adding one more, visually today more than fifty! Thank you for your support. I hope that the brothers and sisters of the college entrance examination will be admitted to the ideal university. It will not be as hard as a lot of people. Write a novel and ask people to pay for it! Thanks to those who support a lot!)

(End of this chapter)

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