The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1661: The killer of the ghost (40 or more)

Chapter 1661, the killer of the ghost (40 or more)

Time is always like a gap.

Three days, quietly passed away.

In that small space, Xu Feng’s soul power has undergone tremendous transformation. He is full of powerful momentum, and the soul power makes people feel suffocated.

"This time is really lucky. If it is not this space, my soul power may not be able to break through the 80th order." Xu Feng took a deep breath.

He did not expect that his soul power became so horrible, and he wanted to break through to the eighty-order order. If it were not the powerful power of the stars in this space, he would even be refining the red sky. Can not be promoted to the 80th order, his soul is too thick.

Xu Feng did not know that when he was in the space of the madness of the refining of the stars, the two old figures outside, almost did not spur three liters.

"I am going, Xu Wei, is your ambiguous idea. What did the kid do in the end? He refines so many star stones?" Huo old groaned his eyes and looked at the white powders piled up around him. That is the power of the star stone to be swallowed up by the stars, the powder left behind.

Huo old blame is really wanting to cry without tears, so many star stone consumption, even if it is the refining guild can not afford to eat, to know the entire refining guild, although there are many refiners, it seems that the money is rolling.

However, the consumption is also extremely huge.

Especially the consumption of star stone, we must know that every refiner needs a star stone every day.

Xu Wei was also a bit wrong at the moment. He didn't think of Xu Feng as a kid. He practiced in this space for three days and made such a big move.

Moreover, refining so many star stones.

"If this kid is not willing to join our refining guild, I will let you be a coolie!"

Xu Wei couldn't help but scream.

"Time is up, let the kid out, or he is afraid to absorb this space." Huo old whispered to Xu Wei.

Xu Wei nodded. He directly opened the space again. He said: "Xu Feng stinky boy, three days have arrived, hurry out."

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Xu Feng stepped out of the space and he appeared in front of Xu Wei and Huo Laoji. He found that both of them stared at him with their eyes shining.

Huo’s old man’s heart was shocked. I don’t know why. He found that he only saw it for three days. He felt that Xu Feng was like a person.

Xu Wei came back from the shock. He looked at Xu Feng and said, "Boy, what kind of monster are you? In just three days, how many star stones do you refine?"

Hearing the words of Xu Wei, Xu Feng looked at the side and suddenly looked a little surprised. He looked at the powder of the piles of star stones.

He finally understood why the two guys stared at themselves, refining so many star stones in three days, and they have not seen any strangeness, how they are not shocked.

You know, it is impossible to refine so many stars in three days.

Of course, Xu Feng can't tell them that they have the heart of the soul, and the speed of absorbing and refining the star stone is very fast, and it can be transformed into a soul power.

Although, Huo Laoqu and Xu Weiren seem to be very good, but the heart of the soul is really too precious, Xu Feng is not sure that the two are really not tempted.

"Two predecessors, I am sorry, I really don't know that I refine so many stars." Xu Feng cast apologetic eyes on the two.

"This thing does not blame you." Huo old whispered to Xu Feng, then looked at Xu Wei, said: "Xu Wei, just now you said that you are responsible for Xu Feng consumption of the star stone, you Don't go back."

"Ah! Thank you, Xu Wei, senior!"

Xu Feng hurriedly thanked Xu Wei for his respectful dedication.

I know, Xu Wei’s words are stuck in the throat. He didn’t say anything like this. It’s all about Huo’s strangeness in pit and giving him a pit.

However, Xu Feng expressed his gratitude. If he continued to argue, wouldn’t he be stingy?

Looking at the consumption of so many star stones, his mouth is slightly shaking.

"This time it really is going to be bleeding."

"Ha ha ha!"

Huo old blame looked at Xu Heng’s sore expression, and couldn’t help but laughed hahaha.

Xu Feng stood on one side and looked awkward. He didn't know what Huo Laoji suddenly laughed.

"Xu Feng... How about considering it, can you join our refining guild?"

Huo old blame looked at Xu Feng and asked directly.

His look has become dignified, without the kind of joke that just made a joke.

"President, I am willing to join your refining guild."

Xu Feng nodded to Huo, and nodded.

"Ha ha ha ... not bad, since you join our refining guild, always give you an identity, and later you are the honorary elder of the refining guild."

Xu Feng became the honorary elder of the refining guild, almost the same treatment as the eight esteemed teachers, but no one else is not convinced, who makes Xu Feng so young, talent so good?

Until the evening, Xu Feng finally completed all the things. He ended up in the refining contest and entered the refining guild. He did not say hello to Shu Runxue and others. He was afraid of a few people worried, and he went to the refining guild. The yard is gone.

"Xu Feng, you remember from time to time to come to the refining guild."

Huo old blame is very happy after Xu Feng joined the refining guild.

He personally sent Xu Feng to the front of the refining guild, and he turned to the refining guild.

In the evening of the ancient city of Kyushu, the sun in the distance is like blood, and the blood-red clouds are extraordinarily bright.

The entire ancient city of Kyushu has become very lively, even if it is already in the evening, there are still many people.

Be aware that as time goes on, the Kyushu Hegemony is about to begin.

Many people are coming to the ancient battle platform.

You must know that in the ancient battle platform of the ancient city of Kyushu, it is the battlefield of the strongmen of ancient times, and many of them have died.

There are a lot of treasures of the Emperor of the Emperor, and there may even be a powerful inheritance. Many people are not willing to miss this opportunity.

Xu Feng walked on the street and his face was calm.

"Damn? Is there a killer?"

Xu Feng's heart is still restless, this feeling is exactly the same as the previous killer two killers, his heart is dark and dignified.

"It seems that the killer organization is really not ready to let me go. The people who arrange it once are stronger than one time. I can't take it lightly this time."

Xu Feng’s face was dignified, but he did not show it.

"Since it is the killer of the killing organization, then I will go to a crowded place, so that I can be safer." Xu Feng’s heart has an idea, he suddenly turns to a crowded place, and the speed is also fast. stand up.

"Damn, have you been discovered?"

The old man of the singer's slaying organization, his eyes slightly smashed, and the speed under his feet was also very fast, and he continued to chase toward Xu Feng.

(Forty, forty, forty, and more, ask where the local tyrants are, the local tyrants, where did you go, where did you go, and many more are waiting for you here! Tonight, a lot of code words, After updating the forty chapters, all the updates have been completed. Next, there are four chapters to protect the bottom. I will write it all night tonight. After someone will enjoy the rewards during the day, I will continue to write the code words that I will not sleep for one day and one night. I hope that everyone will understand and understand. Reading a book every day is just a few cents. I hope everyone will come to QQ to read and read!)

(End of this chapter)

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