The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1648: The seventh floor (the twenty-seventh)

Chapter 1648, seventh floor (27th)

The second day of the first round of the refining contest.

The entrance to the refining guild is particularly lively. It is necessary to know that entering the refining tower, but many good things that the refiners are eager for, it is also a great opportunity.

The refining soul tower is a total of nine layers. Each layer can refine the soul power of the refiner, which can greatly enhance the soul power. If it is used properly, it can enhance the first-order soul power.

For the seven refiners, their soul power has almost reached the level of seventy, and it is extremely difficult to improve the first-order soul power.

In the refining tower, in just seven days, you can improve the first order. Isn't that a very good thing?

Even some people directly promote the power of the second-order soul.

One hundred refiners stood in front of the dark refining tower.

Xu Feng looked at the tower of the refining soul towering high. He felt the mysterious breath coming from the refining tower, and his soul heart was jumping.

"You, congratulations, you have the qualification to enter the refining tower for seven days of cultivation, and to refine the soul power in the refining tower, but it has great effect and I wish you good luck."

Huo old stranger stood in front of the refining tower.

I saw the moment he finished, the dark key in his hand flew out and rushed straight out toward the soul tower.

Suddenly, the refining tower is like a dark light, and it is extremely strange and incomparable.


A crisp sound rang, above the dark soul tower, the thick door slammed open, and a cold, chilly wind blew over.

"go in."

Huo old blame to everyone.


Suddenly, some people began to rush into the soul tower, they are very clear, in the soul tower, the higher the number of layers, the better the cultivation effect.

In particular, the tempering of the soul power is a greatly increased effect.

Xu Feng did not hesitate, but also went to the soul tower.

"You said who can get to the seventh floor of the soul tower?"

Outside the refining tower, as many refiners entered, some began to ask.

"I think that Yu can be reached. It is said that his soul power reaches the seventy-ninth order, and the infinity is close to the eighty-order, which is a very powerful soul power."

Someone looked at the figure of Yu Dacheng who entered the refining tower. He wanted to know the family Yujia where Yu Da was located. It was originally a refining family of thousands of years.

Among them, Yu Jiake has the existence of the nine masters, and that Yu can have such achievements, and there is such a talent, naturally not simple.

"I don't know the power of Xu Feng's soul. I am very curious about his soul power." Some people are very curious about Xu Feng's soul power.

They know that Xu Feng is a refiner, but he is curious about Xu Feng's soul power. After all, such a young seven-productor is really rare.

"However, at the age of twenty-seven and seventeen years old, his soul power is estimated to be normal." Some people think that Xu Feng is too young, the talent of the refiner is so powerful, and the soul power may not be strong.

As everyone entered the first floor of the refining tower, everyone climbed to the second floor of the refining tower. All of them were seven refiners, their soul power, and the third layer was not. Any questions.

Yu can stare at Xu Feng with his eyes gloomy. "Xu Feng, if you have the ability to surpass my refining tower, I will look at you."

"Hey! Pen!"

Who knows, Xu Feng directly ignores the taunts and runs of Yu Da, directly spit out two words, and the body jumps directly toward the second layer of the soul tower.

"Xu Feng, I will make you die very badly."

Yu Da did not expect Xu Feng to dare to blame himself, suddenly his face was full of sorrow, his speed was also very fast, and soon came to the entrance of the second floor of the refining tower.

Xu Feng is behind Yu Da, and is also close to the entrance to the second floor. There are also a few other seven-product stencils and seven best smelters, all coming to the entrance.

"Xu Feng, I advise you to hurry to roll it. When my soul is under pressure, you can't bear it." Yu Da is on the surface reminding Xu Feng, but actually humiliating Xu Feng.

"How are you so much nonsense, do you believe that if you continue to provoke me, I don't know what you call your name?" Xu Feng glanced at Yu Can.

Who knows Yu can laugh: "Xu Feng, in this refining tower, but it is forbidden to use hands, at most you can use the soul to attack each other, but you will?"

When Yu can talk about it here, his face has a proud look.

In his view, his own martial arts cultivation and strength is not Xu Feng's opponent, but his soul power is seventy-nine steps, he does not think that Xu Feng's soul power can have any influence on him.

“Is Zhenima sick?”

Xu Feng stunned Yu to get a look and walked toward the second floor.

Suddenly, his body, like several others, appeared on the second floor of the refining tower.

Yu can also follow.

Their speed is very fast. In a short time, they came to the third floor of the refining tower. Xu Feng obviously felt that the jump of his soul heart became more fierce.

However, the third floor has caused many people to stop, and only a small number of people continue to climb. Their goal is certainly not the third floor of the soul tower.

As Xu Feng quickly came to the fourth floor of the refining tower, Yu can be a little shocked. To know that he can come to the fourth floor of the refining tower, which means that Xu Feng's soul power is not weak.

"How is it possible that his age is so small, his strength is so strong, and his soul power is also very strong now. Is he still not a human?"

Yu Can’s inner feelings even felt that Xu Feng was a monster. They both appeared on the fourth floor of the refining tower. It seems that both of them are secretly competing.

Yu can taunt Xu Feng every time, but he found that after Xu Feng was too lazy to take care of him, he did not continue to talk about Xu Feng's troubles.

"Xu Feng, you can't reach the sixth floor, give up!" Yu can look at Xu Feng, with a strong smile on his face, and the two came to the fifth floor.

"Can I get to the sixth floor? If you know it with your mouth, you won't have only seven best products."

Xu Feng can be said to have never given Yu to face, the soul power of his body finally began to flow, and the strange light constantly wrapped Xu Feng's body.

Not far from Yu Can's big eyes, he felt the seventy-order soul power exuded by Xu Feng, even more powerful than her 70th order.


Xu Feng went directly to the sixth floor of the refining tower. The Yu can be behind him is like a ghost, but also catches up with the sixth layer of the soul tower.

This time, Yu Da has not ridiculed Xu Feng, his face has become dignified, he knows that he is about to open the seventh floor of the door, in order to better practice.

Xu Feng’s gaze is not over. He stares at the seventh floor of the refining tower.


(Twenty sent, twenty sent, and twenty sent, this is not the end, just the beginning, the next update, a lot of updates, constant updates, desperate updates, a lot of this is true I’m really eager to make a living. I really hope that everyone will be pitiful and pitiful to read and read QQ, guarantee the forty-fourth, and then add more conditions, 10,000 book coins to reward the update chapter, no limit, recommended tickets into 50 Add a chapter, recommend the forty in front of the ticket, add two chapters, and so on, and spend a lot of time with you crazy, in the season of the college entrance examination, a lot of you to accompany you cool!)

(End of this chapter)

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