The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1647: 闯炼魂塔(26)

Chapter 1647 闯 闯 soul tower (26)

"I understand... The main purpose of using this scented smoked grass is to neutralize the strength of the snow-flowered flower. Then, this snow-silver flower and the meditation of the smoked grass will make the effect of Tianxiangdan better and also able to Remove that side effect."

When he said that he was here, he stared at Xu Feng with a shock, and said with admiration: "Little brother, you are a genius, and you have been studying the properties of medicinal herbs at a young age. It really makes me wait. ""

"Our old things, only to improve their level of alchemy in the past, but rarely to understand the medicinal herbs. Now reach the eight-class respect, only know that any medicinal herbs have high value, research can improve the level of alchemy. You really made the old man feel very embarrassed."

Eight-faced teacher said to Xu Feng.

Many people looked at the attitude of the eight-character teacher to Xu Feng, and each one was extremely shocking.

Those who used to think that Xu Feng was a waste had a trembling heart.

In particular, some of the most vocal words say Xu Feng, the refining Tianxiang Dan is a broken Dan, and even more red-faced.

What kind of jokes, the eight-pronged masters are full of praise for Tianxiang Dan, how can such a drug be broken Dan.

"Xu Feng, Tian Xiang Dan, quality..."

The eight-faced teacher said here, his face with a shocking color, said: "Nine-nine!"


"How is it possible? Nine-nine-quality Tianxiang Dan?"

Someone immediately issued a questioning voice, knowing that the ninety-nine of Tianxiang Dan, it means the effect of calming, almost immediately taken immediately.

"How old is this kid, how can he refine the quality of the ninety-nine-quality medicinal herbs?" Next to Xu Feng's seven-character smelter, he widened his eyes with an unbelievable look.

When the Eight Senses Master knows that he has announced the quality of the medicinal herbs, it will definitely cause an uproar.

However, he actually felt that this day Xiangdan should be a 10% remedy, but he felt that there was no perfect medicine in the world, so he said that it was ninety-nine.

In fact, he really can't find the Tianxiang Dan of Xu Feng's refining. In the end, there are any problems. This remedy is almost perfect.

"Predecessors, are you feeling wrong, how can there be a ninety-nine medicinal herbs?"

Yu can have a high status, so he directly questioned.

With Yu Dacheng questioning, many people have started to squat.

"You can't refine the medicinal herbs of ninety-nine. It doesn't mean that others can't refine them. I know that you feel that you are from a family of eternal masters."

"Since you feel that I feel wrong, then please come over. I will give you this Tianxiang Dan, you feel it yourself."

"But if this day Xiangdan is really ninety-nine quality, you have to give a million to the liquid to Xu Feng, after all, this Tianxiang Dan belongs to him."

Eight products respected the teacher to Yu Yu, directly said.

"Hey, a million supreme liquids is nothing to me. I don't believe that anyone can refine the ninety-nine yuan of medicinal herbs." Yu Dacheng looked at the eight-pronged master, who appeared directly in front of Xu Feng. , said: "We are the ancestors of the Yu family, that is the existence of the nine masters of the emperor, he can not refine the medicinal herbs of ninety-nine, he refining."

"Don't talk nonsense, this Tianxiang Dan will be handed over to you."

The eight-character retreat handed the Tian Xiang Dan to Yu Da.

Yu can take over Tianxiangdan, his eyes fell on Xu Feng, with envy and hate, his heart is very clear at this moment, even if this Tianxiang Danda is less than ninety-nine quality, it also surpassed his 95%. The quality of Tianxiang Dan.

Yu Da did not expect that in this world, there are still people's talents for refining, which is even stronger than their own Yu Can.


Yu can take Tianxiangdan and put it directly into his mouth. He feels the scent of a burst of scent, and the rich potency is transformed into pure spiritual power, which flows toward his limbs.

He only felt that his pores were relaxing, and his eyes were empty, and he couldn't wait to sit and practice.

With the constant flow of pure medicine, Yu can really can't help it. He actually sat cross-legged and began to practice calmly.

The spiritual power around them rushed toward the body of Yu Can, like the spiritual power of flowing water, which played a big role in Yu Can.

About half an hour later, Tian Xiangdan's drug power finally dissipated a lot. Yu can feel his own cultivation, and it seems that there have been many improvements.

"The genius of the family of Wannian, may you ask Tianxiang Dan that you just took, can it be defective?" Eight-faced respected teacher looked at Yu can open his eyes, he taunted mercilessly.

The old man in front of him can become a teacher of eight qualities. Naturally, he has his own talents. He was a junior in the field of refining, and in the presence of so many people, he was very angry inside.

Xu Feng is not the same. He is asking Xu Feng. It is not shameful to ask, not shameful.

Yu Can's face is ugly.

He stood up and said: "Hey, I can't detect the defects in this day, but it doesn't mean that others can't detect it. I still don't think it's a good quality medicine."

Everyone can hear that Yu can be arrogant.

The old man of the eight-faced teacher is a little angry.

Huo old blame stood up and said: "Yu Can, you Yujia is a family of thousands of years, we are not worthy of dealing with you. Why not, you do not participate in the refining contest next time?"

Huo’s old voice sounded, and many people were shocked.

Everyone can hear that the president of the refining guild is angry.

Although Huo’s tone of eccentricity seems to praise the birth of Yu Da, it is actually expressing his dissatisfaction.

"Hey, I just want to participate. I want to tell you all the refiners in Kyushu Seoul. I am Yuhua's talents, beyond your imagination."

Yu Da knows that he participated in the refining contest this time. It can be said that the face is lost, everything is blaming Xu Feng.

Moreover, he is not likely to have a good relationship with Huo Laoqi and others.

Simply think of it: "In any case, I only need to participate in the competition to get the first place. When I get the Red Sky Soul Dan, I didn't expect Baihao to be a teacher."

"This is one million supreme liquid, even if he refines Tianxiang Dan, it is a ninety-nine-nine medicinal medicine." Yu Dao took out one million sacred liquid and handed it to the eight-pronged master, and glanced at it. Xu Feng.

Xu Feng is also welcome, and will collect one million of the supreme liquid.

He is no less than the disciples of the big family such as Yu Da, a million million liquid is not a small number for Xu Feng.

Next, the eight-faced teacher constantly checked the quality of Tianxiangdan.

At about an hour, all qualities are recorded.

Xu Feng won the first place in the first round of comparison, Yu can reach the second place. Of course, as long as he enters the top 100, he can enter the refining tower of the refining guild. This is a great practice for many refiners. The chance.

(End of this chapter)

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