Almost, but does your mother want to come with you? Eddie looked at Tamina in the kitchen and didn't understand why Graham wanted his wife to leave.

Ashley looked a little weird, My mother is beautiful, right?

Eddie nodded, She is indeed beautiful. It is indeed rare for a woman to look like this at her age.

Ashley snorted, Don't hit my mother's attention, I tell you, this is impossible!

Eddie spit out the coffee and coughed twice before he could breathe again. What are you thinking about? It's your father's instructions. I'm just making a routine inquiry.

Ashley blinked her beautiful eyes and said with some vague understanding, Oh, that's it. Then I'll ask my mother. After that, she jumped into the kitchen.

Eddie touched his forehead lightly, why did this Ashley look even more childish than Rebecca? Well, this should be called a girlish heart. After all, Vitality Girl Wesker!

The mother and daughter in the kitchen seemed to be talking about something. Taimina became a little excited, then a little sad. She didn't know what she said, and finally walked out of the kitchen.

Eddie, Graham asked you to take me to work in your company? Taimina quickly recovered and was still magnanimous, without a hint of sadness.

Not really, it's just a routine inquiry. He probably doesn't worry about Ashley. After all, my reputation is not very good, which is understandable. Eddie shrugged.

Taimina smiled and said, You seem to be quite sincere. I have met many men, many of whom pursue me and my daughter, but without exception, they are all chasing money and power.

After a pause, Taimina observed Eddie's expression and said slowly, I can see that you are a very sincere person. This is almost unbelievable among capitalists. Do you think I should go?

Eddie took out the cigarette, Do you mind if I smoke?

Tamina took out a cigarette herself, I don't mind, I also have the habit of smoking.

Eddie threw a cigarette over and said, Smoke this one. This is a medicinal cigarette. It costs two hundred thousand dollars a pack. Very few people can afford it. This one is good for the body and has no other disadvantages except that it is expensive.

It's really expensive, a pack of 20 cigarettes. A cigarette costs 10,000 US dollars, which is almost half a year's income for an ordinary person.

Who would go without eating or drinking for half a year just to smoke a cigarette? Isn't this so damn sick?

I can only say that it’s great to have money. If the author had money, why would he be able to make instant noodles every day? He would definitely eat out every now and then with a beautiful woman by his side. It’s nice to have money, maybe that’s what it means to be a man.

Tamina picked up the cigarette and saw that her daughter Ashley was already lighting up the medicinal cigarette very skillfully and started smoking it, she frowned and was a little curious.

In my opinion, men are just acting for the occasion. Either they are too deep into the drama and cannot look back, or they have no feelings. I have no doubt about this, but I don't cover myself up, so you can see that my reputation is not good. .”

But in my opinion, it will be beneficial if you go along. Being able to see Ashley at any time is a benefit. In addition, you may be able to find some new goals in life. Safety will also be guaranteed, and no one can take advantage of me. You can still leave if you cause trouble on your territory. Eddie looked very proud, full of toughness and confidence.

Tamina smoked a cigarette quietly, lost in thought. The cigarette smoke, combined with her light makeup, really made her look psychedelic and beautiful.

Mom, just follow us. Father will be safe here. Don't worry about him. Since he has to work, let him work. Those senators will always have endless work to do. Meetings, and parties that can't be excused. Ashley frowned as she spoke, obviously disgusted.

Okay, I will follow you. Eddie, please take care of me from now on. Tamina stretched out her white hands.

Eddie also reached out and shook his hand, Don't take it seriously. Life is still guaranteed. If you have any questions, you can tell me at any time.

Just rest here tonight. I also have some things to deal with. I can't leave until the day after tomorrow at the earliest. You can take a walk here in the past two days. There is an amusement park in the city. You can go and see it. Taimina said After that, he got up and went into the kitchen, apparently to prepare dinner.

After drinking and eating, Eddie sat on the sofa and looked at the computer. He was still browsing knowledge about electronic engineering. Now the magnetic field ability can help him realize precise experiments. If he has some ideas, he can realize them.

Such as making incredible weapons, laser pulses and more.

Ashley was humming a little tune, relying on her girlfriend, and still browsing books on the aviation industry. Her mission this time was to assist Alexia in building an original model of an aviation spacecraft.

Making experimental samples and slowly improving them is the safest method.

Relatively speaking, it only consumes money and time, but what Eddie lacks most is money and time.

Living a life span of two thousand years is very boring, so I have to find something to do.

Until late at night, Taimina made another supper and took out a bottle of red wine, which seemed a little sad. After all, she said she was going to take care of her daughter, but she was actually driven away.

There is no divorce, just for profit, to hang on to a name, and then go out to have fun. House flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers. This is understandable.

After a late-night snack, both Ashley and Tamina were drunk, which proved that if you can't handle it, don't drink!

Only Lisa still had sparkling eyes and didn’t even yawn. How could she be drunk with just a little red wine? Give me a break.

After a night, Eddie hummed a tune and walked out of the room to exercise.

It was only when he walked to the courtyard that he realized that he seemed to have gone to the wrong room last night, right? Is it an illusion?

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 511: William who was stunned

After escaping to a secluded place, Wesker arrived here on a yacht without waiting long.

The two worked together to carry half of Sadler's body onto the plane and left to avoid being found by agents from the Iberian Kingdom.

The ship previously sent away by Sadler sailed to the British Island, and Anluka accepted this group of scientific researchers, You have been internationally wanted, and only I can save you. Give me a job, and you can live. I am Heir to Sanlian Company, you may have heard of it, and you must know that I will do what I say!”

After recruiting these scientific researchers, Anluka began to let them restore the Plaka parasite and develop corresponding biochemical weapons to make money. Also being studied is the power-enhancing project of the Plaka parasite, which ensures that, like the progenitor virus, it can give people strength, speed and a large amount of lifespan.

On an island in the South Pacific, William is still studying the new G virus here. The improved G virus has reduced some of its mutagenicity, retains controllability, and can also keep people awake.

Boom! An intelligence officer opened the door to the room, handed over a document bag, placed it on the table and left.

William didn't pay attention at all, but continued his research work. He didn't have some rest time until the experiment was completed. This was a habit of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

After William completed today's experiment, he picked up the folder. In the file, he saw a photo of his wife, which made him confused.

But then he saw a girl with bright eyes and white teeth next to his wife, which made him feel extremely angry.

William had already announced his wife's death while he was in Raccoon City, and even held a hypocritical funeral for his wife Annette.

William's obsession with experiments caused him to neglect his family. And he also asked Annette to be a spy to trick Eddie. As a result, he lost both his wife and his daughter.

Annette is not dead! Annette is not dead. Damn it, this bitch actually gave birth to a daughter with someone else! Damn it! William roared at the top of his lungs in the laboratory, constantly beating the wall and smashing things. on the ground.

When Wesker came back, he found that the laboratory was in such a mess that he even thought there was a thief.

But when he saw his friend William sitting on the floor without saying a word, he saw a lone wolf grooming his injuries. I brought Sadler back, but he is already dead. His strength is very good, and all aspects of combat data are excellent. But after the mutation, his combat effectiveness plummeted, and the ability to control other Plaka can continue to be developed.

William sat calmly on the broken chair, Do you know who Annette is with?

Wesker frowned, I don't know, I know she has appeared in Europe, the Far East, and even Oceania!

Is it possible for Eddie? William thought of a person, that guy with weird behavior.

Wesker thought for a moment and then shook his head, I don't think it's possible, Alex, you know.

William's expression became serious at this time, You know, didn't she run away with half of Spencer's property? That woman does things flawlessly, and she is a person I admire.

This is true admiration from the bottom of my heart. In addition to her talent and learning, what’s more important is Alex’s own temperament. Noble and admirable, he was willing to be used by her. And they are completely unaware that they are being used. This is the biggest problem.

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