Crazy! Wesker picked up his pistol and kept attacking Sadler, shooting out all the bullets. Sadler was still not dead.

Poof! Sadler stretched out a large and long turtle needle from the bottom of his robe, directly piercing Wesker's shoulder, holding him up and shaking continuously in the air.

Do you think I'm that weak? If you don't obey, then you can die. Sadler grinned and slammed Wesker down from a height of three meters.

Even after being strengthened by the virus, Wesker felt so much pain that he almost lost consciousness.

Chris, who just arrived, immediately used an assault rifle to attack Sadler continuously, and moved while attacking, Wesker! What are you doing here? Get out of my way.

Chris was not happy to see his old enemy injured. According to his idea, Wesker must be killed by him in order to be considered as revenge.

Wesker was also a little surprised. When did his old rival come over? So he quickly got up and said, Humph, you don't have to worry about what I do. Kill him and destroy all biological and chemical weapons!

Although he didn't know what his old rival was doing, Chris chose to let Wesker go and deal with the mastermind in front of him first, Sadler, you have been surrounded. If you surrender now, you can still live!

Sadler kept sneering, Humph, do you really think I will die? You are so naive, let me show you the true power of Plaka!

Sadler, who was sneering, was suddenly hit in the head by a sniper rifle. Pierce, the newcomer next to Chris, was shot to death using a powerful sniper rifle modified by BSAA weapons expert Kendo!

Sadler, whose head exploded, just stood there in a daze, and then fell down as the sea breeze blew!

Facts have proved that the weakness of all living things is in the head. Even if the head is exploded, even if it is not dead, it will not survive long.

Just when Chris was about to send someone to recover Sadler's body.

Sadler's body began to mutate, an ugly head grew out again, the entire body was burst, and finally turned into a spider-like monster.

It's just that there is a ferocious head on the back of the spider, which can be vaguely seen as Sadler, and Sadler also has a huge eyeball in his mouth. Haha, you can't believe it, I can still be alive, but today you are all going to die!

The rampaging Sadler kept throwing nearby steel materials and oil drums, suppressing Chris and unable to raise his head.

On the other side, Clausa also fainted under the blows of various rocket launchers, and a large ball of blood flowed out, making him look like he was dead.

But Eddie saw at a glance that Krausa was not dead, so he said, Pack up his body and transport it away. The body is still of great use.

Krausa, who was transported to the rear, found that he was still alive and had a note in his hand. Krausa nodded after reading it. He killed the guards while they were not paying attention. Before the guards could react, he jumped directly into the vast Mediterranean Sea and disappeared.

Chapter 509: The First Lady of the Federation

Team Chris is besieging the mutated Sadler, and the combined fleet here is also in trouble. It was a headache for me to be attacked by a monster that came out of the ground from time to time. Fortunately, this monster was not very lethal and could only strangle people to death with one tentacle.

Only one unlucky guy was strangled to death, and the ground was bombarded with shock bombs instead. This monster couldn't stand it and quickly got out of the ground, appearing extremely ugly.

This is a centaur-shaped monster. The right side is a human hand, and the left side becomes a tentacle. The mouthparts are very long, almost like a licker. It's covered in growth and looks very disgusting, as if it's the product of a mixture of human genes and various insect genes.

Many people vomited immediately after seeing it. They had never seen such a disgusting monster.

Whoosh! Nothing is settled, quantum mechanics. A rocket launcher flew over and blew the centaur U3 monster away.

A rocket launcher caused this monster to have one of its legs and one hand broken off. Its back was broken, and a huge earthworm-like parasite protruded out, as well as two sickle-like pliers that could directly snap and cut the prey. In half!

It's a pity that this parasite didn't even have time to show its strength. Another rocket launcher flew over, and this rocket launcher directly sent the parasite and its host U3 to the direct train to hell.

Eddie whistled, It's actually very simple. There's nothing that one rocket launcher can't solve. If anything, it's two!

This theory really left people speechless. Sheva even rolled her eyes, It's difficult to carry a rocket launcher.

Then bring more, and let that old man Kendo invent more useful rocket launchers. Eddie continued to tease his father-in-law. Kendo's daughter Emma is his wife, and Kendo is his advantage. Father-in-law?

Gunships also flew over and began to provide air support, suppressing the monsters below with firepower.

Some difficult monsters were torn into pieces under the powerful firepower. The humanoid monster regenerator, which could not be killed, encountered a large-caliber machine gun and was directly beaten to pieces together with the parasites in its body.

When Eddie and Sheva arrived at the boat port at the rear, they found that Sadler's body was missing. Instead, the ugly spider fell on the steel plate. The spider was also missing half, and seemed to have been cut in the middle.

Chris, are you okay? You guys are really good at playing. You all like to cut them off. Eddie joked.

Chris shook his head, It wasn't us, it was Wesker. He defeated Sadler with us, but he stole half of the body.

Your old lover? Ahem, old enemy. Well, you are really enemies. If he is not related to the Illuminati Cult, then you can track him down later. Eddie waved his hand and prepared to return to the landing point.

Chris looked alone at the distance of the sea, where Wesker escaped in a speedboat.

One day later, it was taken over by the European Union, even though it belonged to the Kingdom of Iberia. But everyone has seen the benefits of parasites. They can strengthen the human body to a certain extent without losing their mind.

If the secret can be cracked, it may become a new era tool, a super soldier!

Eddie didn't care about this, and Louis was recruited by the United Nations' BSAA as an exclusive researcher.

Eddie returned to the Western Federation and had a meal with the outgoing Mr. Greenham. The latter thanked Eddie and expressed his desire to continue cooperation in the future.

Well, your suggestion is good. In fact, after resigning, it is good to do something else. Sometimes you can make a lot of money by making an image background board. I will take Ashley away. Don't worry, I I will take good care of her. Eddie smiled.

Then I'm sorry to bother you. She is still in her hometown in New Jersey with my wife. I will be assisting my assistant Adam in the campaign and may not have time to go back. If you come over, please help me explain. Mr. Graham smiled.

Well, is it because the wild cats here are unforgettable for you? Eddie asked suspiciously.

Haha, you really are. As a man, if you don't play around, how can you still be called a man? I love my wife very much. Compared with this, I prefer to pursue my career. Greenham did not shy away. When it came to him In this position, thick skin is a necessary skill.

Is it because the impact of divorce is bad, so you don't want to get divorced? Eddie tried.

Of course, people on our path will not get divorced easily. There will be a lot of trouble. Unless you don't follow this path, why, you seem to be interested in running for office? Greenham asked.

No, no, I don't have this idea. I don't mean anything. I prefer to be more leisurely. By the way, do you need me to hire my wife to work in Europe? She is far away from the Federation and can still take care of Ashley, but I need you. Help me lower my trade threshold! Eddie stated the terms of exchange.

No problem. As long as your business volume is large enough and the tax payment will increase, I can help you reduce it. Greenham said that there is no problem. As long as the conditions are sufficient, he can use some means to turn things around.

After eating, Eddie got on the helicopter and headed to New Jersey, intending to pick up Ashley. You can't just eat everything and then wipe it clean and not admit it, right? That's a scumbag, not even a human being, that's a beast.

Ding dong, Eddie pressed the doorbell.

After a while, the sound of high heels came, and a gorgeous middle-aged white woman opened the room. Time has not taken away her appearance, but has added mature charm, making her extremely lethal to men. .

Hello, you are Eddie. Thank you very much for saving my daughter. I am Tai Mina. I am very happy to meet you. You are more handsome than the newspaper. Tai Mina said with a smile. As the president's wife, Her temperament is very noble.

Eddie stretched out his hand and shook the other person's hand, Thank you, madam. You are also very beautiful. You are (one of) the most beautiful women I have ever seen.

Oh, thank you. I'm an old woman. Please come in. Ashley is still upstairs. Just wait a moment and I'll pour you a cup of coffee! Tamina smiled very gently, charmingly, and stepped on The high heels are graceful.

Is such a woman an old woman? How do young people live? Please give the author such a woman to end his tragic single life.

Chapter 510: Wrong place, friend

Soon Ashley came down from upstairs. She changed into a fashionable outfit today and added light makeup to make her look even more beautiful. Especially if a girl is like her mother, if her daughter is so beautiful, her mother must be beautiful too.

Eddie! You are here, hehe, I knew you would come to pick me up. By the way, I have packed my things. Shall we leave in the afternoon? Ashley was very happy after seeing her sweetheart. After all, she is herself Sold himself to Eddie for a hundred years.

Besides, after seeing Eddie's strength, no woman would refuse such a strong man. And after trying the strength of the other party, no woman will want to leave, even if she is beaten to death!

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