On the main island, there were still mercenaries and naval soldiers retreating. A large number of one-armed monsters rushed over. Their retractable arms posed a great threat and were completely impossible to guard against.

This is Echo Team Six. We're on the plane, tracking the escaped Alfred. Jettingham reported over the radio.

Your mission is to continue to track him, capture him and bring him to justice, and execute him if necessary! General Morgan said coldly.

Copy that. Jedingham was confused. This was normal. At least in some extreme cases, he could only be shot to death but not captured alive.

General Morgan picked up the phone again, Rachel, Sheila, Parker. You take the combat team and set off to support the Sixth Echo Team.

Rachel is reading parenting information in her apartment, and she has plans to take maternity leave. All she could do was give her husband Eddie a child, a boy or a girl.

After receiving General Morgan's order, Rachel's beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of displeasure. She hated taking on missions during her vacation. Yes, but I require double vacation compensation, and I also need to be exempted from any mission requirements during the period.

General Morgan was very unhappy that the other party dared to bargain with him, This is an order!

Then I choose to resign! In the past, Rachel would never have dared to say this. She dares to say this now entirely because of the courage Jiang Yifu gave her. If she doesn't feel happy, don't do it. He will support her.

You! Okay, after this mission, I will give you a month's leave. General Morgan was a little unhappy, but he had to admit that Rachel's mission success rate was indeed very high and she was agile. She was a fierce general. .

After successfully bargaining, Rachel stood up and stretched. She was able to see her husband again. What could be more joyful than this?

It takes five hours to get to the Antarctic Research Institute from Rockfort Island. Eddie suddenly found that the plane had been locked and set to auto-cruise mode.

It was discovered. Now the plane is locked. We don't know where it will fly to. Eddie said calmly.

What! Jedingham exclaimed.

Marissa, who had a bright red afro, didn't look very good. When Siena went over to check, she realized, Are you injured?

Marissa nodded, took out a pistol and handed it over, I was caught by those hunters. Kill me before I mutate.

Siena was a little in disbelief, Aren't those hunters non-venomous?

She should be talking about sweepers, an improved version of hunter-killers. The hunter-killers on Rockfort Island can be controlled. Let them kill whoever they want. That is a truly controllable weapon. Eddie Looking at the transport plane.

King Ada, on the other hand, closed her eyes and rested her mind. She didn't want to get involved in other things, and she was not very used to being with so many people. She had always been a solitary person, and she was a little unaccustomed to having to face so many people all of a sudden.

Eddie, you can save her, right? I know you can save her. Please, save her! Siena grabbed Eddie's collar excitedly and said, she didn't want to see her teammates anymore Died in front of her.

The grief of facing the petrified tyrant in the waste treatment plant is still vivid in my mind.

I can save her, but why should I save her? Death is inevitable, especially when fighting biological and chemical weapons. Facing new types of biological and chemical weapons, one may die if he is not careful. Eddie said expressionlessly.

Why are you so cold-blooded? We are all trying to prevent biological and chemical weapons from raging. Why don't you even want to help? Siena angrily grabbed Eddie's collar and shook it, questioning.

But Caroline came over and pulled Siena away, saying with a serious expression, Please save my teammates, I will do everything I can to repay you, please.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 338: Brother Zhui in the third form

All this is just a trick, and Caroline is acting to cooperate with each other so that the other party can have a reason to leave.

Marissa shook her head, No, I don't need to owe anyone a favor.

bass! Caroline got a test tube and kept it in front of Marissa.

It will happen in about thirty minutes. Eddie nodded.

What's happening? Will I turn into a zombie? Marissa asked doubtfully.

Eddie shook his head, No, the attack refers to the serum attack. After the vaccine takes effect, it will use a unique and interesting human ability to expel the virus.

What do you mean? What kind of skill? Siena was a little interested. This seemed interesting.

Fart! Eddie said with a wicked smile.

These two words make people suffocate, fart? Marissa was even more embarrassed and angry. No matter how optimistic she was, she was still a girl. She was very uninterested and embarrassed to fart in front of so many people.

Even King Ada opened her beautiful eyes and glanced at her man angrily. The little man did it on purpose!

Eddie smiled and explained, This is a normal physiological phenomenon. Isn't it normal to fart to detoxify? It's simple and quick. Isn't this a good thing? You really have a lot to ask for.

These words left Marissa speechless. She didn't know what to say. She could only glare at the man and squat in the corner to sulk.

Siena also looked at Eddie angrily, she wanted to hit him.

Jedingham, Hank and the others looked at each other, Are all scientists so weird?

Ordinary people can't keep up with the thinking of scientists. That's all Hank could say.

Alfred used instruments to lock the orientation of the transport aircraft and fighter jets, and flew together to the Antarctic Research Institute, the last base of the Ashford family. Damn you guys, you will die miserably and wait to be eaten by ants.

On Rockfort Island, Wesker only obtained part of the information about the improved version of the Predator. And some information about future generations is unavailable because Rockfort Island is about to explode. Wesker could only get some information and run away to find the troops of Glory Pharmaceuticals and retreat together.

Glory Pharmaceuticals sent a fast-submersible submarine. The advantage was that it was fast enough to avoid most surveillance. It could not even be scanned by the battleship's radar. Sufficient concealment was their advantage.

As the explosion sounded, the entire Rockfort Island was blown up into the sky by high explosives. Starting from the underground research facility, a series of oil barrels and gases intensified the explosion process. The explosion intensified, and finally the entire island was blown into the air.

One-armed monsters, sandworms, mutated salamanders, etc. were all blown into the sky. It seemed that all criminal evidence was wiped out with the explosion. There is no evidence left, even if you want to find some clues, there is no way.

After the explosion, there was a burst of burning, and high-concentration gas leaked, causing poisonous gas to be emitted here. And the leakage of gas and gas also caused the fire to continue burning, providing enough dye.

The continuous light rain could not extinguish the fire on the island. Most of the biological and chemical weapons were burned in the flames. The previous explosion had killed most of the monsters.

Even if there are some remaining, these monsters have suffered irreparable trauma. He fell into the flames and was eventually burned alive.

The commander of the fleet just breathed a sigh of relief and finally withdrew all these soldiers. It didn't matter whether the mercenaries died or not, as long as the soldiers did not die.

The mercenaries of the Pharmaceutical Association, the Marine Corps, and some soldiers from the Biological and Chemical Counter-Terrorism Committee formed a mixed force and retreated together to the small island where they had just begun to land.

There are also mutilated mutated shark carcasses washed up on the shore. There are corpses of zombies and hunters everywhere, exuding a fishy smell.

The main island not far away was in flames. Fortunately, there were speedboats near the island to meet them. The submarine scanned the sea level for possible creatures and used mines to kill mutant sharks and mutant salamanders.

After the tracker was bombarded, the restrictions were released. This tracker uses a parasite obtained by the European branch, which can enhance physical fitness and intelligence. It is said to be found in the Iberian Peninsula.

The burning trackers began to devour a large number of corpses around them, hunters and mass-produced tyrants. The parasite's tentacles began to extend, pulling everything it came in contact with to devour and replenish nutrients.

Even after forming a cocoon, it is still using its tentacles to pull and devour nearby corpses.

After ten minutes of trimming, the cocoon shattered. A huge crawling monster appeared, its tentacles clinging to the ground, using the speed of liquid flow to move forward.

What kind of monster is that? A Marine team leader was shocked, and then he felt a light touch under his feet and was dragged directly over.

Fire! The other captain immediately picked up the assault rifle to fight back.

The bullets hitting the tracker had no effect at all, and a large number of tentacles fixed the tracker on the cliff of the island. After the restrictions were lifted, the height reached more than thirty meters. This was a strange alien shape that was finally formed after devouring a large number of monster corpses and then fermenting the cocoons.

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