PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 336: Female Hank defeated by one move

As they gradually approached the door of the tunnel, there was a sound of fighting, and then they saw members of the Sixth Echo Team. In the middle of the field, Hank was knocked to the ground. Ghost and Lone Wolf were also knocked down, with a large number of knife marks on their bodies.

Captain Jedingham was also fighting with a female player on the field. The female player was wearing the combat uniform of a special operations team member and was very skilled in fighting skills.

As for how to tell that the other person is a woman, you can tell from the appearance. If you can't tell, I suggest you supplement your biological knowledge and see an ophthalmologist to see if you are nearsighted.

Female Hank seemed a little wary of the four people who had just arrived, so she immediately retreated and assumed a fighting position.

What are you doing? You got beaten up for teasing a girl? It's really because of you. Eddie smiled and took out the cigarette. Lisa whistled and the cigarette was automatically lit.

The beautiful eyes of King Ada flickered a few times. It seemed that during her absence, the two awakened female bodyguards had gained some brand-new abilities. This made King Ada even more curious. It seemed that the little man did not To be honest, are they too lucky, or is the little man hiding something?

Ahem, this is the guard of Rockfort Island. You must defeat her before you can leave. Jettingham endured the severe pain and said. He was kicked. With his combat career, he felt that he could not bear it.

Is there a competition to recruit a bride? If you win, you can marry her and go home? Eddie became interested.

Ahem! King Ada coughed, reminding the man not to take her for granted.

You're dreaming! Oremino snorted, Beat me, kill me, and you can leave.

You guys are really a little bored. We are in a hurry, so let's leave first. Eddie waved his hand and was about to leave with the three girls.

Aulemino rushed over with a punch attack and hit Eddie on the bridge of the nose. This punch might break the bridge of the nose, which would deform it and become very ugly.

Boom! Eddie easily caught Oremino's fist, Madam, if you want to fight, you can find someone else. I really don't have time to play with you. Also, have you not eaten? Or are you suffering from kidney deficiency? ? This fist is soft and has no lethality at all, and a special soldier? Please go home and raise pigs.

Boom! Aulemino was pushed away, and although she tried hard to steady her steps, she was still pushed against the wall, almost causing her to vomit blood.

This huge power gap made Aulemino feel incredible, I will kill you.

Bang, Eddie used a roundhouse kick to knock Auremino away, who was charging at him again, without holding back at all. In his eyes, there are only himself and his enemies, there is no difference between men and women.

He won cleanly, without showing off at all, not even interested in taking a look.

This made the female Hank Olemino feel very angry, Kill me to death if you can!

Sorry, I have no intention of killing anyone. You are too weak. Go home and practice for a few more years. Also, let me tell you, Umbrella is going to be over, and this island will explode. You'd better leave as soon as possible. Eddie After saying that, he left with King Ada and others.

Oremino was still a little unconvinced, but she couldn't help but stand up and said, You can pass. If you want to arrest me, you can.

Jettingham looked at Hank, who shook his head and said, You are Hank's sister, we will not arrest you.

You could have killed us from the beginning, but you didn't, which proves that you don't want to work for Umbrella. Why don't you join us? Siena began to persuade.

Shut up, you woman, you are not a good person at first glance. Since you don't kill me, then when we meet again, I will kill you all. After saying this, the female Hank Oremino picked up the things. She left, and no one knew where she went.

Let's move on and find Alfred. Jettingham ordered.

Different forces are doing different things, and the only constant is that they are performing their own tasks.

Alfred quickly escaped to the hangar and pressed the self-destruction device. This fighter was his writer. Here he can control the situation of the entire Rockfort Island. As for expensive things like trackers, he doesn't care at all. When his sister wakes up, she will be a queen!

Self-destruction system activated, thirty minutes countdown! A broadcast came, and the entire base sounded an alarm.

Everyone in the fierce battle was a little confused. They didn't know what was going on, so they started to use amplified moves to explode?

It seems that Goubi is planning to run away. Let's go. I hope the fighter jet can seat four people. Eddie said calmly.

How can a fighter jet seat four people? King Ada rolled his eyes playfully.

How do you know? There may be larger transport bombers. It's not surprising that there is anything here. After all, it is an old family. Eddie said lightly. He knew that there must be some here. If not, he could also follow The Sixth Echo Squadron reunited together.

After the Marines who were fighting fiercely on the beach reported the situation back to the headquarters, they quickly received the order to retreat. Although there were still more than twenty minutes left, it was still very difficult to face these violent biochemical monsters.

The battleship has already moved forward, preparing to use naval guns to assist in defense. In front of the large-caliber artillery, these biological and chemical weapons are just serving food.

Boom! A battleship's main gun fired! The projectile cannon hit a mass-produced T-03 style tyrant, and the huge kinetic energy blew the tyrant alive!

Flesh and blood cannot resist steel, and the only way to resist is to die.

A plane took off from the hangar, and Alfred flew the fighter jet to the Antarctic Research Institute. Since Rockford Island was going to be abandoned, let's give it up. He was going to protect his sister.

When Eddie came to the hangar, he found that there was indeed a very large fighter plane here. It should be a transport plane used to transport some kind of biological and chemical weapons.

There was a rush of footsteps, and it was the members of the Sixth Echo Team. They also followed Eddie's footsteps and came here.

The self-destruction device on the island has been activated. We need to leave here. Siena said first. When she saw King Ada, she was full of vigilance.

Chapter 337: Sister Rachel’s mission

At this time, the female Hank Olemino also walked over to the hangar. When she saw everyone, she just snorted and stepped onto a fighter jet, a turbine style that could lift vertically. She ignored everyone and left in the fighter jet. .

Who is that guy? One of your people? So angry? Eddie shrugged.

That's my sister. She is an instructor at Rockfort Island. Her fighting skills are only better than ours. She is the strongest in the Umbrella team. Hank explained.

Such a strong human body material has not been used for experiments? It's really rare and a good luck. I won't go into gossip. I'm going to Antarctica. Do you want to go? Eddie glanced at everyone.

Of course, we need to find evidence of Umbrella's crime and samples of the Veronica virus. Jettingham nodded.

Then I hope you guys can come back alive. That place is not fun. Eddie stepped onto the plane and said without looking back.

Another burst of rapid footsteps came, it was Leon, Chris and others.

Wait for us, we want to get on the plane too! Leon shouted.

Wait a minute, Vehicle Killer, please take another one. There are many planes over there. I'm afraid of you. Eddie waved his hand. He didn't want to take a plane with Leon, nor did he want to go with Chris. Be a teammate.

Leon was a little speechless, he didn't even know what a vehicle killer was. I can't fly a plane.

Then you need to learn. Kevin should know it. Eddie said speechlessly.

I really know how to do this. Let's go. It happens to be a fighter jet. Let's see if it can fly and we'll fly. But where are we going? Kevin was a little confused. He didn't seem to have turned the corner yet.

It must be to go to the Antarctic Research Institute. There is no need to ask. Leon affirmed.

Here comes the question, do you know the coordinates? Kevin asked.

This made Leon speechless for a while. He seemed to really not know where the coordinates were. Eddie knows.

You are really cute. Kevin said speechlessly.

Chris took Joseph and others on another plane, and then followed Eddie's plane to fly out of the island. From the sky, you can see a large number of biological monsters besieging the ships coming below.

A large number of mutated salamanders crawled out of the water onto the deck, swooping down quickly and biting the soldiers above to death before releasing electricity. Several mutant salamanders discharged electricity together, and the current was conducted to the gun-wielding soldiers in the distance along with the water flow, electrifying these soldiers to a crisp.

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