It’s forced. It’s a perfect deception. If you refer to the lineage and land of the north at the same time, you are referring to the family that has taken root here.

There’s no way it would be included just because it was literally mixed with blood and possessed only land.

“What’s wrong with your expression? Do you think you won’t be accepted?”

“To be honest, yes.”

Bjorn and Henrik nodded at the same time.

“Above all, if it’s a major event like the Platinum Conference, you won’t be participating yourself.”


“You will need an invitation from someone in authority.”

Among official events, there are rather few cases where the door is left open saying ‘do not block anyone coming’. In most cases, they thoroughly filter out those who are not invited.

In particular, the more politics and power are involved, the more severe this filtering is.

“I will definitely be invited, but my lord… … .”

“Are you going to ignore it?”

“To be precise, you wouldn’t even know it existed. Even the baron who was kicked out by Falun had little presence.”

If the tycoon had been kicked out, at least his name would have been known. However, people who have no sense of existence from the beginning do not know even if they disappear.

Even more so, if you are in a position to lead a platinum meeting, it is obvious that you will not pay attention to even the smallest things.

“So the best thing is for me to be invited and the lord to go with me.”


Luke flatly refused.

“Then I have no say.”

“Bar, right to speak?”

“Since you were invited, I have no right to speak. is not it?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Isn’t that enough? Although Bjorn had the right to speak, he could be a faithful spokesperson for his master, Luke, if he so desired.

After reading Bjorn’s thoughts, Luke shook his head.

‘I was originally going to do that too.’

Originally, Luke’s plan was to bring Bjorn to the fore and rule as the king of the North. He was only thinking of pushing from behind.

However, seeing Ragnar this time, my thoughts changed.

‘It’s still too early for Bjorn to handle it.’

Luke faced Ragnar without difficulty, but that was thanks to his experience points in his past and present lives. Ragnar, who saw it, is already a vessel that reigns as a monarch.

It is a daunting opponent for Bjorn, who has just begun to realize himself as a monarch. So at this platinum meeting, Luke needs to get a say in person.

No matter how much you play the role of a spokesperson, there are limitations in real-time meetings. Especially if you have to face many lords and reveal your vessel.

‘Then there is only one way.’

I had no choice but to make sure Luke was invited directly. After thinking, Luke stood up.

“I think I should write a letter.”

“letter? To whom?”

“To the Marquis of Serge.”

“… … !”

Bjorn opened his mouth blankly.

* * *

Marquis of Serge, the current head of the Leiningen family and the most powerful lord in the north. He was the only person who could be said to be the only opponent of the warchief.

Even the warchief had met the Marquis Serge prior to the Platinum Conference. If the Marquis refused, it would be impossible to even dream of convening all monarchs.

“So, all I have to do is make the heart of the Marquis Serge sway with a letter.”

“I’m not saying it’s wrong.”

Just as the Warchief united all the tribes to represent, the Marquis of Serge will represent the northern lords under the Empire.

Of course, he must also be in charge of selecting participants for the Platinum Conference. If only his heart is moved, Luke will receive an invitation too.

“But is there any way to move it?”

The opponent is the Daeyoungju. Why would you want to invite Luke, who is from the East?

‘I’d rather be offended.’

It is an era in which local color is exceptionally strong. Basically, if you are from a foreign country, you will lose your score from the first meeting.

But did the eastern nobility drive out the northern nobility and take their place?

“… I think it would be fortunate if he didn’t even pull out his sword.”



“I’m not talking about paying attention to discomfort or anything.”

The most important thing right now is interest. As long as it could draw attention to something that was unpleasant, that was enough. Because that was a hundred times better than indifference.

“good. Then, the content of the letter has been roughly decided.”

It’s easier to nurture the feelings you have than to create feelings you don’t have. After writing down the letter without interruption, Luke delivered it to the messenger.

As the messenger ran away, the vassals looked at Luke with questioning expressions.

“What did you write?”


Luke didn’t answer with a meaningful smile. And before it was even a week, the Knights appeared.

“I’m really here!”

Henrik looked at the flag with the pattern of snowflakes fluttering in surprise. The symbol of the Snowflake Knights, the strongest military organization owned by Marquis Serge.

“Oh my God, what did you write, the Snowflake Knights!”

“It’s rare for the knights to come to greet you unless you’re a dignified guest.”

It was a time when the vassals were looking at the approaching knights, each bursting with praise. Bruno murmured as he watched the knights slowly approaching.

“There is something strange about that.”

“Is it strange?”

“The hideous atmosphere makes it seem like a person coming to fight… … .”

“hahahaha, that can’t be!”

Of course, the Marquis had no reason to look favorably on Luke. But with just one solicitation letter sent, the family’s strongest armed group is mobilized?

“That makes no sense. Come on, look. Seeing that one of the knights came out, the purpose of the visit was… … .”

“Rebel to the Empire, Luke Bernstein, come out now!”

“… … .”

Everyone on the wall froze. Did they hear it right now?

“If you do not come out, I will treat you as admitting to the charge of treason and punish you!”

right. There is no one who can’t understand even if you shout like that right in front of your nose. The eyes of the retainers all turned to Luke.

‘What have you done?’

Luke shrugged lightly and turned his back.

“Now, the invitation has arrived, so let’s go.”

Isn’t that a warrant? The vassals followed Luke, swallowing the land he was trying to come out of.

* * *

-Wait a minute.

Luke delivered it lightly and was ready immediately. There was no need for soldiers, and it was enough just to pick someone to be in charge of the two territories.

‘There is no problem with the Beldine Territory.’

‘Have you already found a bureaucrat?’

‘No, there are quite a few bureaucrats who supported me in the past.’

No matter how much Lugres was worried about the administrative vacuum, the reason was that the bureaucracy itself was no different from back then.

The remaining Elmholt decided to continue entrusting Lawton, who had already been entrusted with it.


‘… I understand.’

Lawton, whose contract with Philip was terminated due to the inability to pay his salary, nodded his head with a hard-to-say expression. After cleaning up the surroundings, Luke came out with his vassals.

“Come on, let’s go.”

“You are proud.”

The Snowflake Knight Commander frowned at Luke’s attitude.

“Is there any reason not to be proud?”

“You are a sinner.”

“Then grab it and drag it away. Bend your arms back.”

The knight commander, who had been growling in the middle of it, shut his mouth. A real traitor would have no problem being treated that way, but Luke wasn’t.

Luke looked at the knight commander for a moment and smiled.

“Let’s not bother fighting each other and let’s do our jobs.”

“… … .”

The knight commander frowned, but that was it. He kept his eyes still as if he hadn’t heard anything.

Luke didn’t speak any more. When Luke entered the wagon he had brought for transport, the retainers also followed.


With a word from the knight commander, a strange ‘transportation’ began. Bruno looked at Luke with incomprehensible eyes.

“My lord, what the hell did you write?”

First of all, it seems that he doesn’t treat him carelessly because he is a son of the Bernstein family, but it was unclear how far it would go. Isn’t the crime none other than ‘traitor’?

The crime of high treason, in which even the person who is framed for false accusation feels burdened and does not recklessly make an accusation.

“Treason. I never imagined that I would hear about this crime in real life, not in a book.”

“I didn’t write anything special.”

From noble mtl dot com

I really didn’t write anything special. Because I only wrote one sentence.

“I asked if you would like to crown a king together.”

“… … .”

That’s treason. The vassals screamed silently from within.

* * *

Luke’s party came to the estate of the Marquis of Serge in a comfortable carriage. Upon seeing the estate, Luke was amazed.

“Looks like the only place far away from the North.”

Northern impressions were generally similar. A harsh and difficult place to live. A place where you use all means, including gouging, to live somehow.

However, Marquis Serge’s estate was a different world. The floating population, including merchants, was full, and the manor was overflowing with energy.

“Unbelievable… … !”

It was Bjorn who was more surprised than Luke. I had never imagined that something like this would be possible in the North.

“His Excellency the Marquis is waiting for you.”

“Let’s see a little more.”

“Are you aware of your position?”

“If you twist it, you’ll tie it up.”

The knight commander had no choice but to keep his mouth shut about the cheat keys that Luke had been using over and over again. After looking around the estate for a while, Luke murmured.

“You’ve worked hard for quite a long time.”

“A long time, you mean?”

“This is not a structure that can be changed in a day or two.”

If you look at various convenience facilities or businesses, you must have poured money for exchanges for at least several decades.

At least 50 years, even if it is short. It’s probably a great project that started with the current lord’s ancestors, or from the ancestors.

‘What is treason? The power of Gongji is the subject that I am diligently raising.’

Those who are truly honest and loyal would not even activate such a commercial activity. That’s how much money and labor is consumed, and you have to consider the possibility of failure.

Even so, if you have developed this much, there is one reason, ambition.

“let’s go.”

Roughly confirming the Marquis’ inner feelings, Luke stopped looking around and went up. Meanwhile, Bjorn, Bruno, and Ray were blocked on the way.

“Only you come. The escort troops cannot come.”

“… Lord.”

Ray’s eyes widened and he put his hand on his waist. The Marquis’ troops also quickly fixed their weapons.

‘It’s fast.’

It may have been right before the battle, but there is no sign of panic. Luke patted Rey on the shoulder and stepped forward.

“I am waiting quietly.”

“It is dangerous.”

“are you okay.”

If you really wanted to threaten Luke, you wouldn’t have to do a ‘show’ like this. It’s all just insurance for what if.


“Please pay attention.”

Leaving Ray’s worries behind, Luke moved forward without hesitation. An attitude that does not know whether it is a sinner or an invited guest.

A few soldiers frowned, but said nothing.

“Other than this way.”

What room did Luke arrive at? A great place for confidential conversations in a quiet, secluded corner. As soon as the door opened, a loud voice came from inside.

“Here you are.”

What Luke saw was a face full of wrinkles and white hair. It wouldn’t be strange if he died tomorrow.

But even compared to Ragnar, whom he met not too long ago, he had a spirit that was incomparable. As an analogy, should I say an old lion?

The Marquis instructed the knights who brought Luke.

“Get out and see.”


“Okay, go out.”

The knights, who mumbled for a moment, stepped back. When the door closed with a thud, the marquis’ eyes sank deeply.

The Marquis heard the letter fluttering through her fingers.

“They say you’re the one who sent this letter.”

“you’re right.”

“Then the story is simple.”

The Marquis pointed out what was written in the letter and said coldly.

“Rebel Luke Bernstein, before I accuse you, do you have anything you want to say?”

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