The man looked at Lugres’s head for a while. After a while, in silence, the man took the bottle and drank it down.

When half of the contents were empty, the bottle came down with a snap.

“Is it a rebellion?”

“It’s just that we have regained our legitimate rights.”

It was Bjorn who answered. The man’s gaze turned to Bjorn.

“A legitimate right? Were you the heir?”

“Nephew. Because the previous lord was my father.”

“Ah, you’re the one Lugres hates… … .”

The man’s words faded. Conversely, Bjorn glared at the man sharply.

“A few years ago I was in huge debt. My uncle seems to have not paid everything, but I will definitely pay him back.”


The man laughed at the resentful voice. It wasn’t a sneer, but a weak laugh, like a lamentation. Muttered the man who again lifted the bottle and filled it all up.

“It’s a pity. He was a good friend.”

“I don’t think my uncle was someone who could be a good friend to anyone.”

“No, he was a really good friend.”

The weakly smiling face became sharp like a beast, revealing its teeth.

“I have high self-esteem, but it is easy to compromise with reality, and even if I treat the weak, I easily give in to the strong. I could easily roll it in my hand if I made a suitable excuse.”

“… … !”

“What would you call this if not a good friend?”

When the relaxed mask was removed, what was revealed was the face of a monarch who was inflamed with the desire to conquer. At the same time as Bjorn’s face hardened, the man looked at his neck and clicked his tongue.

“I wish I was alive a little longer. If possible, I wanted you to kneel to me with this land.”

“Are you here to occupy this land?”

“No. At least not now.”

The man shook his head and smiled.

“Come to think of it, I haven’t told you my name yet.”

Luke looked at the man blankly. I never saw it in person before returning. But there was only one savage who could lead an army like this.

“Ragnar, I would appreciate it if you could call me Warchief Ragnar.”

The face of Ragnar, who showed his teeth and smiled, was like that of a beast.

* * *


Bjorn muttered with a shocked face. The original savage tribe refers to all tribes living beyond the snowfield.

Not all the tribes are united, and they usually quarrel among themselves. There are as many chieftains as there are tribes.

‘But the warchief.’

That position has only appeared once in history. Only warchief Agrim, who united all the barbarians and threatened the entire north.

Since then, no one has claimed the title of warchief.

“Did the peoples of the snowfields unite?”

The people of the snowfield was a word that barbarians used to refer to themselves. At those words, Ragnar burst into laughter.

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t be Warchief.”


Involuntarily, a moan came from Bjorn. The appearance of the warchief is like a threat to the entire North. It was something that had to be reported to all the lords right away.

“I don’t think so.”

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“You’re going to let everyone know that I’ve been appointed warchief, right?”

“… … .”

“It’s something you already know. Except for you, the six lords of the border agreed to agree with me.”

Bjorn’s complexion changed at the calm tone. what did you say now? All the lords who need to stop the barbarians joined the warchief?

“No way!”

“Unfortunately, this is the reality. Or would you like to go meet the other lords with me? Or I can call them.”

The saliva went down. This is not normal. Indeed, the entire northern region itself could be separated from the Empire.

And when he thought about it, Ragnar’s intentions also seemed natural.

“Did you come to keep me under your command?”

“That’s right. To be precise, I already delivered it to Lugres. It was during the war, so even though it was long overdue, I took care of it.”

dog-like uncle. I’m going to eat the taffy until the end. A twinge of desire came out of me. At least fulfill your responsibilities as a blood relative.

Ragnar glared at Bjorn and said.

“It’s a simple option. Will you follow me or be against me?”

“I have no choice. I will choose the latter.”

“A wise decision… huh?”

Ragnar, who had been laughing to the fullest, tilted his head. what? Did I hear it wrong now? Doesn’t that mean that a single lord will be hostile to the warchief right now?

“So you’re saying you’ll follow me?”

“You mean hostility.”


A mischievous laugh came out. I was so excited that I didn’t even get angry.


“Because there is already someone to serve.”

“You mean an emperor like me?”

Ragnar flared up in anger, but Bjorn shook his head.

“No, someone else.”



Luke sat down in the chair with a loud thud. At Ragnar, who stared blankly at him, Luke held out his glass.

“Pour yourself a drink. How long are you going to leave the table and do your own thing?”

* * *

Ragnar looked at Luke for a moment.

‘Are you crazy?’

When I first came forward and spoke in a nonsensical way, I thought it was bluffing. He said that he was deliberately coming out strong in front of himself who had brought a mighty army.

But when I saw it, it was completely different.

‘There is no sign of fear.’

The position of warchief, and the numerous forces. It had no effect on the youngster in front of him.

Luke picked up a glass and shook it in front of his eyes.


“… … .”


this kid is real I was contemplating whether to take it seriously or not. Wouldn’t it be okay to have one cheap?

‘I have to endure it.’

What we need to show here is the leeway a warchief has. Trying to pretend nothing was wrong, Ragnar raised the bottle.

“Take a drink.”

“It’s good.”

His chuimsae. When the drink filled the glass, Luke emptied it in one go. The hot heat burned from the tip of his tongue to the back of his throat.

Luke put the glass down and wiped the spilled drops.

“It’s not a very good drink.”

“… … .”

Blood formed on Ragnar’s forehead. Will this baby really hit me? Luke smiled at Ragnar, who was troubled.

“Don’t pay attention to other people’s vassals and go. Or try to convince me.”

“Persuasion. Are you saying that I will take you under my command instead of leaving?”

“ha ha ha.”

Luke let out a dry laugh.

“Dream big too. On a topic that is not even a bowl for that.”

Hook, and the wind blew. It wasn’t exactly the wind. The living air was affected and pushed back.

There was no damage, but Bjorn’s fluff stood up.

“You’d better choose your words, kid. If I run out of room, your life will be gone too.”

“And the moment my life is gone, you will die too.”


The knuckles of the fingers moved and made a sound. If he moved, he could break Luke’s head in one second.

Just before Ragnar, who looked like a beast, raised himself from his chair.


“If it moves, it kills.”

Two shadows fluttered behind Luke. Ragnar twisted his lips as if he was laughing.

“You guys?”

“Ho-oh, you bastards.”

“Are you blinded by power?”

At Ragnar’s sarcasm, the two knights blinked their eyes. Ragnar’s relaxed expression also changed at the momentum flowing from Luke’s back.

How to recognize like-kind. An instinctive intuition warned Ragnar.

‘It’s dangerous if the two attack at the same time.’

It was a shock. In the present age, he thought that there was no opponent to fight against himself who had awakened the blood of his clan. Not one, but two appearing in front of my eyes.

Looking at the hesitant Ragnar, Luke opened his mouth.

“I’ll tell you first, threats don’t work.”

“Ha ha ha, a threat? It is an illusion.”

“It’s no use pretending to be bold after breaking your finger.”


rotten guy I could barely swallow the swear words that were about to come out inadvertently. Ragnar sat down in his chair and glanced over at Luke.

‘What the hell is he doing?’

Apparently, he looks to be between sixteen and seventeen. However, his actions are as leisurely as that of an old soldier who has gone through all sorts of battles.

In addition, there are two knights that even Ragnar, who has awakened the lineage, cannot stand against. The more I thought about it, the more complicated my head was.

‘It must have been easy to subdue the Beldain family.’

Inwardly, Ragnar clicked his tongue. I don’t know him well, but he’s an unusual guy. It is obvious that Bjorn would not want to change easily.

From noble mtl dot com

But it can’t go away like this.

“In the next few days you will receive a letter inviting you to attend the Platinum meeting.”

“Platinum meeting? Didn’t that disappear more than a thousand years ago?”

A balloon from the days when all northerners were Koreans, before the Empire was once established. A convention where all the rulers of the north come together to decide the future.

It was a lost tradition of names that now only appear in history books.

“But if we come together, even what has disappeared will be resurrected.”

“Who the hell!”

“The Marquis of Serge has approved this.”

Bjorn’s eyes widened. The Marquis of Serge is the most powerful noble in the North. Its status was more than that of the Bernstein family in the East.

If such a marquis had agreed, many lords would have followed their wishes.

“If you cannot participate under my command, I would like you to stand by my side in this meeting.”

“What if you refuse?”

“It’s none of your business.”

Ragnar frowned at Luke’s words.

“The Platinum Council is a meeting that only northern monarchs can participate in. Where does a man who does not have northern blood and does not even have his own land come in?”

“Oh, is that so?”

At the sound of the shot, Luke shrugged lightly. Ragnar, who glared at Luke for a moment, turned his gaze back to Bjorn.

“And if you refuse even this offer.”


The wine glass shattered in my hand. Ragnar said, clenching his fists that were unscathed even though the fragments were scattered.

“Everything in your estate will disappear.”

“… … .”

After the last words, Ragnar stood up and turned his back. It was the back of those who tried to walk the path of the king.

Luke, who was quietly looking back, murmured.

“Why do you suddenly break a glass that even a child can break? Are you proud of your grip?”


My eyes widened at the sound I heard from behind. Shall I just fold it? Calm down, beast in me.

Ragnar, who struggled to maintain a calm expression, climbed onto the horse.

“I hope you make a wise choice.”

that was the last one Ragnar led the troops he had brought with him and departed from the Beldain Territory.

As the tension eased, soldiers from all sides let out a sigh. Luke took one last drink and stood up.

* * *

“Participate in the Platinum Conference.”

Luke declared terrifyingly upon entering. Bjorn looked at Luke with a slightly troubled expression.

“But didn’t you say that the lord couldn’t participate?”

“Why can’t I participate?”


“Northern blood flows, and I have my own land, right?”

blood must flow The blood of the common people, not the blood of the nobles who ruled the land. And there is also land. The whole land taken from Philip.

“They said that only the monarchs of the north could participate.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“It’s just me. The perfect Lord of the North, Luke Bernstein.”

“… … .”

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