"Then let's go, Teacher He. Bai Chen suddenly stood up and said to He Jiong

"Xiaochen, don't be anxious. He Jiong smiled, asked Bai Chen to continue sitting down, and then said:"Have a rest, you have been very tired these past two days, and you are almost ready to take over Teacher Huang's class." Bai

Chen grinned, shrugged his shoulders and sat down again, but he felt bored. After saying a few words to He Jiong and Huang Lei, he grabbed a handful of beans and went to feed the chickens. The afternoon sun was warm. , Bai Chen sat alone on the wall, watching two or three people passing by from time to time on the road not far away, and felt very calm.

"Jingle Bell……"

"Jingle Bell……"

Suddenly the phone rang. Bai Chen picked it up and saw it was an unfamiliar number.

Generally, not many people know Bai Chen's number. Even Li Muya doesn't have his own number, so he doesn't know who called him.

After thinking about it, Bai Chen picked up the phone anyway, just in case the other party had something more important to do.

"Hello. Bai Chen asked politely

"Hello, who is the author of Norwegian Wood?"

The other party's voice was very gentle. Bai Chen felt that this voice could melt his heart. After a moment of thought, he realized that the other party's identity should be the editor who signed the contract for him on the novel website.

To be honest, Bai Chen was a little grateful for this. If she hadn't been the editor, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been easy for Bai Chen's book to be signed and promoted.

But thank you, thank you. Even without her, Bai Chen would probably have found another website to publish his novel. That's Murasaki's book, I'm sure it will become popular.

"Is it really you? What is your name?"The other party asked cautiously

"My surname is Bai."Bai Chen didn't say his name.

"Okay, Mr. Bai, I will take a few minutes to tell you my thoughts."The other party seemed to smile slightly, let out a string of laughter like silver bells, and then continued to say to Bai Chen

"Your novel is the most beautiful novel I have ever read in terms of details and writing. Now you should also know the specific situation. There are already many publishers who want to win the physical book publishing rights of the first part..

Bai Chen smacked his lips and said,"You want to know what I think, right?" I don't mind, but I need a lot of money urgently recently, so in this regard, you can help me solve it"

"what do you mean?"The other party asked

"First, the price is high, second, the publishing house must have a certain reputation, and third,……"

Bai Chen briefly stated a few of his requests.

The other party was silent for a while and then said:"No problem, Mr. Bai, I will communicate these requirements with the publishers."

"Well, is there anything else?"Bai Chen said

"there is none left."The other party paused before hanging up.

After feeding the chickens, Bai Chen clapped his hands and returned to the yard. He Jiong walked down from the pavilion and took Bai Chen to the mailroom at the end of the village.

Along the way, he met There were a lot of people, but the mushroom house was still a long way from the village, so it took them a while to get to the mailroom.

If the village's mail arrived, it would be temporarily stored here. Bai Chen and He Jiong did. The first time I came here, there were a lot of staff carrying cameras behind me.

"Sir, I'm here to get the mail. Bai Chen said to the old man who was sunbathing at the door.

The old man opened one eye and glanced at Bai Chen and He Jiong, then closed his eyes again and said slowly:"Get the mail?" Where?"

"Of course it's from Mushroom House. Bai Chen said with a smile.

"Go in, turn left at the door, the three big items are all from your mushroom house."The old man said to Bai Chen and He Jiong without opening his eyes.

Three big items?

Bai Chen and He Jiong looked at each other, and suddenly there was a bad feeling in their hearts.

"Teacher He, why do I feel a little panicked? Bai Chen glanced at He Jiong and said

"Me too."He Jiong nodded.

Sure enough, Bai Chen and He Jiong walked into the mail room, where three large rectangular boxes were stacked together.

"This... what kind of equipment is this?"Bai Chen glanced at the accompanying staff, and they all shook their heads, saying they didn't know anything.

"Could this really be a gas stove handle?"

He Jiong muttered a few words. Bai Chen quickly turned over the box and looked at the label. Sure enough, it was a built-in gas stove.

"Oh my God, the show crew suddenly became so kind?"Bai Chen couldn't help complaining.

"Yesterday they said they wouldn't provide us with a gas stove, right? The gas stove was delivered today? Bai Chen laughed and suddenly felt that the future was bright.

This is a gas stove!

"I don’t think the show crew can be so kind, no, the fat director wouldn’t be so kind, eh……"He Jiong held his chin, not in a hurry to take the gas stove back, but analyzed it with Bai Chen

"Well, it's possible that we might be asked to pay back the money."Bai Chen said.

He Jiong slapped his thigh. It's possible.

But it's also possible that it was provided by the sponsor. Of course, you still have to go back and ask the fat director what's going on.

This damn fat man can really keep his composure. , I didn’t say it earlier, but this is quite a surprise!

"Forget it, Teacher He, let's find a way to get this thing back to the mushroom house first. Bai

Chen said speechlessly. He held a box and tried it. It was not too heavy.

But it was not easy for him and Teacher He to take the three people back.

It would definitely not be possible to drive here. , after all, the live broadcast is being broadcast here. What’s the point of driving back and coming back again?

"Come on, Teacher He, let’s go to the road and see if we can get a tricycle. How about that?"Bai Chen suggested to He Jiong.

He Jiong nodded. Seeing that He Jiong agreed, Bai Chen took He Jiong and quickly went to the road to find a car.

"It's already past one in the afternoon. Are all the villagers taking a nap? How could anyone come out and wander around?"

Bai Chen and He Jiong squatted for 10 minutes and finally saw an electric tricycle arriving belatedly in the distance.

The two people ran over and stopped the owner of the electric tricycle. He was a man in his 40s. , it doesn’t look particularly fierce.

"Brother, um... what, we are from Mushroom House, and now we need to borrow your electric car, okay? Bai Chen asked the car owner in as calm a tone as possible.

"That's right, brother, we have some mail here, it's too heavy to carry. Can you lend us your car and return it to you after we use it up?"He Jiong also said

"Oh, that's it, that's okay."When the car owner heard that he was from Mushroom House, he agreed without thinking, and even made a scissor hand gesture towards the camera._

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