Happy time is like fine particles of sand. The harder you try to hold on to it, the faster it will leak out.

After eating, it was time to leave, and Song Zuer and Zhao Liying were a little reluctant to leave.

Fortunately for Li Muya, she secretly made an agreement with Bai Chen.

What was agreed upon?

If Li Muya encounters problems in singing, she can go to Bai Chen. This is the agreement between Bai Chen and Li Muya.

Zhao Liying looked a little sad. After this show, she was going to the set again, and she might spend a long time in the set.

Zhao Liying was still a little reluctant to not see Bai Chen for such a long time, but in front of so many people, Zhao Liying was embarrassed to express her thoughts.

"Brother Bai Chen, do you want to send us away?"Song Zur looked at Bai Chen with big eyes and asked.

"this……"Bai Chen paused, then helped Song Zuer lift the suitcase, then grabbed Zhao Liying's suitcase and said calmly:"Let's go"

"Hehe, you know that Brother Bai Chen loves me the most. Song Zuer acted coquettishly and said to Huang Lei and He Jiong:"Teacher Huang, Teacher He, thank you for taking care of me today. I am very happy.""

"Me too, I am really happy to be with you."Zhao Liying also said with a smile.

"Haha, actually if you are free, you can come over and play at any time, you're welcome. Huang Lei said

"Teacher Huang is so polite. Yesterday when I was sleeping, she told me that some children were too naughty. They went to tease little H in the middle of the night and chased her all over the village."He Jiong said with a smile.

Zhao Liying and Song Zuer stuck out their tongues in embarrassment.

Li Muya also nodded and said:"You two are saying that you are happy with little brother Bai Chen, right?"

Zhao Liying:"……"

Song Zuer:"……"

Bai Chen smiled awkwardly and said to Xu Zheng who had just walked out of the house:"Director Xu, the car at the door is here."

Xu Zheng stamped his feet, put his peaked cap on the top of his head, walked over and hugged Bai Chen After a while, he patted Bai Chen on the shoulder and said

"Xiaochen, we have agreed that I will be the ending song for your song"The Ordinary Road". The movie is currently in the post-production stage. If you have time, come to our company to record the song."

As he spoke, Xu Zheng winked at Bai Chen and said,"In addition, several beauties in our company are your fans. When they heard about the life I wanted to live in, they asked me to bring them autographed photos. Ahem, look at this……"

Bai Chen actually has a good impression of Xu Zheng. Xu Zheng has made some achievements in comedy films in the past few years, and he is basically an actor and director with a strong artistic sense.

Bai Chen smiled and took out a pen to sign Xu Zheng's name. As a human being, he really had no such interest. He did this just for Xu Zheng's sake.

After signing, Xu Zheng put away the photo seriously, and then Zhao Liying and Song Zuer also asked Bai Chen to sign, but Bai Chen did not refuse.

I don’t know what’s wrong with Bai Chen recently. He likes this kind of life. In the last issue, he actually wanted to end the contract early.

"Come, come, come and take a photo together to commemorate it."He Jiong came over with his mobile phone and said to several people

"Okay, okay, by the way, Teacher He, do we have the photo?"Zhao Liying said with a smile.

"It will be available. Bai Chen will send it to your mailbox when the time comes. In addition, the Weibo account of the life we long for will be updated simultaneously."He Jiong asked the others to sit down and said to Zhao Liying after taking the photo. After sending away the reluctant Zhao Liying, Song Zuer, sending away Li Muya, sending away Xu Zheng, there was only Bai Chen and Huang Lei in the mushroom house in the afternoon. There are three people.

No, there are two puppies.

The three people and Tiantian Dog are lying in the pavilion, looking at the sky and the surrounding scenery. He Jiong is browsing Weibo, and Bai Chen and Huang Lei are chatting.

"This day went really fast."Bai Chen sighed, as if it was just yesterday morning, but they were separated today.

"There's no such thing as a feast that lasts forever, so be patient. Huang

Lei said with a smile, holding a handful of melon seeds in his hand and teasing little H while eating them.

Bai Chen turned over and lay down in a comfortable position. Because the guests had left, the program The live broadcast will be paused for a while, so Bai Chen doesn’t need to pay too much attention.

"By the way, Teacher Huang, the fat director told me just now that we have a special guest coming tonight! Bai Chen smiled and said to Huang Lei

"Yes, the fat director told me just now. Huang Lei nodded to Bai Chen while teasing the puppy:"I also just received the notice.""

"what does it mean? Two issues in a row? Bai Chen frowned and said to Huang Lei,"I'll have to stay like that for another day. I was thinking of taking care of some things after I got home.""

"Haha, this is all decided by Sophie, maybe because you have performed so well these two days, so the program team is going to strike while the iron is hot."

"Anyway, let’s do whatever the program team arranges. But, by the way, Teacher Huang, I just received a text message saying that a courier from our mushroom house has arrived. What exactly is it?"He Jiong interjected

"express delivery? Teacher He, did you buy something? Huang Lei asked strangely

"No, no, could it be Xiaochen who bought something?"He Jiong shook his head and looked at Bai Chen again after speaking.

Bai Chen also felt inexplicable. Seeing Huang Lei and He Jiong looking at him, he also shook his head.

He didn't need to buy anything, he just bought something. Why do you want to send it to the program team?

"Could it be something purchased by the program team?"Bai Chen glanced at the fat director who was napping under the sun umbrella, and whispered to Bai Chen���road.

Huang Lei clapped his hands, pointed at the fat director, and said:"This fat guy definitely got it, but what they left was Teacher He's phone number. That should be something from our mushroom house.""

"Then I go to Cuntou to pick up the express delivery? Bai Chen said with a smile.

"Well, go ahead, you and Teacher He go together. Huang Lei nodded, glanced at the fat director who was napping with a sly smile, and said,"If it's something from the program team, let's keep it. Hum, you have to install a gas stove for me.""

Bai Chen and He Jiong smiled knowingly, looked at each other and nodded.

Huang Lei is indeed a human spirit. In fact, Bai Chen can't stand the smoky days every day. If there is a gas stove, then It’s so cool.

First of all, you don’t have to chop wood, right?

Secondly, the coal ash won’t fly everywhere, making cooking just like fighting.

_Fei Lu reminds you: Three things to read. things-collection,

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