"This fat director must find a way to deal with him one day."Huang Lei couldn't help but complain.

"There will be many guests coming tomorrow. By the way, Xiaochen, what are you good at? Let's allocate tasks tomorrow."

He Jiong and Huang Lei both looked at Bai Chen

"good at?"

"Well, such as life skills such as cooking, talent-related dancing, singing, etc.……"

He Jiong and Huang Lei looked at Bai Chen with a bit of expectation.

After all, Bai Chen participated as an amateur, so he must have some special abilities to be selected by the program team.

Therefore, the two of them were looking forward to Bai Chen.

When Bai Chen asked what he was good at, two skills presented by the system immediately popped into his mind.

【God-level singer: Any song, any style, any language can be performed perfectly!】

【Divine cooking skills: Any dish, any type, any ingredient can be cooked perfectly! 】

Bai Chen met the expectant gazes of the two people and said with a sincere face:"For cooking, you can probably only cook it and eat it yourself. Compared to Teacher Huang, it is far behind. Singing is also a fool's errand. I'm sure." Not as good as Mr. He who has released an album!"

Bai Chen's words are artistic.

First of all, I didn't say that I didn't know anything, so as not to give people the impression that I didn't know anything. Then I also praised the two"old people" by the way.

The most important thing is that Bai Chen wants to have some leisure time, and he can't stand cooking every day.

Although Huang Lei and He Jiong were a little disappointed, the smiles on their faces showed that they were still inspired by Bai Chen's words.

"It’s okay, I’ll learn slowly in the future, Xiaochen, I’m very optimistic about you!"

"I also think you have great potential, Xiaochen, and you have an innate advantage in the entertainment industry! Why don't you learn hosting from me?!"

"Learning to host is a waste of his innate advantage! Follow me and learn acting! The future actor will definitely be indispensable for you!"

The innate advantage the two mentioned was Bai Chen's appearance.

"Both teachers are top masters in their respective fields. Any apprentice they teach will definitely become a leader in the industry. Well... forget it."

"Teacher Huang, on the surface Xiaochen seems to be praising us, but why do I feel that he dislikes us both?!"

"Don’t feel it, they just dislike us!"

"Xiaochen, you guy, why do I feel that you are different from the young people in the industry?!"

"Because they are different, this is why we can chat with the two old guys!"

"Yes, only Xiao Xianrou can chat with Xiao Xianrou!"

"Teacher Huang, are we a bit too shameless when we call ourselves little fresh meats?"

"Where is the thick skin? Xiaochen, what do you think?"

"Absolutely not! The three of us are Mushroom House's Fresh Meat San Shao’!"

"Ha ha! What a great team name!"

"Tomorrow 'Mushroom House Fresh Meat San Shao' will announce their official debut!"

The three chatted in a very happy and harmonious atmosphere, and finally complimented each other.

At this time, the audience watching the live broadcast praised Bai Chen.

What's the meaning of 'amateurs don't have stage fright at all' and the two old foxes are perfect Compatible, responsive on the spot, etc.

In general, Bai Chen did not disappoint the female fans who fell in love with him at first sight.

If some people like Bai Chen's debut, then naturally some will be jealous!

Especially the crazy barrage from the female audience today made Wang Zitao, who had been debuting for a few years, jealous.

He looked at Bai Chen chatting and laughing with He Jiong Huang Lei on the screen, and couldn't help but said with a look of disdain:"You're too tall. Just like that, I don't know anything, not even singing, but I can build relationships with people."

Zizitao debuted in a boy band, and his singing is really average. To a large extent, he relies on his face to make a living.

The reason why he is full of hostility towards Bai Chen is because he has long been interested in Bai Chen's position and has spent a lot of effort. I got through the relationship with the program team and the station, but at the last step, I was stuck by the chief director Sophie!

If it had been an ordinary chief director, Wang Zitao might have joined, but now he has become the focus of everyone. It was him!

But when he met Sophie, Sophie's background was too strong!

She said no!

The big guys in the station who had been connected with him could only shake their heads.

In the end, they gave Wang Zitao the first place. issue, that is, tomorrow’s guest status!

Wang Zitao has been paying attention to Bai Chen since the live broadcast today, waiting for Bai Chen to make a mistake, but what is disappointing is that Bai Chen has nothing to blame from the beginning to the end. place

《The live broadcast of"Longing for Life" ended. Wang Zitao originally wanted to post a photo of himself on Weibo, and then hinted that he would also appear on"Longing for Life" tomorrow.

However, as soon as he opened Weibo, he saw [Bai Chen]'s name on the hot search list.

This made Wang Zitao, who had rarely reached the top of the list for several years since his debut, very angry. However, he was even more angry later. The second hot search was related to Bai Chen [Bai Chen's ever-changing temperament], and the third hot search was related to Bai Chen. [Mushroom House Fresh Meat San Shao].

The top three are all taken by Bai Chen!

Wang Zitao was very angry, but there was nothing he could do!

I could only open my Weibo homepage, pick the best selfie, and post it!

"See you tomorrow at the live broadcast of"Longing for Life"! Good night to all my cuties~"

Within a few minutes after Zizitao posted the post on Weibo, it was refreshed without listening. After more than ten minutes, there were finally hundreds of comments.

However, Zizitao almost got angry when he saw the comments. I threw away my phone.

The first hot comment:"Do you also want to live the life you want? I advise you not to go. Really, there is already a person there who is much more handsome than you."

The second most popular comment:"After seeing your photos, I decided to go back and look at the photos of my little brother Bai Chen to tuck my eyes."

The third hot comment:"I want to strongly condemn these people upstairs! You have gone too far! What nonsense are you talking about?"

However, soon, Wang Zitao's fans began to organize an organized counterattack.

"Female fans of Bai Chen, your Bai Chen dared to attack his seniors on the first day he entered the industry?"

"Are these all the navy soldiers Bai Chen bought?"

"Do you really think that a good-looking face is enough in the entertainment industry?"

"Upstairs, I can give this sentence to your Wang Zi Tao! It’s been a few years since your debut, do you have a work that you can produce?"


After a while, Wang Zitao successfully rode Bai Chen's lead and became a hot search topic.

At this time, in a five-star hotel.

Two very beautiful girls with outstanding temperament were sitting together chatting.

"You see, he is really handsome!!"One of the girls with a hot figure said as she looked at the photos on her phone with stars in her eyes.

"Okay."Another girl with a slimmer figure nodded slightly reservedly, but then she couldn't help but secretly glanced at the photo again.

"Anyway, we can meet him tomorrow. If you really like him, just confess your feelings then!"

"Express, confess? No...that's not good, right? Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if you were rejected?"

"How do you say something? Let me look at my phone."

The slender girl coughed lightly and began to say

【If you love someone, touch him; if you like someone, just **** him!】

【What's the use of confessing? You will still be rejected!】

【If you can’t catch me, fuck me; if you can’t fuck me, fuck me!】

【If you fall out and post the results, you could end up in jail!】


This was the first time for a girl with a hot figure to hear such a simple and violent joke, and she couldn't help but be stunned.

【You don't even dare to go to jail, but you still dare to say you love him?】


Hearing the last sentence, the girl's hesitant eyes flashed with light!!


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