From the moment Bai Chen got out of the car, he instantly attracted everyone's attention. He seemed to have an innate magic power about him.

He will attract people's attention involuntarily and make people unable to help but get closer to him, especially girls! Even more unable to resist the attraction exuded by Bai Chen.

At this time, Sophie, who was supervising all the movements in the background, felt mixed emotions as she watched the screen full of nymphomaniac barrages.

It feels like someone else has discovered the unique treasure you have treasured.

"Director Su, the number of viewers has exceeded 10 million, and since Bai Chen came out, the number has skyrocketed!"

The female assistant next to Sophie reported happily. She looked at Bai Chen on the screen with red hearts in her eyes.

Sophie slightly raised her arrogant chin to show that she understood.

At this time, during the live broadcast At the scene.

Bai Chen smiled towards the camera, and his sunny temperament was clearly displayed.

It happened that a female staff member directly opposite him made the legs of the women next to her weak. The staff member also blushed slightly and seemed to be no better.

At this time, Bai Chen also realized that his attraction was a bit too strong, so he immediately stopped smiling.

But to Bai Chen's surprise, he did this. After suppressing his smile, the young lady opposite became even softer.

Without a smile, his temperament suddenly changed from a sunny and warm one to a cold, arrogant and abstinent one.

Immediately, the female viewers watching the live broadcast couldn't stand it anymore!

"Wow wow wow!! Is my little brother’s temperament ever-changing?!! I like this somewhat cold and arrogant expression!!"

"Leng Aojin|Yuxi, this is the kind of man I want to conquer the most!!!"

"Ahhhh! I can't stand it! I can't stand it!!! This man!! It's mine!!"

"A change of expression will change the temperament of a man. How could there be such a charming man in this world?!"

"From today on, I am brother Bai Chen’s woman!! Anyone who offends my man will be killed without mercy!!"

"You guys can continue to post barrages, I’ll add a little brother first!!"

"Can you women be more reserved like me?! Husband, come on~ Come on!!!"


Bai Chen's perfect face and unique temperament are like poison, planted in the hearts of all the girls watching the live broadcast!

At this time, He Jiong and Huang Lei, who were in the mushroom house, heard the noise outside.

When Bai Chen pushed the door open and entered, the eyes of the two middle-aged men couldn't help but shine.

This young man’s first impression is full of good impressions.

"Hello teachers, I am Bai Chen."

Bai Chen took the lead in greeting the two of them.

"Hello."Teacher He replied with a kind smile.

"Boy, you look a bit handsome!"Huang Lei is a rare complimenter.

"I am very happy to cooperate with these two teachers. Please bear with me if I do something wrong in the future."

"We are also very happy to cooperate with such a young fresh meat."

"Xiaochen, your arrival not only made our average age much younger, but also instantly improved our overall appearance!"

"I'm glad I didn't hold you two back."

"Haha, the young man can talk."



When Bai Chen chatted with the two of them, he was not like those juniors in the entertainment industry who were timid and couldn't let go.

From beginning to end, Bai Chen seemed neither humble nor overbearing, giving people the feeling that he and He Jiong Huang Lei were equals.

After the three chatted for a while, the on-site director of the program team walked out.

This director was the on-site director who accompanied Sophie to Bai Chen's house before.

He held a loudspeaker and said to the three of them:"Let me tell you some good news first. This season, the program team is going to provide you with basic living expenses!"

As soon as the director finished speaking, Teacher He cheered, and Huang Lei also cheered happily. He clapped his hands.

Bai Chen, who was familiar with the routines of this kind of variety show, immediately asked:"How much?"

"One season, one hundred yuan!"The director replied

"What? ?"

"Again, how much! ?"

He Jiong and Huang Lei looked at the director in confusion.

"One hundred dollars."

The director looked like you heard him right.

Huang Lei took off his shoes angrily and threw them towards the director.

The middle-aged fat director ducked nimbly and continued.

"For this hundred yuan, you need to fill the rice fields with seedlings. Also, in the fields you see now, we have also planted lettuce, mustard greens, cabbage, and rapeseed flowers.……"

"Lotus pond, and strawberries~" When Teacher He mentioned strawberries, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"Should we pick these and exchange them with you for food this time like before?"

The director immediately shook his head and said

"We won’t exchange it this time. Instead, we need you to process all the agricultural products and exchange money with us. After you get the money, you can buy what you want from us."

"Finally, I would like to give you a friendly reminder that there will be many guests tomorrow, so I hope you can make some preparations."

After the fat director finished speaking, he gave the three of them a smile full of conspiracy.


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