The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 999: Ant colony

The younger Yang-level god-level evolutionary was permeated by Chu Feng, and became a disintegration, becoming blood and bone, shocking the mystery, and let many people lose their voices.

What is the means? The people in the underworld are killing the gods!

In particular, many people know that the roots of Chu Feng are coming for him. They thought that the gods came and appeared in front of his eyes, and they would come to the scene and easily obliterate them.

How can we expect that the underworld of the gods in their eyes, a humble bug at the level of the saints, leaps and bounds in a year, has become a god, even to a higher level.

He actually slaughtered the gods here, just like the Arabian Nights, it is unacceptable.

Originally, they looked down on the land like a dragon. As a result, the weak ants in their eyes directly smashed the dragons in the sky and killed them.

The contrast of this successive contrast is too strong. An ant rises up and punches a fist and kills a dragon. This picture makes the gods petrified!

In the distance, a blue-haired goddess frowned, she was not tall, but the curve was amazing, petite and exquisite.

Her skin is white, blue hair is shining, her eyes are superb, and her looks are very beautiful and sweet.

At this moment, there was a gap between her white-browed eyebrows, revealing the gods, it turned out to be a vertical eye, a golden beam burst out, and suddenly attacked the Chu wind.


The Chu style is very different. The genius of Yang is really conceited. He has not shocked them in succession. Some people actually started again in the first time?


He snapped his fingers, his index finger was shining, and the golden beam was broken, but he also felt a weak impact. The blue-haired goddess was strong.

At the very least, it is a leader in the gods. The average person will definitely not be able to stop it and will be killed by this beam!

"kill him!"

It's like a signal, everyone else is following it.

A young man with a green gold-plated head and a hand-held Tian Ge on his head, in front of his fingers, this is a man of extraordinary strength, full of green hair flying, and began to attack.


On top of his head, the green gold and gold illuminate, the blue waves of the waves swayed out from the Dingkou, and then turned into a sword wave, this attack is amazing.

It is clearly a tripod, but it shines from the mouth of the Dingkou, like a spring pool, and finally turned into a sword, forming a wave of waves.

The world is shaking, the void is divided!

This scene is shocking!

Chu Feng is naturally in the center of Jianqihai, and is overwhelmed by the heavy and heavy sword light.

Not far from other people have also moved, and several people are shot at the same time, are god-level evolutionists, they see but Chu Feng is facing them here.

How can the ant worm once provoke the majesty of God? And to kill the ring here, you must have a powerful **** to come out and quickly kill it.

These people are very strong. Some people waved the golden whip of the 12th section, while others held the long shackles. Others waved the magic knife that was soaring and raging.

Chu Feng mouth with a cold smile, the body swayed, rushing forward in the blink of an eye, did not escape, but to wash them.


Now, his speed is too fast, and he uses lightning bolts. This kind of magical technique is shocking and fascinating. With the devil, when the young girl passed it on to him, it was probably a boxing method, not a man’s boxing!

Chu Feng is like lightning, and the whole person moves with a pair of fists, and the Thunder blows the void!


The man holding the Tian Ge and the head of a green Jin Ding was the first to feel the violent energy attack. The waves of the swords that rushed out of the Dingkou were blown by the Chu wind, and the earthquake was scattered. The flow is stirring in the secret.

For a moment, this area was riddled with holes and was destroyed.

If it is in the underworld, the starry sky will burst, causing a large area of ​​destruction, and the planet will be degraded by the sword of the gods and become the cosmic dust.

But this secret is different. It is the remains of the earliest years of the broken universe. Now there are water-like runes that are rippling and self-protecting.

The attack of God was actually compressed in a small range. After the rupture of the void, it reorganized and did not spread far away.

The genius of the sun reveals amazement. This secret is really not weak. The heavens and the earth are strong. Although it is not as good as the sun, it is much stronger than other places in the broken universe.


A piece of sword light rises, pours out from the Dingkou, sweeping toward the Chu wind, but under his pair of crystal-clear fists, everything is crushed and blasted.

Next to it, a long scorpion swept, and the result was caught by Chu Feng with one hand, and it slammed and shook it!


The heavens and the earth are divided into two halves, and they are split. That is the main man who is suspending the green Jinding on his head. He is fighting back, the green hair is scattered, and when he confronts the Chu wind, he waves the Tian Ge in his hand.


Chu Feng Lightning Boxing out, the skygo hits high, directly deformed, the Tiange blade disappears, the fist is not seen, the energy of the void is all black cracks.

The green-haired man’s foot stepped on the asynchronous method, like walking in the Xinghai, the shadows of light and shadow, the stars appearing in this place, artificially creating the sky, as the real universe emerges, want to open the distance between the wind and the wind.

However, Chu Feng’s movements are so fast, and the slamming punches are made, and I want to let this person die in this second hit.

At the crucial moment, the green-haired man threw out Tian Ge, and at the same time urged the green Jinding on his head to strike forward, blocking the offensive of Chu Feng. He did not think that Chu Feng was so strong, only to fight, he was coming to take his life!


Tian Ge broke, and at the same time, when there was a shock, the green Jinding was thrown into a large piece by the Chu Feng’s punch, and it made a loud noise, and it flew out and slammed into it. The green-haired man’s own body.


He broke his bones, his body fell, and then the whole person began to disintegrate. His blood splashed and he suffered an unimaginable attack and could not support it.

At the same moment, Chu Feng moved, such as the same head of the wing of the Peng Peng, where it is, is the **** hurricane.

The man who had just held the long squat was caught by him and died directly into two pieces. It was hard to escape from the soul. The man holding the twelve-point gold whip wanted to retreat. The result was chased by Chu Feng, and the volley was pedaling. In two paragraphs, disconnected from the vertebrae, the blood of the gods rushed, horrified.

In the eyes of everyone, this is simply a big devil, want to kill God, invincible, let a group of genius feelings in Yang?


Silent and uninteresting, the light of the sky, a purple beam of light coming, too fast, the void was bombarded, the heavens and the earth actually whispered.

This is a terrible blow. Chu looked back and found that the blue-haired goddess in the distance, although petite and exquisite, looks very sweet, but the start is really decisive and terrible.

It is still the gods that are shot from the gap in her eyebrows, but the colors are different and many times stronger than before.

Chu Feng found that a few drops of blood fell between the fingers and were hit by the light beam.

Not far away, some people are whispering, recognizing the identity of this woman, knowing the ethnic group she is in. This is a member of the ancient bloodline alliance of the ancient people of the ancient times. I think that I am beyond the scope of human beings and stand on my own. The human race is very horrible.

The gods in this vertical eye can be weakened.

This woman's attack power is very amazing, and the sudden start of the hand can penetrate the body of God and can hurt the skin of the god.

"He is... at least the evolutionary of God's peak!" The blue-haired woman spoke, very surprised. This blow allowed her to try out some of Chu Feng's strength.


This piece of heaven and earth suddenly roared, Chu Feng moved, and swooped over her.


In the distance, there will be a roar of God, full of gray hair, very old, and quickly find a gray hand, smog and tumbling, grabbed toward the Chu wind.

With his existence of such a series, how can he tolerate the murder of Chu Feng all the way, and now it is finally shot, to kill the Chu style.

"Enough your uncle!"

Chu Feng how to fear, still killing forward, did not stop along the way, on the way to kill two god-level evolutionary, blood a little bit.

At the same time, he also came to the front of the blue-haired goddess, let her eyebrows shine, the gods continue to spur, but still suppressed by him.

At this time, the big hand of God will be behind the Chu wind, and he will be caught.

But he did not return, and one hand grabbed forward, slightly sideways, and the other hand greeted the gray hand behind.


He imprisoned the blue-haired woman, and then suddenly used a force to break the bones of the skeleton, and then throw it out, and then she turned into a **** fog.

Chu Feng did not look back, the other hand grasped the big hand of God, and the sound of the bone crack was quite harsh.

The old **** will be sullen, and he will be shuddering, and he will be pulled from a distance by Chu Feng.


In the collision with Chu Feng, he was quite fierce, but Chu Feng finally blew him up, and an old **** would fall.

"kill him!"

There are many god-level geniuses here, and there are some old gods, even the gods of the gods looming, and then roaring, so in a flash, Chu Feng has successively killed the gods, can they tolerate?

Chu Feng shines, rampages, and several gods are divided, this is not a general evolution, but a genius in the sun, so die, for some Tao, the loss is not small.


Around the Chu wind, the light rain rises, the unusual smashing, like fireworks bloom, like a meteor converges into a waterfall, condenses into a river, and then swells here.

He used a small six-time technique to kill him here.

After a short period of contact, there was a god's commandment, which was smashed here. The blood of the gods was stained with red, and the wind was angry and the vision was varied.

However, there are no scenes such as crying, because this is the secret of the Taikoo, the law is terrible, far higher than the space level of other zones.

The Chu wind is killing the gods, marching on the bones of the gods, and the blood is under the feet!

In the distance, the souls of the old people from the Underworld are shaking. Is this really Chu Feng? Actually able to do this step, more myth than myth!

"He is using exotic ones... different skills!" The invincible expression is unnatural, the complex look, and the shock of Chu Feng's combat power, but also sighs for the means he uses.

"Sister husband!" Silver hair small luoli also saw it.

For a time, she was full of tears, knowing the terrible consequences of using this kind of different skill.

Since then, it has been the beginning of slipping into the dark abyss, embarking on a road of no return, Shou Yuan will not be much, and his later years are extremely miserable.

Yingying Xianbai clothing hunting, staring at the battlefield at the end of the horizon, said: "He was promoted to the gods by different skills, after that, the limited life time has been unable to get rid of the entanglement of strange material, Chu Feng, you are finally fighting But the people in Yang."

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