The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 998: a sword, cold light, the world

The head of the **** is flying up, rushing into the air, and it is two, it seems to be flying, the group of people watching is stunned, and the hair is upright.

Ying Yuxian turned around and saw this scene. The cold and beautiful face suddenly became stiff. This is... butcher!

I haven't seen it in a year. The young evolutionary man in the past has experienced great ups and downs, and everyone around him has died. He himself has grown to this point.

Everyone can't believe it, it's too illusory, like a myth!

Which one can go here is not the leader, but the lineage among the various ethnic groups, but who can kill the **** at this age is too shocking.

Even the genius of the yang, at the end of the secret world to compete for the god-level wizards of the cold pool, can they rise so fast? It is impossible!

Normally, this age-old person may have existed in ancient times, but it is as rare as a rare one, and they all have their own chances.

Now, a living example is in front of you. Is this to be compared with the legendary figures that are rare in ancient times?


The two gods blasted, and there was nothing more shocking than this. In front of everyone, Chu Feng was so simple and fierce, so that everyone would suffocate.

The old people from the underworld universe are all petrified. They were at the same level with Chu Feng. Now? He really became the big devil.

Ying Yuxian's towering chest is slightly ups and downs, such as the blue-like breath, the fragrance is fragrant, she did not expect, Chu Feng can be strong to this step.

That is the god, Chu Feng said to kill and kill, a sword swept!

Silver hair small luoli is full of worries, but now the big eyes are swaying, very happy, almost screaming with joy.

Invincible is like a wooden man, with a mouth open, it is hard to believe what he saw, motionless.

"He is killing the gods..." The Princess Yuanyuan of the First Mozu is like a nightmare, the voice is very low, and the whole person's eyes are a little psychedelic.

The people who broke the universe were exclaiming, and the people from the sun were also swaying.

The gods of the guardian channel are more than these, there are eight on the bright side!

Now, the head of God is flying, how can they sit still? Standing up one by one, the gods are so powerful that they are going to smash the sky and tear the world.

These people are all shining, dazzling, and one person is enough to suppress the underworld universe.

However, in the face of Chu Feng, they were so dignified, they pulled out their weapons and immediately rumored and asked for assistance.

"Come on..."

There is a god, a low voice, a message, and a call to the king of God.

However, he found that the soul light emitted by himself had burst open in the void, such as the same group of gorgeous fireworks and rains, which were shouted and shattered.

Here, there is a dense rune that strangles his energy and the message cannot be transmitted.

"Dare to mobilize the spirits of the gods, the nine ethnic groups are destroyed. Someone just said this to me. Now I am blasphemy, what can I do?"

Chu Feng is very cold, but the bottom of the hand does not stop, the action is too fast, violent, like a thunder attack, Jianguang like a rainbow, such as lightning, golden light turbulent clouds, smashing everything blocked.


The rest of the gods are full of light beams, smashing the space, and the strength is too horrible. If this secret is too special, it must be destroyed.

However, letting them shine, stimulating secret techniques, and attacking Chu Feng, they can't change anything.

One of them cast a world of law, standing on the ground, and the height is not known for thousands of miles. The black body is majestic and majestic.

However, it is still useless. When he stepped down with a cold, he did not step on the Chu Feng stepping on the bolognese sauce, but he screamed, and the body of the body was falling apart. The huge foot was like a big mountain. Falling, with blood, rushing out, falling to the ground.


Chu Feng rises up in the sky and sweeps out a sword. He splits his body from the eyebrows and divides it into two halves, which makes him suddenly mournful, then the sound stops abruptly, and the bang slams down and collapses. The blood flows into the river.

Chu Feng is killing people now, not only the flesh, but also the soul, so even God can't live.

Even if there is a means of life-saving on the body, it is not enough to see after Chu Feng’s all-out efforts. The so-called gods and the like are all divided into five parts, and they are turned into powder. In the face of absolute strength, they are all inferior.

call out! call out! call out!

This is the sound of Jianguang splitting the void, too sharp, too sharp, and invincible, from beginning to end, even if the Chu wind is opening, his movements have not stopped, murderous, swordsman like rainbow, here to kill.

A piece of sword light is intertwined, and the body of God is disintegrating and is split.

In the stunned eyes of some people in the sun, in their horrified mood, the gods were easily slaughtered.

A red-haired **** shouts his hair and carries a big shackle. He wants to fight with Chu Feng. As a result, he is swayed by Chu Feng, and he breaks the folds before the blood splashes.

Another golden robe **** is very old. He has always been used to it on a regular basis. However, under the sword of Chu Feng, he was cut off by a slanting shoulder, screaming, and the soul was light and rained and quickly annihilated.

A blond female **** is very beautiful, quite beautiful, holding a long whip and pumping forward, like a thunderstorm is surging, a landslide is cracking, and the order symbol is boiling.

However, she was only a scream in the end, and the Thunderfire whip was cut off, and she was also swayed by Chu Feng, and he was pierced by his eyebrows, bloodstained, and died.

This shocked everyone!


Almost a fight, the eight gods are all dead, and the Chu wind is clean and neat.

The last level here, everyone is shuddering, what a power, this is the god, say killing and killing.

In the end, there is a secret that God will kill silently, and the black light will skyrocket. It is a horrible knife. The two men are armed with a weapon like a slashing knife and killing the Chu wind.

As a result, in the snoring, their weapons were cut off, and the two continued to confront each other, but they were still invincible. In the twinkling of an eye, they were smashed into pieces of meat, and the soul light exploded, and the gods disappeared!

More than ten gods have died, and they have collapsed so quickly.

Chu Feng carrying the bloodstained sword, did not stop for a while, rushed to the passage!

At the last moment, he looked cold and swept over everyone, and suddenly let the heroes bow their heads, whether it was the sun or the broken universe, or the old man in the underworld.

Jiang Luoshen is the most shocking, but this is the same person from her, the two have friendship, and even drunk and sleep together.

Although it was only a little beautiful, and nothing happened, she was too impressed, and now the development of this old man is completely beyond his expectations.

"Sister husband, you have to succeed!" Silver hair small luoli secretly prayed, clenched a small fist.

It is also very nervous to show invincible. He knows that Chu Feng is going to sneak into the air.

Ying Xiaoxian breathed a little rush, the beautiful face was no longer calm, she was also staring at the last level of chaotic gas.


Chu Feng decisively regressed and left. Although he saw the conjunctiva, he looked at the strong yang of the Yang, but he returned.

Earlier, the information that was passed to him by the twelve god-level animals he had received was correct. There was a weirdness and a big danger, which made him feel that the power would be degraded.

The road ahead has been broken. This is not a good place. There is no way to break through the past.

Chu Feng is very decisive, going along the original road, there is no need to delay.


A roar, the terrible silver runes condensed into a beam of light, not aimed at other people, only covering the Chu wind.

That is the god-level evolutionary scorn, the voice evolved into a rule, this is a powerful secret, suppressing Chu Feng!

Even if Chu Feng just blocked this place and exhausted a group of gods in the first time, it was still exposed. What kind of characters are in the distance? All are geniuses!

Some of them are saints, some are mirrors, and some are god-level evolutionists. The most important thing is that they are all from the genius of the sun, the most sensitive.

Even if the secrets are very vast and far apart, they also learned that there was an accident in the shortest time, and responded and killed.

"Chu Feng, do you dare to appear? Taiwu Tianzun is looking for you, thank you for giving me the opportunity to make meritorious deeds!"

This is a god-class genius, self-defeating strength, he can crush the gods, in the spirit of the invincible.

Even though he already knows that Chu Feng is killing people here, he is not afraid. He is not afraid of anything at all. Apparently he has not figured out the situation and he does not know the true depth of Chu Feng.

This person is indeed very strong, far better than the few gods who have just died.

However, in front of the evolutionary of the real-time king of the king of Chu Feng, he is nothing, not enough!

"Thank you! Hehe!" Chu Feng sneered, since there is no way to sneak, then open the killing ring, blood and wash the gods and genius.

"Send you on the road, thank you very much!" Chu Feng sounds cold, this time, he did not move the sword, but a fist directly smashed the past.

He is motivated by the famous magical skills of the Yang Dynasty - lightning boxing!

Too fast, too fast, can not escape, Chu Feng, this golden fist smashed the sky, with the horrible energy and the short shackles in the hands of the man.

The metal fragments burst, and the god-level dagger was blown by Chu Feng, and the god-level genius arm was also turned into a blood mist in the first time.


He screamed, and then his body collapsed.

As a result, Chu Feng punched his body from the past, violently shocked, the person burst, the original collapse into blood.

What kind of picture is this? The old people from the underworld, as well as the various families who have broken the universe, and some geniuses in the sun, are erected by the cold sables, and they feel extremely shocked.

"Is this the genius of the sun? But so!" Chu Feng stood here, and the voice was indifferent with a cold, killing.

Not far away, Xiao Ziyun, Jin Chuan Teng, Bai Yi scribes Chen Han and others are like clay sculptures, all of which are stiff there. Not long ago, their geniuses of the saints were still proud and despised Shi Fan, and the result was shocked. That is a big crocodile!

Perhaps it can be said that it is a demon from hell, the gods are dare to do, can do, are doing unscrupulously!

A group of holy people are misfiring, can't say anything more, because there is really no way to compare with the Chu Feng big devil.

As for a group of god-level geniuses, gods and so on, all of them are pulled out of the weapons, and they are shining, and the energy is shining, like one sun after another, burning, to start with Chu.

"Oh, give me to die, swear to God, who can stop me?!" Chu Feng sneered, swearing gods.

He wants to open the killing ring, blood-washing the gods, destined to shake the big world of the sun, so that some gods must be angry.

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