The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 943: Under the Great

Taiwu's body is stiff, and it is a kind of Taoist body, but it cools from the head to the feet, and has a feeling of chilly hair.

What level of evolution is he? Even if the energy of the illuminating level is terrible, and the feelings are still there, there is no sense in advance, and now I suddenly hear someone sighing in the ear.

Even Taiwu feels a cold, and feels awkward.

Chu Feng with a mournful color, he also heard the sigh, even when the most gray of life, the heart is awkward, he also knows this thing is extraordinary.

He always knew that his heart was not cold enough, he could not be hard and cruel, and he saw friends and relatives die one by one. He would humble, as long as they resurrected.

If life can come back, he hopes that he will have no flaws, and he can go all the way to the end.

At this time, Taiwu's body is tight, the stone is crystal clear, and the light is fierce. His heart is difficult to calm down, and he can no longer look down on the universe indifferently.

Daddy, he quickly regressed, his body became more and more energetic, the blood was filled, and all kinds of energy were scattered around. This is to fight!

"Impossible!" He whispered, revealing the color of jealousy.

Because he found the source of the sigh, although it came from the depths of the universe, but Taiwu was finally determined, in fact, from the depths of the Great Plains.

Prior to this, the Yang people had been tested in various ways, and had carried out various experiments to monitor the radiation value of the place, and the root cause of the danger here.

Taiwu already knows that there is an extremely ancient and terrible evolutionary person, Daewoo!

People at this level are almost at the end of the evolutionary road. Outsiders simply don't know what they have become after this step, but one thing is certain, dying is already the end of the decay period.

Taiwu Tianzun once personally deduced, the existence of Da Yuan is already dead, and it is impossible to wake up at the end of this so-called decline!

This is a creature waiting for the last moment of death in a sleep!

As long as you don't provoke him, don't use the energy above God level to activate his instinct. Even if this evolved species is terrible, it's no big deal.

Taiwu Tianzun suppressed himself, did not use God-level means, and did not stimulate the Dae-class creature.

He firmly believes that this creature will not wake up!

But the facts are in front of us, the ancient existence in the Great Plains has recovered, and the voice is made, so that the Taiwu Tianzun head is as big as a fight.

"You are the ancients in my yang?" Stone tires open, stable mind.

At that time, there was a big chaos in the Yang Dynasty. Some of the great powers did not know why they suddenly started fighting. They slayed in the heavens, and some people were seriously injured and dying. They chose the burial place with the treasure of the sun.

This great abyss is considered to be a terrible grave!

Now, the power of the oldest period, even the age when Taiwu was not born, wakes up in the grave, can he not get cold?

"When you looked down on the ant worm like a dragon, have you ever thought about it, and there are also dragons overlooking you?"

Under the Great Underworld, the voice of weakness and with a rotten atmosphere came, very light, sullen, with memories of the past and the vicissitudes of life.

The demon has already stopped, retreating to the side, killing this moment, the mother of the golden sword in her hand has been shaken, turned into a dozen pieces of debris, some back to fly back, stabbed into her own flesh and blood.

The scene was quiet for a moment, and Taiwu Tianzun’s face was dignified. After a while, he said: “Without such a creature, who dares to regard Tianzun as an ant, even if you are not!”

A mirror appeared around him, which was round and smooth, and reflected the blurred scenes in the Great Plains. He absorbed the energy radiated from this place and made a deduction.

On the mirror surface, all kinds of textures are intertwined, and there are many symbols. Taiwu is uneasy. In the adventure, he uses the Tianzun secret treasure to detect the virtual reality below.

"You can't kill anyone!" Tai Wu said to himself, his eyes gradually squinted and his temperament gradually increased.

He is convinced that the existence of this ancient period is weaker than he imagined, even if it is now open, but it is only empty shelves, and it cannot be done at all.

Rather than saying that the Daewoo evolutionary body is recovering, it is better to say that his obsession is echoing in this burial place like a ghost, and the final voice is made.

"Yes, I can't afford to shoot, and I have never killed any creatures here." The old voice came out, very calm, and it was very calm.

However, after hearing the Daewoo evolution, the Taiwu Tianzun was the first hair. In the past, Tianzun entered the underworld and disappeared forever. Isn’t this person killed in the years that can still be started?

This made him horrified!

There is danger in the underworld that he does not understand?

He dared to come over because he monitored the decaying energy that radiated from the Great Abyss, and understood the state of evolution here. But now, he seems to have missed something very important!

Taiwu turned and left, and the body broke through the space, and it was going to chaos.

The weak and old voice sounded, although plain and unremarkable, but listening to the Taimu ear is like a thunder blow, let him bones cold.

"I am not an aboriginal person in this world, but I have a sense of belonging when I sleep here. Do you want to look down on everything? Come in and see."

Taiwu heard regrets, and he delayed for a long time here, actually awakened the evolutionary body waiting for death, and there was a big change.

He is crossing, the endless star of the sea appears behind him, and he firmly believes that entering the chaos, there will be no accident.

However, at this time, he was cold from the head to the foot, his body was uncontrollable, and he began to fly backwards, and quickly returned along the original road, and the bang slammed toward the big foot.

Taiwu Daxie, the first such demise, no longer calm, no longer high, can no longer overlook the entire underworld.

In confrontation, he unleashes his own energy, spurs strong volatility, and the material of the ancestors is filled, which can destroy the earth.

The rules and order of the universe in the underworld were disordered and he was suppressed!

It is a pity that he reveals the true strength of Tianzun, and he is suppressed by an invisible energy. He can't move, and then falls straight to the depths of the darkness.

His heart is trembled. After becoming a god, who can detain him, who can manipulate his body like this?

The endlessness of the abyss, he continued to fall, he shouted, but could not control himself, like the iron filings sucked by a giant magnet, can not get away.

In the twinkling of an eye, he understood that the more he released the energy of heaven, the faster he sank and headed for the terrible end, speeding up.

However, when he converges on his own breath, represses it into the mirrored territory, and even restrains it into the realm of the saints, it is found that there is no compensation, the trend has become and cannot be changed!

Taiwu felt that he was wrong. The so-called dying person in the Great Plains, the so-called decay to only the obsessiveness, may just be his wishful thinking. Otherwise, how can he pull him down like this?

He is as big as a bucket, but he has to face the evolution of Daewoo.

When the current person's path is not enough to be a credential, no one knows what will happen when this class of creatures moves toward the ultimate evolution.

Therefore, it is the Taiwu Tianzun who does not know what the terrible evolution of this long time ago is.

Is human being a beast, or something else?


He no longer restrains himself, and once again erupts the strongest energy in the depths of the Great Deep, to fight against the end, and fight for it.

His body is getting bigger, so that the stars along the way are broken and turned into powder. Compared with him, the so-called broken planets are too small.

Heavenly law and body to destroy everything, the world is unstoppable!

He burned and the material of the Taoist dynasty was stirring and released.

Soon, he saw the bottom of the Great Plains, and the scalp was numb and saw some truth.

In the darkness, there are one and another corpses sitting in the disk, all of which are huge and boundless, and the stars are inferior to the dust in front of them. What is this?


There is more than one celestial body, but there are many things, they are already cold, even if the body is not bad, but now there is a rotten atmosphere in the pervasive.

One after another, they are too big, surrounded by stars, these gods are dead here!

Taiwu Tianzun's back is cold, even if it is a stone fetus, there is now a kind of goose skin, and the scalp is tight.

Although he was smashed all over the place, he made a dazzling brilliance, the material of the Taoist ancestors overflowed, and the square was shining, but still could not illuminate the entire abyss, the bottom is still dim, and it can only be seen vaguely.

At the end of the Great Plains, there is a creature, decaying, decaying, cold, and a little bit of life, which should be the Daewoo evolution.

After seeing Taiwu Tianzun, the body suddenly shook and the scalp had to burst. As Tianzun, he had such an experience.

"This is Daewoo creature, there is no way to find it, and finally it becomes like this?" He wants to go backwards, but he can't succeed.

Taiwu’s gaffe, unable to remain unmoving, he struggled.

It is very dark, ordinary people can't see anything, only Taiwu Tianzun can capture the truth.

"What the **** are you?!" he whispered.

"I am just a loser on the path of evolution, nothing more." With the weakness and decay, the voice came from there.

"Don't you say that you won't do it, and you don't have the ability to shoot?" Taiwu's back is cold, he feels that life is threatened, and bad things are going to happen.


"Then you..." Taiwu’s voice trembled. He realized the moment of death. He was completely uneasy, his heart was twitching, his body was tight, and then he made a difficult attack and quickly attacked.

He launched the most horrific offense, the endless material of the ancestors, various energy bodies and taboo techniques, all of which were played out.

However, everything is in vain. He feels that he is dry, weak, and is heading for decline.

Then, he saw that behind the Daewoo evolution, there was a dark cave, which was the end of its journey to life.

Other Tianzun died as a result!

"That is... what?" Taiwu was shuddering, and the life in his body was drastically reduced. He knew that he was going to die, without any hope.

"You should have guessed it." Daewoo evolution is open.

"Is it..." Taiwu is out of control, his body is shaking in the rumbling, and the soul is in the middle of a split. He is about to sit here.

In the darkness of the hole, suddenly it was extremely splendid, the light rain fell, and the golden and incomparable sacredness was so hot that it was hard to stop!

Taiwu Tianzun face is like earthy color, all of which are gray, sitting on the bottom of the Great Plains, behind other Tianzun, waiting for the last moment of death.

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