The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 942: Canglong and ant

When the stone tires said these words, the sound was flat and there was no turmoil.

A few groups of blood fog are not far away, it is a few big demon, they are all killed by him!

At this time, Taiwu once again used a finger to resist the three-footed Qingfeng in the hands of the demon, and even the sword that the mother had cast could not open his stone fingers.

He is plain and indifferent, detached, overlooking everyone, making people angry and powerless.

The Chu wind under the great wilderness is low, and the blood is foggy, and the indignation is filled with anger. I really want to kill Taiwu!

The old lama died, Jinpeng Dapeng Wang was destroyed, the old black bear king was killed, and the sly mountain tortoise was also tortured by a finger. Here, the blood is a little bit, and the weak soul light will disappear at any time.


In the demon-like beauty, she is not arrogant, with anger, her confidence is not shaken, and once again urges the brilliance of the heavenly glory and moves forward.

Big black cows, oxen, Ouyang Feng, Zhou Quan and others are still alive, but they also clench their fists and their bodies are shaking. This is not caused by fright, but by anger and sadness.

One-foot-high Ma Wangda’s bald head was bright, and the rough man was crying. When the Xilin and Tianshens attacked the East China Sea and killed them, he had lost his daughter. Now he lost his master Lama.

"Is there still alive, is there an afterlife? Old brothers, take care all the way!" The Northeast Tiger is full of emotions, watching the golden-winged Dapeng King and the mountain turtles and other people die, the tiger eyes are tearful.

In the blood mist, the weak souls of several people are disintegrating, and the eyes can't see it.

The ox whispered, saying: "Please protect them from the ancestors of the ancestors, and keep their last souls, this life and death are not around, but I still want to see them in the next life!"

From the recovery of the earth to the present, they have come along, Kunlun big demon has always been together, has become a loved one, family, life and death.

Suddenly, I lost a few people. Everyone was very upset, my nose was sore and my eyes were blurred.

The **** bull eyes are red, and he thinks that when the East and West evolvers made a decisive battle in the Kunlun Mountains, the old mountain turtles, the golden-winged kings and the kings, and the common enemy's past!

The ancestors of the ancestors radiated light rain, just to move, the result of the stone tires shot again, a pointing point, a slamming sound, even if the demon ancestor burst out of the sting rune, also hit the fly back, and cracks Can not stop Taiwu one finger.

"I can shoot, who can stop it?" he said.

Then, he gently pointed it out again, and the screaming horse head turned into a **** fog, directly on the spot.

The **** cow is gasping, the big bell is full of blood, and roaring: "Taiwu Tianzun, your uncle! The speech is not a word, some brothers have stood up, willing to die, killed by you, why not stop? !"

The ox, the northeast tiger, the old masters Wu Qifeng, Zhou Quan and others are all furious. This is a picture of grief and indignation. The people who live and die together are killed one by one, which is so heartbreaking.

"I said that I have let go of the demon and Chu Feng's life, and I have not said that I am forgiving. From the oldest years to today, there are a few people who dare to disrespect me and make a big word."


As soon as he pointed out, the **** cow immediately disintegrated, the human form body no longer existed, the rough horns broke, the tall body directly collapsed, and he fell into blood and bone at the same time.

"Great old black!"

"Cattle brother!"

Next to it, the Northeast Tiger, the old man, the ox and other people shouted loudly, all of them burst into tears. In a group of big demon, the **** bull was the best, and everyone could be one.

He is rough on weekdays, and sometimes even like an old man, but he is very enthusiastic, and anyone who has trouble will help.

As a result, he died so badly, just for the brothers of his own side, he felt unswerving and spoke, and the result was killed by Taiwu.

The demon madly attacked, but there was no way to stop this tragedy. The **** fog of the **** cow was floating.


Below the Great Plains, Chu Feng roared, his heart was like a knife, very painful. Looking at this **** scene, he was really unbearable.

At the same time, he knows that the other party has only one purpose to do this. In fact, he wants to let him come up and offer the stone box. Although there is no direct opening, it is absolutely the meaning.

What to replace, what does not kill him and the demon, are excuses, too eager to ask for this ancient and rough mysterious stone box in his hands.

Outside the Great Plains, Taiwu is very calm and innocent.

"Taiwu, you give me a hand!" Chu Feng roared, because he saw the Taiwu side and the demon, and raised the other hand again.


The demon ancestors moved, swallowed the heavens and the earth, and wanted to collect the ox, Ouyang Feng, and the Northeast Tiger, and the result was a heavy blow.

When it was heard, it was hit by the cross, and the cracks on the circumference increased, and the wall was almost pierced.

Then, Taiwu raised his hand and slammed Wu Wufeng, the old master of Wudang, and killed him into a group of blood.

"Predecessors!" Huang Niu, Ouyang Feng, etc. are yelling.

"I x you Ma De Taiwu, you heard no, give me a hand!" Chu Feng witnessed splitting.

At the same time, he directly threw the lid of the stone box into the depths of the Great Abyss, threatening Taiwu, his heart was bleeding, and he saw that the old master who had great grace when he had not yet rised was so uncomfortable.

"I have never been afraid of threats." The stone tires calmly opened, and another pointed out, like a response to Chu Feng, slamming, let the Siberian tigers die.

"Tiger brother!" Chu Feng feels that he wants to explode. They are all brothers who have suffered together and have experienced the most difficult years. They are so dead.

The Siberian tiger, which had no stamina and no position, later became a life-and-death relationship with him. In the Dragon and Tiger Mountain fight against Schiller, the old days were still in sight, and he died.

"You are not afraid of dying?" The stone tire opened, with a smile, raised his hand, and wanted to kill the next person.

The demon mad attack, running and stealing the breathing method, she had already suffered serious injuries, but now the energy is skyrocketing, fighting with Taiwu desperately, blocking his next move.

"Afraid of your hair, children, ah, you are really a grandson, lying in your grandfather, Taiwu grandson, your grandfather has been afraid of death in this life, being called the cartilage head by the brothers, but now, my grandfather I stand Come out, come here, Grandpa is here, afraid that your grandson is a hair! I#¥%*......"

The old man yelled and was excited. This time he was very hard, without any retreat, how to curse how to be happy, and to take the martial arts to the 18th generation.

He had the best relationship with the Big Black Bull and the Northeast Tiger. Seeing that they had been killed and being ruthlessly obscured, he was so depressed that he could not help but scream, vent, scream, and fear death.


Taiwu Tianzun raised his hand, the old commandment, a **** hole appeared in the eyebrows, and then the body exploded!

"Daddy!" Chu Feng, Huang Niu, Zhou Quan and others are yelling.

The stone tire said calmly: "Is there anyone still not afraid of death? I want to see how deep your brothers are. If you bow your head, I would like to keep his life."

Ouyang Feng screamed and jumped out directly. "You grandfather Ouyang Dao is here, afraid of you a hair, you kneel down and ask me not to look down at you, your cruel stone!"

"If there is an afterlife, I swear to kill you for revenge for all the brothers!" The oxen had already been anxious, and swore in its still tender voice.

Behind, the Dragon Girl, Zhou Quan and the remaining few big demons also stood up, facing Taiwu Tianzun not bowing, not giving in, glaring at!

"Taiwu, you give me a hand, I will give you a stone box, or I will throw it into the Great Plains!" Chu Feng said, he could not accept the results, one brother after another died, he could not bear.

Earlier, even if he had long guessed, he expected that he and some brothers would die and didn't want to bow, but now, seeing them turn into blood and bones, he can't hold on, and his heart is wide.

Taiwu Tianzun stood there, collided with the demon's sword front, and suppressed the ancient tree of life forward.

"It’s rare, I don’t see the ugly side of human nature. I always wondered why my Taoist did not encounter a good spirit in the past."

He looks calm, as if he is talking about something that has nothing to do with him.

Everyone in the Yang knows that Taiwu Tianzun hates the Yin spirit, which is known all over the world, because in his young age, his Taoists were killed by the ghosts.

"Your eyes have endless hatred, and I am extremely hateful to me?" He glanced at everyone.

"You are a generation of Tianzun, self-defeating, so do you have a sense of accomplishment for us? What is the originator!" The dragon girl said with sadness.

"I kill you, it is natural." Taiwu Pinghe responded.

This makes everyone angry, and at the same time feels humiliation, stone tires overlooking them, and then killing, also said what is justified, it is extremely excessive.

"Perhaps in your eyes, I am bullying, evil and cruel, but these do not matter to me, I just follow the heart, the law is natural." Taiwu Tianzun looks calm.

He has no waves in the ancient well, and said: "Have you seen the dragons who have been fighting for more than nine days will look down on the locusts on the ground? Different latitudes, different levels, and even compassion are hard to produce. Just like you wait, walk on weekdays. It’s possible that you will die in the unexplained ants, will you marry? No.”

"So, I killed you, and never left traces in my heart, just like you stepped on the ants, I walked my own way, and followed my own path and my heart." He added.

During the speech, he raised his hand and put Ouyang Feng and Zhou Quan into it, letting them end their lives.


Then, he pointed out another point, the dragon girl fragrant disappeared, and never seen in the world.

"What do you want to stop me!" Chu Feng screamed, if the flesh and blood is still there, he has already been crying, and a group of old people have died.

In the days together, there have always been laughter and laughter. If there is no them in the future, even if he can live today, what else do you mean? Thinking of the loneliness of loneliness in the future, Chu Feng will not be happy all his life. When he thinks about the former voice and smile, his heart is blocked and he is not suffering from pain.

The soul of the Chu wind is trembled, and the stone box will be cast into the Great Plains.

However, the ox is still there, crying sadly there, lonely and helpless, Chu Feng has to hold back.

Taiwu said, "Everyone has a little soul. I am Tianzun. I have their own means to make them reappear. How do you choose?"

With a bang, his yellow cattle were also broken into blood.

Chu Feng witnessed all this, shaking, he hated why he was not strong enough, he roared, the blood on the soul light fell, like blood and tears, he was uncomfortable and mournful to the extreme.

"You let them survive, there are thousands of hardships, endless suffering, you come to me!" Chu Feng sounds hoarse, he is standing unsteadily, shaking, the soul is bright.

These brothers are dead, and they are willing to die for him because they hear the choices they can make after they survive.

Chu Fengtou must burst, and anger and sorrow are burning. He can't accept such a cold and cruel ending, and the soul is bleeding.

The demon has long been desperate, and it has to support itself, but it is still a sword, and it dances in the virtual space of the universe, and is desperate with Taiwu!

She has always been detached and empty, but now she is also red, with tears, constantly falling from her face.


Taiwu Cave wears a void, opens a wormhole, explores a big hand, re-enters a certain star field, and directly detains two people from an inconspicuous asteroid and throws them in front of the Great Yuan.

This is the parents of Chu Feng!

Regarding where the people around Chu Feng are, they have already been performed by the old weasels and another god, and they are told.

Now, Taiwu also started the two men.

"Dad, Mom!"

Chu Feng looked at his father and mother, could not help but tremble, glaring at Taiwu.


Taiwu did not say anything, and directly shocked, Chu Zhiyuan and Wang Jing both turned into blood fog in an instant.

Chu Feng is like a wounded beast. He grows up in the sky and even his parents are dead. He is so obliterated that he feels that he is going to be broken in the Great Plains.

At the last moment, he saw his parents open his mouth before he died, saying what he was saying.

Look at the mouth shape, let him live well, and finally, the two of them are still concerned about him, still worried about him.

Desperate, Chu Feng Yang Tianyu, and then squatting there, the whole body is shaking.

"There aren't many times now. Even after a while, I can't keep their last soul light." Taiwu said.

Chu Feng felt humiliated, and the other party did not mention a stone box, but it was obvious that he would give it to him.

At this point, he was laughing, he was crying, his blood condensed with the soul light, like red tears, what is his humbleness? As long as those people can survive, he is willing to give everything.

Chu Feng thought forever, he raised his hand and lifted the stone box. He really wanted to let those people live, but he was not reconciled and wanted to kill Taiwu!

Seeing Chu Feng raised the stone box, the demon's sword light is more fierce. In the burning of self, she really hopes to suppress Taiwu Tianzun and force him to resurrect everyone!

Taiwu Tianzun saw Chu Feng raise the stone box, smiled faintly, the first time such a splendid, the whole body bloomed a peaceful light rain.

"That's right, but it's a slit space in the underworld. It's all about the world's ants, and dare to fight against the destiny?" he said flatly.

Suddenly, a sigh came, with a rotten and even rotten atmosphere, so spread out, let the Taiwu Tianzun body instantly stiff.

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