The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 921: Four great gods

"These ancient laws, which are the humble and false spirits of the mass graves, can be mastered and contacted. They don't have that qualification and they should be clean."

Next, a man sitting on the holy white jade elephant said faintly.

This **** words, he said that fluttering, indifference to the life and death of the universe of the underworld.

At this time, several people from the Yang Dynasty gathered together for a short time, all of whom were their representatives, negotiating the major events of stealing breathing.

Because, they know, if the news is true, this is an ancient breathing method that makes Tianzun vibrate and fiercely shot, and must grab the hand.

Not long ago, they all acted independently, did not touch each other, and avoided conflicts, but now it is different, even if one party gets it, the other parties will certainly not give up.

Unless one party is strong enough, it can kill people and kill the rest, but unfortunately no one can do it.

So they get together and talk about matters.

"We must have a secret to the Quartet, or if we pass back to the Yang Dynasty, even the power of the oldest era will be done, it will cause great trouble for the Tianzun behind us!"

This is the fundamental purpose of their mutual business. After one party succeeds, if it is not shared by other four parties, it will be passed back to the Yang, and it will definitely be bloody, and it will not be able to steal the breathing method.

Huang Chengcheng's gourd, huge black wooden rod, Qingjin battleship, white shell, carrying the Quartet, are enshrined in the deity of heaven.

After these people negotiated, they swear to the Tianzun decree, attack and defend the alliance, and determine that the stolen breathing method is shared by the four great gods!

Taiwu, Yi, chaos, Yuanshi, this is the four great gods behind the Quartet, the merits of creation, Wei Zhenyang!

There are many disciples of the four great disciples, all over the Yang Dynasty. Among the disciples of the great Tianzun, the gods and gods do not know how many statues are there. They look down on the world and shake the earth.

Some temples are adorned with the golden statues of Tianzun, and the worship of all ethnic groups is unimaginable.

The creatures of this series are terrible.

For example, in the ancient times, the ancient war between the gods, because of the different teachings, there was a big battle between the two gods, it is simply a charcoal, swept the vast mountains and rivers, the gods shudder, the million strong people incited.

After the war, one day defeated and left the room. The disciples died and the captives were captured and captured. The other day, Tianzun was more brilliant, and he was the genius of the world. The temple was full of incense.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, even if the doctrine conflicts, Tianzun also tries to restrain himself. There will be no big confrontation between the two religions until the last moment.

In front of these people, they were not qualified to know the ultimate breathing method of stealing such countless years and letting Yang Tianzun remember. But this time they came to the underworld, which is responsible for finding some artifacts lost in the sun, including this method. Therefore, the elders in the division were informed in detail.

After the negotiations, they are prepared to force the wind out, and get the legendary breathing method in the sun as soon as possible.

"Can you have a countermeasure?"

The three-eyed man of Taiwu Tianzun asked, not only to the descendants of other Tianzun, but also to the descendants of the surrender.

Several saints of the Xilin people stood up and one person said: "It is not difficult to report the adults."

The people of Taiwu, Chaoyu, Yi, and Yuanshi’s four major schools actually had plans, but they saw that some of them stood up and wanted to make a speech.

Perhaps, the evolutionary of the underworld cosmos, the four major educators nodded, let him say.

"It's very simple. One group that has a better relationship with the Earth is destroyed one by one. In addition, you should be the only ones who want to be outside the world, and go there to kill people. They will pull out the relationship with Chu Feng, one by one. Head, according to his temperament, certainly can't sit still, will go to the door to die. In the end, this is the absolute strength of the crush, you adults are in the underworld universe, no matter how fiddling, he is a ants, a dead end, can be free Toss him."

Several saints of the Xilin people all smiled, and only one person spoke, but it showed the attitude of all the people of the family.

There are many figures in this place, all of whom are the disciples of the four major teachings of the Yang Dynasty. Some old saints heard the words and sighed in their hearts. The Xilin people really are biting dogs, too sinister.

"Very good, according to what you said, first select a few ethnic groups that are closer to the Earth." The man with the eyebrows under the eyes of Taiwu Tianzun had an indifferent nod.

"Yes, I suggest that people who can first kill the feathers of the feathers. When they were in ancient times, they had a relationship with the evolution of the earth. Now they are very close to Kunlun Mountain." The saints of the Xilin people smiled.

Others heard the words, secretly stunned, the Xilin people are really poisonous snakes. The ancient Feiyuxing really had a good relationship with the earth. They had slandered the Xilin people and denounced them for their natural anti-bone and heart-breaking viciousness.

In the end, Feiyu Star was almost destroyed, but fortunately they have a good relationship with the Taoist, and they have been guaranteed by the Tao.

In this world, Feiyuxing is indeed closer to the earth, but it is far from being restored to the close relationship of the ancient times. The Xilin people are really a haze, remembering the old hatred.

"Da Tiangou, go, first slaughter a city, blood flows into the river, and then bring back several important figures of Feiyuxing." Three-eyed man Yuan Chen said calmly, for this **** command, don't care, they all Without blinking.

"Good!" The golden big-day dog ​​let a saint of the Xilin family lead the way, and the blink of an eye disappeared. It is powerful and powerful enough to span the current universe.

"Adult, this is a bit of a hurt." An old sage in the Underworld has a hard scalp and wants to dissuade him.

"Oh, is there a wounded sky? I am a disciple of Taiwu Tianzun, a generation of 6,950 generations. Our founder of the mountain, Taiwu Tianzun, is the most hated of the spirits. It is known all over the world. Before he rises, the Taoist priest is The ghosts are dead, so the more ghosts I kill, the more the Tianzun old people will know, the more they will not be punished, they will only be happy."

Yuan Chen, who has a vertical eye, is quite indifferent and does not care.

Many people were angry at the scene, and the disciples of Taiwu Tianzun did not regard them as normal creatures. They regarded the whole universe as a cemetery and regarded them as humble ghosts.

This is too arrogant and prejudiced, but no one dares to say anything.

At this time, the saint of the Xilin nationality smiled again, first complimenting Yuan Chen’s decisive decisiveness, and then proposing, saying: “The ethnic group of Baichuanxing also has a good relationship with the earth.”

The same sage of the underworld universe, the people present at the scene looked at his smile, they felt very disgusted, this is a cold-blooded executioner.

"Very good, killing a while in a while, bringing a few important people, tied to the earth to beheaded!" The eyebrows of the man with a vertical eye, Yuan Chendao.

"Reporting adults, Qi Yunxing is also close to the earth." A skinny old saint of the corpse opened his mouth and smiled.

"You old ghost is best not to laugh, it looks disgusting." Yuan Chen glanced at him coldly, but still nodded his approval.

"Yes!" The old monster of the corpse was a salute, a slave.

"Adults, the South is close to the stars and the Earth is also a relationship, when you are!" A saint of the gods also came forward, so suggest.

"Quasi!" Yuan Chen nodded very happily.

In this way, a **** hurricane broke out in an abrupt manner. More than everyone expected, the parties were not prepared and did not give them time to adapt.

Feiyuxing, Baichuanxing, Qiyunxing, and Nanfangxing, four ethnic groups on the planet that had been in conflict with the earth in ancient times suffered from catastrophe. Several giant cities were slaughtered by a golden big dog, and the blood flowed into a stream. , the corpse into a piece.

There is no way to escape in advance, want to escape, want to rescue, etc., there is no way.

All the people are stunned. Although these ethnic groups are strong, they are far from the ancient Taoist system. Their breathing methods are not precious.

However, they all have some backgrounds. They have some relationship with the top ten. Although they were very close to the earth in the past, they were all saved. Why did they encounter such a big disaster today?

Yuan Chendao: "Go, go outside the earth, go there to hack the head, and at the same time yell at Chu Feng, let him come and see me."

The disciples of the chaos, the monks, and the first three teachers nodded, did not speak, but recognized the action.

Then, a group of people rushed to the earth, and the disciples of the four major teachings were all with the people. A considerable part of them were saints in the underworld, and they had already been surrendered.

The whole piece of Xinghai Zhenzheng, this is a huge storm. The disciples of the four major teachings in the Yang Dynasty walked together, and the action was too big.

Even their pets, such as the golden big-day dog, the black old man, the white jade elephant, have the saints pulling the cart, serving as slaves, serving around a few holy beasts.

Typical human life is better than shit.

After the Guardian of the All Saints, after the follow-up, the army rushed to the outside of the earth and visited the area.

"Hey, I smell the smell of the little dog, I have been here." The golden big-day dog ​​sat on a sedan chair and was carried by four saints with respect, and it was different, but did not feel more. .

The little kennel was acting alone and did not report to them.

At this time, the disciple under the chaos of Tianyu is a woman, with a soft smile, using the platform of the underworld universe to publish information.

"Chu Feng, come on, we will wait for you for a long time."

Then, as soon as the picture turns, she lets the camera aim at some of the people who are being picked up. They are all famous for flying feather stars, Baichuanxing, Qiyunxing, and Nanfangxing. Some even have the same family, and each of them is brought together. Two or three people.

"Chu Feng, look at it!" Yuan Chen opened his mouth and ordered people to wave the butcher knife.


Immediately, there were people flying up and blood staining the stars.

At this time, the old patriarch of Feiyuxing sighed and said: "Can I say a few words before I die?"

"Yes." Yuan Chen, a later disciple of Taiwu Tianzun, nodded.

"In this world, not everyone is afraid of you, even if the strength is not strong, there is also a hard-core atmosphere. At the very least, there is no frowning at all. Although there are also flaws in this world, there are also flaws, such as Xilin and corpse, but this universe More people in the world have the integrity, I believe that good and evil will always have a head, you will pay the due cause and price in the morning and evening!"

This old man is not afraid of death at all. Looking at Yuan Chen, he said: "I heard that you are an evolutionary teacher who hates the spirits and thinks that the people in the underworld are ghosts. Here I will say two more words, the Taiwu Tianzun of your uncle. Someone will kill you sooner or later, and all of you will be taught to be a ghost, and sooner or later will become a ghost!"

Undoubtedly, this old man only vented his anger and felt so guilty that he was so awkward, so he was looking for a chance to be broadcasted here in full starry sea.

"Yes, what is Taiwu, chaos, sui, Yuanshi, go to your Mard, the old man takes a step first, and then waits for my good man in the underworld to pick the head of the gods, the four big gods count a fart!" The old man, at this time, is also in the big battle, from Qiyunxing, Baichuanxing, and South.

"Oh!" Yuan Chen said with a blank expression.

"All killed!" The other three disciples also screamed coldly.

"Puff puff……"

In this starry sky, some of the heads fly and must be white, and several old people are beheaded.

"Chu Feng, come on, this is the first step, there are surprises behind!" The younger disciples of the chaotic Yuzun's descendants shouted again with a smile.

"You are all damn!" Deep in the universe, the Chu wind is low.

He was originally studying the stone box and accidentally discovered a method of use.

Everything that happened in front of me was too sudden. The other party did not threaten him in advance. After killing directly, he shouted and was caught off guard, letting his eyebrows stand upside down.

Chu Feng killed the wind and smashed the sky, holding a green skin gourd in his hand, and wished to appear on the scene immediately, to kill all the Yang and their people.

"Alright, you are all gathered together, even the nest, I want to kill you all ah ah!"

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