The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 920: Wind from the underworld

One after another, the streamer rushed to all parts of the universe. Soon, the stars and seas boiled. Some of the most powerful saints of the various ethnic groups that left the group returned and reappeared in the world.

"The Eight ancestors, my corpse is so miserable, hehe... a few saints are dead. They are killed by the small beast of Chu Feng. The core children are dead and wounded. Since the ancientest 13 ancestors have returned, Be sure to be the owner of the tribe!"

Someone is crying, and the heart is angry and resentful, very unwilling.

"The gods of the ancestral ancestors are on the top, and the blessings of my family, the ancestors returning safely, sigh, my family was oppressed to bow to the enemy, and it was a wild land that we were conquered, bloody, and close to the genocide. People on the planet, really hate!"

Everywhere, you can’t be quiet.

Although the people who came back could not immediately rush to the tribe, they had to follow the orders, but they were excited and their minds were very active.

The universe is now hot, some people are excited, some are afraid, some are dancing, some are shaking, and the reactions are different.

Everyone knows that there must be a big event, because the news that the returning ancestors revealed to the ethnic group through the light brain is too terrible. The Yang people came, and the chaotic universe is not an opponent, let alone the underworld.

In particular, they implicitly hinted that both the strong figure of this cosmic map level and the gods in the chaotic universe were used by some people, and some people were given birth and blood sacrifices, and the end was very miserable.

Under such a big environment, the people of Yang are coming, who is against them?

This is how to do? Many big families are sad, afraid of being baptized by blood, worrying about the footsteps of the dreams of the big dreams. Now they know that the Yang people are looking for some special old breathing methods.

"The law that is lost in the Yang Dynasty will not cause great cause and effect. It is best to be very old and extremely powerful, such as the big dream call, the nine Yao breathing method."

When this kind of news came out, some ancient Taoism were afraid. Even the Buddha and the Taoists were instigated and feared to be destroyed.

"The land where the barbarians lived in the earth really revived and shaken again? Give me to die!" On that day, the returning saints were angry and said that they would kill the earth and kill them clean.

Some people know that most of the newly rising planets are going to be bad molds. There are not many saints on the earth. It is also a Ming Shu, and those ethnic groups that have been destroyed by the Chu Feng are far from ancient and ancestors. dead.

This time, if these people come back from the chaotic universe, can you be good? Even if they are surrendered and become a public, they are terrible.

If so many ancient saints are all "into the rumors", request to play in the earth, to ensure that the earth can not eat and walk!

The starry sky is going to be chaotic. Many ethnic groups are worried about being destroyed. Of course, some ethnic groups are still calm, and they already know that their own ethnic groups are no longer being confiscated.

"There is a stolen breathing method in the earth. No one has ever unearthed the ultimate potential of this breathing method. Even if the owner has not finally practiced it, it is the most mysterious. It is worthy of all the adults in the sun to study!"

No one thought that the first one to stand out was the Xilin people. They publicly welcomed the sacred journeys of the Yang Dynasty, and they were willing to go to the guide to find a famous breathing method.

At the same time, they are the first to push the Earth's pulse!

At this time, even the corpse, the gods, the Nether, the spirits are celebrating, and they are hateful, but there is no big movement on the surface. There has been no action.

However, the Xilin people dared to do this. The first one jumped out and opposed the earth. It was to become a passer-by to destroy the mother star that was said to be the former.

This is like a deep-fried den, and the stars and the sea are not calm. Many people mourn for the earth. When they encounter such a cold-blooded and shameless Xilin nationality, most of the earth's veins die very badly.

The saints of all ethnic groups have reported back to the news that several horses from the Yang seem to be greatly shaken and are extremely interested in stealing breathing.

Some people realize that when the earth is over, they will be focused on by the people in the Yang Dynasty. What better way to end?

"The Xilin people are all wolves, and they are born with anti-bone. They have been defeated by the ancients and gave them a fatal blow. Now they have come to this set and they have let them go. The first one to kill the Earth's evolution is theirs. !"

In a remote galaxy, the **** cow sighed, and the heart was extremely angry. It felt that the Xilin people were too disgusting.

"Chu Feng's heart is too soft, it was time to wash them, blood is not born, even the little mice that have no blinks are falling!" There is a Kunlun big demon regret.

"Forget it, people's ordinary feelings, Chu Feng was originally a modern person living in the city. After experiencing a resurgence of aura, it has not been a few years since the change of heaven and earth. You let him kill some people because of great hatred. You let He suddenly washed a lot of stars, and he was so charred, he must not go. Just like you and me, when he was old, he was a black yak on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. He suddenly let him go to slaughter hundreds of millions of creatures. After all, it is grazing and growing up." The old martyr said, "I can't go, I grew up in the Jiangxiang Water Country Scholars."

"Hey, fart, you will be a scorpion, and you will also be a sacred family, and you will eat forage!" The **** cow blinked, and he was resentful to the old man, so he countered, and said: "To speak up, the tiger brother fell. Not vegetarian."

"When I was in Siberia and the northeast region, I specialized in eating wild ginseng and never killed!" The Siberian tiger shook his head.

"Fart, every time you eat the elixir, you still have to eat meat, or you can't eat it!" Ouyang Feng despised.

Some talks dilute some of the sorrows, but their hearts are still full of haze, the pressure is boundless, and now the earth is absolutely in a bad situation, extremely bad.

At this time, the Tianshen, the corpse, the Nether, the Ling, the mechanical, etc. also began to make a serious statement, saying that they had been bullied by the Chu style, and they could not bear it, they would kill it!

After these ethnic groups expressed their attitudes, the universe became more and more quiet.

In addition, some of the Taoists who were not happy with the Earth have also stood up and said that they are willing to help those ethnic groups if necessary.

All the people are in vain, the general trend is made, the people in the Yang are coming, the so-called rise of the earth has become a mirror, and this is to be destroyed. The so-called prosperous is next to decay and blood!


At this moment, the news from some galaxies was shocking. The Jiu Yaozu was destroyed and the breathing method was taken away. The blood flowed into the river and was killed.

Then, another news came, the undead silkworms were disbanded, and the children of the tribe fled to the sea of ​​stars, while at the same time giving people the undead breathing method of the upper class to the Yang people.

However, they still incurred a very tragic killing!

"The undead breathing method, once used as the absolute breathing method in the Yang Dynasty, was cut off in the Yang Dynasty. Naturally it cannot be widely circulated in the underworld. Even if it is incomplete, you are not qualified to master it!"

This is the reason given by the Yang people, the incomparable hegemony, the family was caught up by a golden big dog and a black old man, and the shackles were slaughtered.

"Ah..." On the same day, the undead silkworm son was insane, and the princess who was ranked among the top ten stars in the starry sky was also sorrowful and vowed to take revenge.

The two of them were lucky enough to survive, but the situation was worrying.

Soon, the Yangmen from different Tianzun gates, they all sent people to go to the earth, bring back to steal the breathing method.

In the universe, people everywhere sigh, and the earth's veins are finished.

"Oh, stealing breathing is like the legendary method. If it is, it will be enough to alarm the sun. This is a super event, I hope to give us a surprise."

Several people from the Yang family had met each other briefly.

"Oh, unexpectedly, I hope that is the kind of law. According to the description, it is very likely that it will bring back to Tianzun to see the nature can detect the authenticity."

"However, it is reported that this law is in the hands of Chu Feng. He may not be on the earth now. It is useless to send people to go there."

Soon, the forces from the Yang Dynasty quickly ordered, let the people on the road to trace the exact location of the Chu wind, do not do useless work.

At the same time, a message spread, the gods in the Yang are very keen to see the stolen breathing method, who can bring, there must be a reward!

Their concern for this law is better than others.


One after another, the streamer shines in the stars, and everywhere, many saints are dispatching to find the whereabouts of the Chu wind.

At this time, Chu Feng has already left the earth, and the grandfather with the demon always feels that he will stay here, and there may be a big event. He took the ancient rush to the depths of the Xinghai and wanted to put him in one. A secret place.

For a time, the universe was in chaos, and all the people were looking for Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng comes out, otherwise, people related to you must be destroyed, one can not be left, you do not regret!" The ancient saints of the return of the Xilin people threatened.

At the end of the day, in addition to the people dispatched by Yang, there are also people of some ethnic groups in the universe.

Big black cows, Ouyang Feng, Huang Niu and others were shocked and angry. Sometimes human nature is really ugly. Some big forces have to join the team of chasing in order to climb the high branches of Yang, and they must encircle Chu Feng.

It should be noted that not long ago they were very respectful, and sent important missions to the Kunlun Mountains on the earth almost pilgrimage. As a result, they changed their faces in a blink of an eye.

Big black cows and oxen are very worried about Chu Feng, sitting on the girl's flying saucer, in some galaxies, inquiring about the news, want to share the pressure.

"I said, everyone, those who are controlled by the Sun, will be nothing, what do you have to do with the irrelevant people? Do you have to chase the Chu Feng, is this to be diligent? Beware of death is terrible!"

Ouyang Feng is not awkward, shouting in the stars.

"Hey, if you understand Chu Feng's words, you should know that he has come all the way and has made all kinds of dead things alive. It is impossible to make it possible. People who are so diligent in such an early stage are careful to be liquidated and tragic!" Northeast Tiger, Yu Wang, etc. When a group of Kunlun big demon rushed, they said indignantly.

They are indeed annoyed, and the people who came to the Kunlun pilgrimage not long ago have changed their faces in a blink of an eye. This kind of face is annoying.

At the same time, the **** cattle, yellow cattle, etc. are also secretly contacting the Yaozu, Yaxian, etc., asking them to tell the saints who came back from the chaotic universe to try to chase the Chu Feng, and try to raise their hands.

However, the feedback from the Yaxian people made the faces of the cattle and other people ugly.

The three ancient saints who had stayed in this universe earlier, with a cold meaning, refused directly and made a clear line with the earth.

"Grass!" Ouyang Feng blows up.

The **** cow tried to be gentle and gentle. He said: "Although the earth is in a state of worry now, we have not asked you to help. Just privately ask you to wait a little, let's just let it go. In addition, the Asian immortal is not intended to be with the earth. Marriage?"

However, he was scorned and rejected again.

When a storm hits, everyone can't see the way out of the earth, and can't see the hope that Chu Feng has alive, and it will be destroyed sooner or later.

At this time, there were more than a dozen ethnic groups in the underworld, all of which were special old-aged groups. The breathing methods that were mastered were taken away by the people in the sun.

"This piece of mass graves is not nothing. When the ancient times are buried, there are also some horrible resilience methods. This is a cemetery to pick up the beads, and the harvest is not small."

There is a smile from the woman in the sun, riding on a black fur-haired old man, quite casual, for the destruction of more than a dozen ethnic groups.

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