The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 857: a magical one

The eighth hundred and fifty-seventh chapter

This planet is grand and ancient, and it slowly rotates in the sky, suppressing the Quartet.

It is filled with a strong aura. The evolutionary people on the planet are difficult to fly. This is the suppression of the law.

Chu Feng stood in front of the dream, and once again realized that this ancient planet is different. He is now in the realm of the golden body, touching the Asian holy field and being keenly aware.

He can appreciate the extraordinaryness of this star, and even say that extraordinary, there is one chain after another in the void, the chain of gods is falling and extending.

Most people can't see it, they can't perceive it. Only the strong can feel it, the law is perfect, it fills the whole planet, and suppresses the weak to fly.

In front, the beautiful mountain peaks are one after another, surrounded by clouds, and some are hanging waterfalls. There are tens of thousands of years of pine trees, and the mountains and rivers are magnificent.

Some mountains are magnificent, red and transpiration, some Da Yue are Jin Xia rogue, oppressed people want to suffocate, they are entangled in the law fragments.

These are just a glimpse of what can be seen in the Pure Dreams. Deeper, the purple gas emerging from the veins turns into a big dragon, snarling, emitting horror and pressure, and the light of order is constantly spilling for human enlightenment. .

Even if Chu Feng left Wu Yuan as a reincarnation, he could still feel very deep today. When will the earth be completely restored, can it become such a holy place?

At this time, a large group of people appeared outside the front gate, staring at him, most of them are young disciples of the dream, looking at the big devil of Chu Feng.

They are "long-lasting" on Chu Feng's calculation. More than a year ago, when the first goddess Qin Zhenyin from the Pure Land fought fiercely with Chu Feng, they began to pay attention.

But this is the first time I really face it. Of course, this is because they think that they do not know that Wu Lun is also a Chu style.

A group of people were not looking good. At the beginning, Chu Feng had bitten the Qin dynasty. The picture was simply... Don’t be too beautiful. I used to make a lot of young disciples in this pure land mad. At the time, I was clamoring to join forces to unload the Chu Feng Devil. Eight.

However, as the devil of Chu is getting more and more fierce, a group of people dare not move.

However, now there is a turning point, many people have entered the foreign world, and the confidence strength has skyrocketed.

Of course, these days they are dying again. Even if the devil of Chu is not exposed for a year, it is still so ferocious. The practice should be not outdated and keep up with this era.

They are puzzling, why, they are practicing in a foreign country, even if few people can stay for a few months, but it is enough to be worthy of the reality for decades, and what is the Chu Feng big devil?

"Chu Feng, you are daring to support the sky, repeatedly provoke me to teach, offend the pure land, today dare to come here!" A young man yelled.

In any case, today, the Chu Feng big devil took the initiative to come to the door, this is the challenge and disrespect to them, from the momentum should first suppress him.

At this time, many evolvers on the local planet got the news. The first time they came by the transmission field, the opportunity was too rare. They wanted to see if the Chu De head could make a mess!

"Come and come to Diane."

Chu Feng opened, a mouth is so owed to the flat, so that the younger generation of the dream of pure land is all cold and faint, I really want to press this devil head there, rubbing him with the sole.

"Chu Feng, what are you special about, come to my dreams and dare to be so arrogant, you give me to die!"

In a big dream, a tempering young man screams, murderous, carrying a purple gold sledgehammer, this is a master of the golden body level.

He is also one of the few people in this system who has great gains in foreign countries. Now his strength is skyrocketing.

With a bang, he threw a purple gold sledgehammer. For a time, this secret treasure glowed, and the purple flames smashed the sky, exuding a suffocating pressure.

In the glare of the glare, the Zijin Sledgehammer became bigger. In an instant, it rose from a half-meter high to a few kilometers high. Such a large-handed Zijin hammer surpassed many peaks, and it was a secret gold refining system.

On many planets, this is a mythical reappearance!

Who can resist this kind of **** power? What space warships, Void Fortress, etc., can't stop this big hammer!

It can be seen that even if the dream is hard and the soil is hard, there is a law in the void, but it is also distorted by the fierce secret gold weapon. The energy is rolling, the earth is cracking, and if there is no field guardian, the mountain will burst. Collapse.

However, such a secret weapon that flew at a high speed and broke through the sound barrier and was able to smash into a mountain, was suddenly settled when it rushed to the Chu Feng with a violent atmosphere.

At the foot of Chu Feng, the runes in the field are shining, and the sky is forbidden!

Then, he gently touched his hand, which was like a huge mountain of purple gold sledgehammer. It was also fast and fierce. It burst into a purple thunder and was given more powerful energy by Chu Feng.


The disciples of the dreams of the Pure Land can be awkward than the rabbits. They all jumped up and ran. They were so scared that their faces were white and too sloppy. A finger would poke the hammer back and scare the dead.

It is the master of the secret treasure. The young master of the golden body has to sneak into the scorpion. His so-called temper is all collected, and he can’t say it in one sentence.


The sledgehammer slammed in front and destroyed the earth at a speed visible to the naked eye. A tens of thousands of meters deep pit was thrown out, earth and stone splashed, magma erupted, and the end of the world.

At the same time, several nearby peaks all fell, and then fell into the huge black abyss that is expanding.

"It’s so ferocious, it’s the Chu Devil’s head. How did he cultivate this body? Is the earth so mysterious and terrible? In a year’s time, others use the exotic temper, which is equivalent to dozens of hundred years of practice, and he How come you catch up?"

Behind Chu Feng, there is a large group of people, all native evolutionists, from other sects on this planet.

A group of people are hairy, all of them are goose bumps, feeling horrified, and the capital of Chu Feng is so daunting, a finger causes such terrible destructive power, who is not afraid?

"You are not afraid to see the future. The teachers who are too daring to speak out are not inferior. Come and see the ceremony." Chu Feng opened his mouth.

A group of people who fled into the gate of the mountain, one by one ugly, the gods of the gods, the devil is both shameless and very ferocious, too bad to deal with.

Chu Feng took a step and went straight to the mountain gate. It took a few miles to get there. It was quite scary and fast.

A group of young disciples turned around and ran again. They felt too shameful. This was at their doorstep, and they were forced to flee like this.

However, after entering the depths of the mountain gates, they are relieved. They have a large field guardian of guardian education. They do not believe that the wind can be as flat as the flat and dare to let go.

However, soon they couldn't help themselves. Chu Feng walked into the mountain gate, and the rune at the foot made a big bright light, and then it became more and more embarrassing.

Later, a beam of light rushed into the sky, like a volcano erupting, illuminating the sky, the runes, and shrouded the place.

Chu Feng came in like this. He is now a master of the field. The mountain gate can't stop him. Of course, the main thing is that this group of people has not activated the real large field.

He just entered, quickly transformed and mastered the control of the mountain gate.

In fact, in the original expectation of Chu Feng, I wanted to enter the mountain gate of the dream of pure dreams. The killing here should be the most intense, even he has to pay the price.

Where is expected, the dream of the Pure Land is too light, and directly lose control of the large field, so that if he is flat, it is so successful.

Chu Feng laughed, after occupying it, he can slowly arrange it, and finally can penetrate into the dream!

He is very cautious, and he does not bow to the unscrupulous, because he knows clearly that there is no such thing as a sub-sanctification in this universe, that is, there may be in the pure dreams, so carefully arranged, using the identity of the field master In an invincible position, I used the field to divert and completely change the runes in the mountains and rivers.

"Don't let go, for 10,000 years, no one in the ancient times has dared to swear by my dreams, Chu Feng, Devil's Head, you dare to come to our way to provoke awesome, to find death?!"

An old man, like a lion, with his face and beard, is golden, very powerful, full of golden light, coming from the volley, holding a spear, banging and stabbing forward.

The golden body was so successful that he even touched the power of the order of Yasheng. He stabbed him, and the surrounding peaks roared and violently shaken. If there were no guards in the field, many peaks would be cracked or even fried. open.

Because the atmosphere of this old man is too strong, the energy is rich, suppressing all directions!

Chu Feng reveals amazement, this kind of Tao is really unpredictable, and the strength of this golden body is really high, that is, he does not dare to care.

To this end, Chu Feng fingers golden, blood gas bursts like a fairy sword, straight into the sky, he blends lightning boxing with the big day, like a fist, mixed together, outsiders can not understand, but the energy is bully, let his fingers invincible, with The golden energy of the river.


Chu Feng flicked the spear with his finger and shocked it very high, while the old man’s tiger mouth cracked directly and the blood flowed.

"This... it’s a devil!"

This old man like a lion turned back and couldn't help but speak. He was very shocked. He didn't know how many years he had accumulated. As a result, he met a young man and actually fell to the bottom.


The old man drank, the golden hair fluttered, the spears in his hands glowed, and dozens of golden little suns interweaved around the spears, each of which was the embodiment of energy.


When he stabbed again, the sky was cracked, the ghosts were crying, and various visions came out, mainly because the energy explosion was too horrible.

Chu Feng raised his fist and banged, this place suddenly became a golden energy ocean, boiling up!


There was a golden little sun flying out. It was the energy light group hanging on the old spear. It was blown up by the Chu wind, and some of it flew out.


After a golden little sun fell into the outside world, there were eight grand peaks that exploded, bursting in place, and several uprooted, and bombarded high heavens.

At this moment, the people watching the war know how powerful the spear is!

You know, there are dozens of small suns hanging on the spear!


The old man coughed up blood, holding a broken spear in his hand and flew out. He slammed into a mountain and shed a large amount of blood.

"Why are you welcoming the future to the Lord?" Chu Feng said.

"You, you, you..." The old man couldn't speak, how many years have passed, and in recent times, no one has ever dared to break into the dream of pure dreams.

This young devil is terrible, and his strength is unfathomable. Even if he is unable to fight, he is seriously injured.

In fact, Chu Feng has been merciful. Otherwise, the old man will be killed if he is powerful.

Since entering the mountain gate, he has not killed one person, mainly because he is afraid of being too stiff and unable to explain to Qin Qinyin.

Of course, since he came, the style of the devil of Chu is not allowed to fall. He is coming across the star field and is coming to the door, destined to shock the Xinghai.

Sure enough, the news first passed into the universe.

"Outside the number, outside the number, the earth-shattering news, Chu Feng big devil head is brave and invincible, the real road height is one foot high and one foot high, he swept all the way into the dream of pure land, one person is enough to suppress one religion, too embarrassing!"

This caused a wave of turmoil, and the universe was stunned. In the past, the brutality of Chu Feng has already spread. However, today’s ferocious devil is still the first news.

What is the dream of pure land? This is not a general martial art. It ranks high in the universe. Has the Chu Feng devil headed into the door and killed it? !

" amazing. It seems that this passing money can't be saved. The wormhole company of the Tongtiandongdong company gave me a super wormhole. I want to go to the dreamland and witness the storm. Hey, warn me? I can't help, I was influenced by the Chu Feng Devil. I heard him call you a vampire. I also spoke up. It’s not an example. I won’t dare next time.”

Then, this evolutionary person is behind the mother, saying: "When, Chu Fengda devil calls your vampire, how did you react?"

"Because, he is our top VIP, selling a lot of goods, all of us use the channel of our Tongtiandong company, we naturally give preferential treatment to VIPs, we must respect."

The evolutionist was shocked, just behind the scene, opened the wormhole, and heard the sound, he quickly sneaked into the wormhole, not dare to speak.

At this moment, many people who have come to the head are on the road. I want to see how ferocious Chu Feng is, and dare to go to the dream of pure dreams.

Including invincible, silver hair, small loli, Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan, Zhuque Fairy, etc. are on the road.

"Be bold, devil, you are crazy, my dreams are pure and peaceful for hundreds of thousands of years, you dare to be so hard!"

In front of Chu Feng, the seven old men blocked the way, joined hands in front, and looked blue, and they were staring at him, ready to join forces to suppress the Chu Feng big devil.

"Don't you ask me to come to kiss? I am coming. I want to set up my child as the leader. Don't put such a dead face. After that, I am your overlord, but still take over?"

Chu Feng said plainly, a young man, now is a big gesture, overlooking everyone.

Of course, this is also because the other party's attitude is very bad, Chu Feng did not hesitate to counterattack back, strong and crucial.

"Manic, little devil, you give me a life, come on, suppress them!"

The seven golden masters of the great perfection shot together, and at the same time killed the Chu wind, bombarded him, the energy was majestic, the world roared, and the order runes were intertwined.

The seven masters teamed up, which is simply unimaginable. This kind of battle took place in the heavy land of the big dreams, and the disciples in the teachings turned white.

For the first time, they realized how much underestimated the Chu style. This devil is too horrible, that is, the Wu reincarnation has now become a big creation, and it is not necessarily comparable.


In the end, after the seven masters and Chu Feng fought fiercely for a period of time, they all flew out, all the mouths and blood, the weapons went off, the flying sword broke the four handles, all were Gengjin cast, originally tough and immortal, but now They were all cut off by the golden fists of Chu Feng!

Chu Feng stood in the field, carrying his hands, not moving, the clothes fluttering, hunting and screaming, like the immortal dust, the momentum is fierce, everyone who suppresses must suffocate!

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