The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 856: Have a good wife

"I feel bad, liver pain, I really can't stand it. Whoever goes to the earth will destroy the demon head. It's too arrogant. If you look at him, you have to go to heaven. Isn't it a demon head? What is great about people at the golden level? Go to a person with a golden body and a perfect person, kill him, let him shed tears, and sin in the stars, not so bad enough for civilians!"

Those who have a hot temper are really tempted to jump on their feet. They see that Chu Feng is so provocative of all ethnic groups, and they feel the fire in their hearts.

Mainly because, in their eyes, Chu Feng’s devil is a bully, a big idiot. It was a shameless actress who sold their relatives and friends. Now I thought he was out of date, and finally could not keep up with the genius of this era. At the pace, I did not expect that he was not only following the Great Leap Forward, but also more ferocious.

After the initial fight, the devil headed out the banner and displayed his so-called Chujia small shop on the original beast platform. At the same time, he wrote: The mountain is not in the name of Gao Youxian, and the store does not have special products.

This is really unbearable, and it’s too much to deceive. Didn’t you see it? He tied the dozens of geniuses into a string, just like wearing a candied haws, and tied with a bunch of old-fashioned birds, very casually tied into a bunch, but a group of cosmic geniuses, he was put on various Shooting, various styles of photos are displayed in his Chu family shop, this trafficker is guilty of old mistakes, to sell people, and very shameless high price blackmail!

"Everyone, I am also forced to do so. The dream of the big dream invites me to go there and kiss me, and to marry my child, his mother Qin Qinyin, but don't give me a toll. You know, this is a small shop, guaranteed to operate, barely maintained. So, this time I have to sell some souvenirs and make some tolls. Please ask a group of **** and vampires from the company to open the wormhole, go to the stars and go to meet the family. So, you have money to hold a money field, There is no money to hold a personal field, and many help. There is a saying that is good, all the brothers in the four seas, brothers, please come to join the party. Chujia small shop opened again after a year, I hope that good luck!"

Chu Feng, the all-nighter, the qi of all parties wants to destroy him immediately, especially the group of geniuses who are stunned, that is really the heart is bleeding.

Who does not know that the devil of Chu has a black heart. When he sold the goddess and the saints in the past, he has already opened his mouth at the lion, letting the various families have liver pain and reluctance to be blackmailed.

Now, the strongest genius of the golden body of the special family is captured, which makes them black in front of their eyes. The Chu Devil’s head is a vampire, but he is definitely a hundred times more harmful than a vampire. It will kill people, and it will definitely let the people vomit blood.

"I said, everyone, you are really heart-wrenching, and your heart is harder than the stone in the pit. Just look at the children of the family and see the head of the family. As the saying goes, money is the thing outside you, how much do you want to use, The most precious thing in this world is life."

Chu Feng shook his head and sighed. Then, in the face of the whole universe broadcast, he directly came over to a golden genius, looked at his white face and said: "This brother, have you seen it? I seem to remember that you can rank In the top 100 of the universe's genius list, you said that you are suffering from this, and rushed over to let me sell it? You have to know that being sold is risky, you need to be cautious when entering the market, this is a big **** pit! You Didn't see it, your grandfather didn't kiss, he didn't love, no one wanted to redeem you. Right, before that, I seem to hear you the most joyful? Is it ironic that I don't deserve it? How innocent is the lonely golden account, and say that one hand can pinch me, more than anyone can jump. Didn’t you hear that the blind man is bad, no one redeems you, it seems that you want Rotten first!"

Chu Feng said that in his small shop, the hand fell off the knife, directly gave the person a smash, the animal head rolled, this person turned out the body, is a huge beast, **** smoke, scales, Very awkward, a bit like awkward.

In the stars and the earthquakes, this Chu Devil’s head just said that it’s good, and now it’s too cruel to cut people directly.

After seeing this scene, the elders of the black scales almost fainted in the distressed, and it was really black in front of the eyes, mouthful and salty, and vomiting blood.

"My family, Kirin, ah ah... It’s so dead, killed, he is a strong man of the golden body, a man with a big chance, but he died young, what is the madness of the Chu Devil, why not When I redeem people, I will kill them. I will not stand with you, and will kill you!"

The elders of this family roared, their teeth were bitten, their hearts were bleeding, and they couldn’t stand it.

"Can this blame me? I have been selling for a long time. You didn't buy it. I thought this native product was too bad. No one wants it. It can only kill meat. Go back and ask a group of brothers to eat hot pot. The Asian **** beasts at the level of the body, I want to come to taste delicious, but I didn’t eat much before."

Chu Feng did not explain it well. Such an explanation caused a lot of public anger. A group of people wanted to use a saliva to spray him.

"Noisy, Chujia small shop has always been this, credit guarantee, the goods are not handled resolutely, never sell fakes, virginity, quality first! Well, then sell, the rest are bought, no If people buy it, they will all be treated as fakes. The store would rather lose money and never shoddy it."

When these words came out, the relevant parties wanted to marry the mother, but no one dared, and all of them rushed for the offer, for fear that the genius in the family would be treated as a defective product.

A group of people eagerly signed up, very active, eager to redeem the leader of their own family, lest they be defeated by the Chu Feng big devil.

Everyone understands that the onlookers also understand that this is the means of shameless traffickers, deliberately smashing one, and the rest of the so-called souvenirs is called a good sale!

Now he doesn't have to say more about it. Which one of the tribes dare not buy, one is more active than one, and he does not need to continue to sip there.

"One thing I have to emphasize is that the cosmic currency and the general elixir should be mentioned. I am only interested in the pharmacy in the Yasheng field. Of course, if you give me the medicine, I will never quit and refuse, welcome and thank you. ”

If you can't say anything like this, you can only say Chu Feng, extortion, and let go of one, let the families bleed.

Sure enough, everyone’s face was green. A year ago, he only asked for the six reincarnations of the golden body. However, as long as the sacred pharmacy and the lion’s mouth are open, this medicine can’t afford it.

However, there is no way to succumb to the genius of the family without the remedy of the remedy.

"Clearance sale, don't miss passing by!" Chu Feng took a large knife, squatting, preparing for clearance.

As a result, the various families were quite decisive, immediately agreed to his request, secretly contacted him, and provided the price that satisfied Chu Feng.

"Reassured, after the arrival of Yasheng medicine, I promise to send souvenirs immediately, credit guarantee, your trustworthy Chujia shop!"

Listening to the Chu wind there, everyone wants to shoot him!

"Who can kill him, I don't believe in evil. The golden perfect person is not his opponent. I will go to a few more people to ensure that he will be blasted!" Some people are angry.

Seeing this scene today, many geniuses in the universe, at least hundreds of gods and saints are all face-to-face, they have all been sold.

At this time, Chu Feng used his own golden account, where he displayed the Chu family store, quite self-satisfied, said: "You, don't be angry, now you feel that I am depressed by my captive, but, ten years have passed, a hundred years have passed, You will be proud of it in the future!"

This is an export, the deep frying pan in the Xinghai, this Chu Devil is really hateful, all selling people, but also shameless, stimulating all ethnic groups.

"You, let me explain it to you." The old man in the Kunlun Mountain demon opened his mouth.

He has a pair of big long ears and a big fang. He said, "You listen to me. After a few years, whoever hasn’t been sold by Chu Feng, you are embarrassed to go out, not worthy of being called a genius. After that, you will find that only the talents that have been looked at and sold by my wind are geniuses!"

"I rub, how do you say this, this blind man, have you interpreted it like this?"

"What's special, too shameless!"

A group of people are angry.

However, the old man of Chu Feng is there, and the one is like this. He nodded to the old man and said that he said it was good.

"Hey, I am dead, it is really shameless to the extreme, the genius that you have sold is considered a genius, so proud of it? Why are you not going to die?"

"It's too shameless, the devil's head is worse than a year ago, when the group is up!"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "I decided, I am going to travel, the whole universe travels, I think the universe will be everywhere my friends, the gods and saints I have sold, you are ready to pick up. If I pass by the galaxy you are in, I will visit you."

A group of people are not doing it, it is a scar.

Then, many people are arguing.

"Chu Feng, big devil, as long as you dare to come out, you must have killed you!"

In fact, some of the old dreams of the Pure Dreams can't stand anymore. I feel that Chu Feng is deliberately picking things up. They all agree that the original Qin Yuyin took him as a target and let people kill him. The result was used by him.

"Chu Feng, are you not coming to the dream of pure land, we are waiting for you, see if you dare to come?!" The dream of the pure land sneer.

"Don't worry, I will leave after I finish the account!" Chu Fengdao.

Then, in two days, the medicinal herbs of all the families arrived, and the super wormholes were opened, and the ransom required by Chu Feng was sent.

"All the medicines that need to be used in Yasheng, such as the soul-smelling drug, the body-hardening agent, are not the goods, get rich!" The **** cow was amazed.

The old man is very direct, facing the starry sky, ** all ethnic groups, said: "Qin 珞 女 女 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果, patching home."

All parties can’t listen to it, and it’s not that it’s not good.

The people in the Pure Dreams are even more swearing and cursing the old man.

"That scorpion, give me a shut up!"

"And, your grandfather said that it is the truth, you have been given to the couple by Chu Feng and Qin Yuyin, this is obviously a joint effort to sell you, but also moths like fire, take the initiative to sell. "The old man shook his head.

In the end, he concluded: "This is a typical family with a good wife. It is completely filling the Chu style. If you have not passed the door, you will start to take care of your family."

Many people are mad at him, especially those who have a good dream, don't want to pay attention to him, and turn to the head to ask Chu Feng.

"Chu Devil, do you dare to come to the depths of the stars, dare to step into my dreams, and don't give you gold invitations, we still have to say today, you are not qualified!"

The dream of the Pure Land was provoked, and the Chu Feng was tempted to get him into the stars and then deal with him.

Chu Feng’s unambiguous response, said: “Wait, your Taishang leader is here, you are ready for the cave!”

Then, he really yelled at Tongtian Wodong Company and opened the super wormhole. The time was not very long. He appeared outside the big dream.

"Your teacher is coming to the church, but he has come to Diane and meets Chu!" Chu Feng shouted.

The dream is pure, everyone is in a daze, this kid really dare to come?

At the same time, the evolutionary people of all ethnic groups in the universe were also shocked. The Chu wind actually left the earth and blatantly entered the sky.

"Go, go to the dream, I see how he kisses!"

"Is it crazy, this courage is too big, really come to the big dreams, is it really for the goddess Qin?"

The evolutionary people everywhere were shocked, and then many people set off for the first time and rushed to the dreamland to see what happened.

The update of the two days was unstable because it was because of Changsha’s participation in an activity. Those who did not have a manuscript could only have various sad reminders. Although it is very late, I finally insisted on writing the second chapter.

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