The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 452: Stealing the Heaven and Swapping the Sun to Cover Up the Abnormal Dharma

"One Qi Changqiu Dao Xinghe has practiced the inheritance of the ancient sword demon path. He also has three thousand sutras and can incarnate thousands of people."

"This man looks so powerful, but in fact he was transformed by the light of a sword. We still don't know where his true body is."

Ye Yang did not speak, but listened quietly.

I thought to myself.

"There is really something wrong here!"

However, this person is indeed extraordinary. He can turn into a living being with a sword and fight with him for such a long time.

I don’t know what level of true strength it has reached.

But since I got the exact news from others.

He felt relieved.

Since Dao Xinghe is not dead, it means that there is still a chance for the Yin and Yang Reverse Chaos to be obtained.

During the battle with Dao Xinghe just now, he carefully thought about it and found that the opponent's sword technique was domineering and powerful, with the meaning of an overlord raising a cauldron, thousands of troops and horses, marching forward indomitably, and dominating the world.

I already have a way to deal with it.

Ye Yang walked over and paid no attention to the pieces of meat from Dao Xinghe.

Instead, he directly carried Ye Yang, the fake sword double sword that had just been knocked unconscious by the leopard demon, onto the building boat.

This man's tall and strong body looked like a skinny chicken in front of the huge body of the Elephant Demon.

Ye Yang opened the door, lifted him with one hand, and threw him on the wooden board.

This person had just fallen into a coma, and was thrown to the ground with a clang, still not awake yet.

Ye Yang snorted coldly.

"Stop pretending to be dead in front of me."

But the man didn't answer. He was still lying on the ground and refused to wake up.

Seeing this situation, Ye Yang pointed with one hand.

A strong evil spirit turned into a circle and hit the opponent directly.

The evil spirit was extremely powerful, and the man was washed away with the violent evil spirit, leaving blood everywhere on his body.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

He immediately jumped up from the ground, covering his wound with his hand, with a look of pain on his face.

"Now it's time to talk about your origins, right?"

After seeing Ye Yang, a flash of anger flashed through this man's mind.

"Who are you? How dare you do this to me? I am Ye Yang, the swordsman of Feitian Clan. If you dare to do this to me."

"The ancestor of the Feitian Sect in the real realm will definitely make you unable to survive and wish to die..."


Before he could finish speaking.

The person in front of him suddenly let out a slap and slapped him on the left cheek.

There were five bloody streaks on his face, and even his cheek bones were almost shattered.

"Dare you act presumptuously in front of me? Do you know who I am? I have a life-and-death feud with Ye Yang, the swordsman and swordsman, and we are incompatible with each other."

"It's okay if you don't mention him. Once you mention him, you will definitely die without a burial today."

Ye Yang lifted him up with one hand and threw him to the ground.

The fall broke several of his spine.

The man's expression suddenly changed.

Seeing that the words of the person in front of him did not seem to be false, fear flashed in his eyes.

"Senior, I am fake, I am not real, look!"

After finishing speaking, the man spat, rubbed it with his fingers, and then rubbed it on his face for a while, and unexpectedly peeled off a piece of skin that looked like cicada wings.

There turned out to be a rather handsome young man inside.

Ye Yang stretched out his hand and took the young man's face that he had just taken off.

I discovered that it has a special skin texture, which is similar to cicada wings and a bit like soft mud. It can be transformed into various shapes by kneading it with your hands.

"Hero, please let me go. I don't mean to contradict him, I just see that this is the Feitian Clan's sphere of influence, and Ye Yang is famous for his swordsmanship."

"I wanted to use his name to get some spiritual stones for myself."

After hearing this, Ye Yang looked at him and said.

"In that case, you must know my identity."

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said he knew.

"I know, you are the legendary successor of Xiang Mo Fist."

Ye Yang said.

"I have something I want you to do here. If you get it done, I will keep you alive. If you don't get it done, you will never see the sun tomorrow."

Seeing that he could not escape, the man hurriedly spoke out.

"Please give me your instructions, senior."

Ye Yang said.

"It's amazing how well you can disguise yourself."

"If I hadn't seen Ye Yang, the real swordsman, I would have almost been deceived by you."

"The man said.

"Senior, I have practiced a special method of changing the world and hiding my ears and ears. As long as I see a person, I can change into his appearance and breath."

"Even the weapon can barely be imitated."

Hearing this, Ye Yang's eyes revealed a hint of surprise.

His white horse sword contains the special spiritual material Time Sand.

This kind of precious treasure, let alone imitating it, ordinary people have no chance to see it even if they see it.

Although the red maple sword is made of ordinary material, it embodies the lifelong pursuit and sword spirit of an ordinary martial artist.

He walked over and picked up the opponent's weapon.

The sharp sword is white, but the long sword is bright red.

Although it looks like a white horse sword and a red maple sword.

But it's actually just made of special stainless steel, and there's nothing special or magical about it.

Ye Yang snapped his fingers and broke them.

"When did you see Ye Yang, the swordsman with two swords?"

The man spoke.

"Last time Feitianmen held a meeting of heroes, I was among them. I met him once. He was really handsome, masculine and handsome, which left a deep impression on people."

There was a hint of admiration and obsession in his eyes.

"This is why he couldn't help but change his appearance during the Canghai Fusheng Conference."

"What I didn't expect was that before I even accomplished anything, I was stillborn and was beaten unconscious."

He looked bitter.

"How come that man is so bold? He is a famous swordsman and a local snake. How dare that leopard-headed monster dare to come up and attack me."

Ye Yang smiled coldly.

Dare to pretend to be someone else in front of the real owner.

This person was really not arrested unjustly.

"Do you want to die or live!"

He nodded without hesitation.

"Want to live!"

Ye Yang said.

"In that case, just do as I say."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang lowered his head to his ear and whispered something to him.

There was fear in his eyes.

"Senior, this..."


Ye Yang glanced at him.

"You do not dare?"

He narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded.

"That Dao Xinghe has always been domineering. I'm afraid that if I assume his identity, I will be chased by him."

Ye Yang smiled coldly.

"Since you are afraid of attracting his pursuit, you might as well die in my hands first, and it will be over."

After saying that.

Ye Yang's bucket-sized palm waved out, and the strong wind blew, with a layer of cold light on it, waiting to be chopped off in the next moment.

This man was already scared to tears.

"Senior, I am willing, I am willing to do it."

"In this case, you should handle it properly. If Dao Xinghe is forced to reveal his true identity, I will spare your life."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang forcefully opened his mouth and forced him to raise his head with one hand.

A pill was thrown in.

As soon as the elixir entered his throat, it exploded quickly, and the power of the medicine spread throughout his limbs and bones.

He was startled.

"What is this?"

"This is the Hundred Harms and Ten Poisons Pill, which is made from the essence of hundreds of poisons. Without my antidote, even a strong person in the realm of real people will not be able to cure it."

"Those who fall victim to it will often turn into a pool of poisonous blood and die without a burial place."

There was a trace of bitterness on his face, as if he had made up his mind.

"In this case, I hope you will remember your promise and let me go when it is done."

"I always keep my word, so don't worry."

Seeing this man cautiously exiting the attic, Ye Yang showed a playful smile in his eyes.

Dao Xinghe was born under a false identity, so he must be planning something.

That being the case.

I, Mr. Ye, won't let you get what you want. I have to force you to come out.

these days.

Although the Canghai Fusheng Conference has not yet been held.

But there was a raging storm above Ruyi Lake.

Big news comes out one after another.

The first is that someone deliberately pretended to be Ye Yang, the master of swordsmanship.

Then the old devil, the Leopard Devil, traveled thousands of miles across the clouds and knocked him unconscious with a leopard-tailed halberd.

The second one is a battle between Yiqi Changqiu Dao Xinghe and the descendant of Elephant Demon Fist on top of the lustful girl’s brothel.

Dao Xinghe Dao Qi's real body was directly cut into two and torn into pieces.

In addition, there is another piece of news that has spread a lot

The real One Qi Changqiu Dao Xinghe seems to be born.

He was often seen robbing casual monks, extorting money, and forcing female monks to have sex.

Anyway, it’s full of evil, so do whatever is bad.

It didn’t take long for it to arouse public outrage

Many people were extremely angry and asked the organizer Yi Qi Chang Qiu Dao Xinghe to come forward and give an explanation.

There is a mixed bag of news.

No one knows whether it is true or false?

This day.

Ye Yang stands on the green mountain and listens to the sound of wind.

In front of him was a figure in a golden dragon robe, holding a knife.

Extremely fierce, with a rainbow-like aura, and sword aura around him, it was Dao Xinghe.

at this time.

This man stood in front of a casual cultivator.

He forcibly pulled off his storage bag and snorted coldly at the person in front of him.

"Go away, my Qi Changqiu Dao Xinghe will not kill you today."

The man was afraid that he would regret it and fled in a hurry.

Dao Xinghe put away the storage bag.

But he never thought that at this moment, there would be several rays of sword light coming from the side.

...(End of chapter)

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