The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 451 Another plot to reverse the evil of Yin and Yang

"You can challenge me if you want, but I am now the commander of Tianzihao. If you want to challenge me, you need to ask other people's opinions."

Ye Yang's face was cold.

"Not a challenge, but a massacre!"

Ye Yang pressed forward step by step, intending to use the body of the Elephant Demon to force out all of Dao Xinghe's trump cards.

After that, it is easy to bargain and take away the Yin and Yang to reverse the chaos.

As long as he has this evil spirit, he can use the evil-melting method to superimpose two different evil spirits, quickly force out the clear energy, and reach the late warrior state.

Dao Xinghe did not get angry, but glanced at Die Wuhou on the side.

Die Wuhou came out.

"Brother Xiang Mo, we have been separated from each other through the Immortal Barrier, and we haven't seen each other for many days. At that time, I wanted to try out the benefits of Xiang Mo Fist, but unfortunately I never had the chance."

"If you want to defeat Dao Xinghe, first ask my Zhu Han Jian Tong if he agrees!"

"Too much nonsense! Then I'll defeat you first, and then go straight to Huanglong!"

Ye Yang's body shook slightly, and the Dragon Blood Sword Box with Dragon Thunder Pattern came out from behind.

The blood orange treasure tree shook slightly and released thirty-six blood-red sword lights.

Die Wuhou was slightly startled, she did not expect that the descendant of the Elephant Demon Fist actually had such a magic weapon.

But he is also extraordinary now

Under the leadership of the Universiade Dynasty, the power of the Eye of Blood and Tears was truly awakened.

The tear mole at the corner of his eye released red light and stabbed out with a sword.

"Sword of Divine Thought!"

The sword struck straight at me.

A blood-red tear shadow appeared behind itself, shattering thirty-six blood-red sword lights.

He pointed his right hands together and made a sword gesture, and a sword energy suddenly burst out, thrusting forward like a blood-red sword light.

The sword light was extremely sharp. Even though it was powerful, it only shattered on the man's skin and only penetrated a few inches into the flesh.

Then the man's muscles tightened, and the muscles that were condensed into iron blocks were slightly clamped, and the wound was stopped, and the blood stopped flowing out.

Die Wuhou's facial expression was originally cold, and he never had any other expression.

But at this moment, seeing how powerful this man's physical body was, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

"What a powerful physical force."

"No wonder this person dares to utter wild words. I have three hatreds. I want to hunt down Ye Yang, the swordsman and swordsman."

With such a strong body and such extraordinary strength.

I'm afraid that even Ye Yang's thirteen swords of time may not be able to penetrate his body.


His sword is not as simple as it appears

Die Wuhou's mind was spinning, and several thoughts emerged in a short while.

But the Elephant Demon didn't talk to him, nor did he take him seriously.

At this time, he stamped his big foot and dug a huge hole in the ship's plank.

The blood orange treasure tree looked like a swimming dragon behind him, and the pigeon egg-sized fruits on it kept trembling.

It made a buzzing sound and once again bloomed with countless bright red lights.


Like lightning,

Thirty-six golden-red sword lights were connected in a line, connected end to end, and struck one after another, like a blood-red iron chain, piercing his body.


Die Wuhou swiftly swung out a sword, Zhu Han's long sword thrust out, and collided with the sword light and iron chain.

For a moment, he was unable to resist, and he staggered back a few steps.

"The Elephant Demon Stomps on the Ground!"

At the critical moment, Ye Yang punched again.

The power of the elephant demon rushed out, and the purple-black billowing demonic energy and evil energy intertwined with it, strangulating.

It seems that time has been confused and space has overlapped.

A violent roaring sound rose into the sky.

Then the man dug his ears and took out a silver needle the size of an embroidery needle.

When it blew in the air, the silver needle suddenly grew larger.

It turned into a vajra that was three feet long and as thick as a bucket, with Buddhas and demons on all sides opening their sharp mouths and exposing their fangs.

The next moment, a huge Mofo Vajra was already killing him in front of him with incomparable power.

The huge force came, and the sky and the earth were dark and blind, making it difficult to stop.

The pestle struck hard and swept in front of Die Wuhou.

Die Wuhou once again took several steps back.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"What a speed."

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, showing a hint of disbelief.

From an outsider's perspective, he was just so oppressed by the opponent that he couldn't fight back.

Then, he feels the most when fighting the opponent head-on.

The most overwhelming thing about the opponent is not his unparalleled strength.

It's a kind of extreme acuity and unparalleled speed.

No matter how he moves, the opponent seems to be able to detect his next move, and there is a special evil spirit that restricts his space.

You can only resist the opponent's attack and use your own shortcomings to attack the other's strengths.

That's why he lost quickly.

That tall and strong body was able to force Die Wuhou to stagger, retreat one after another, and vomit blood.

Many people present couldn't believe it.

"Why didn't you react? My divine sword not only affects the physical body, but also penetrates into the soul."

He had been waiting for this person's reaction.

However, this person did not show any signs of damage to his mind. He was still clear-eyed and mentally abnormal.

"This is impossible!"

He wiped away the blood, still a little in disbelief.

There were knowledgeable people nearby who couldn't help but murmur to themselves when they saw this situation.

"The Elephant Demon Fist is good at strong attacks and hard attacks. It is a method of hard bridge and hard horse."

"Not only is this person's attack power unparalleled, but he also seems to have practiced a special method that makes him extremely fast."

"The combination of the two made Die Wuhou quickly defeated."

"It's really unimaginable."

"I heard that the Demon Devouring Immovable City can seal weird things for its own use."

"The movement technique he used just now was fast, direct, and explosive. It was very similar to those weird movements."

Die Wuhou was defeated.

Everyone narrowed their eyes and remained silent.

Watching the protagonist in the field, Qiu Dao Xinghe was in full swing.

At this moment, Ye Yang slightly adjusted the information.

His cultivation quickly recovered, and the Buddha and Demon Vajra in his hand suddenly became the size of a needle tip again.

Like a swimming dragon, it penetrated into the ears and nose

He pushed the Elephant Demon Fist hard.

The muscles all over his body were as high as steel.

A small phantom of the three-headed and six-armed canopy god suppressed everything in the sea of ​​consciousness. Countless treasures were dropped, and soon the fatigue on his body was swept away.

The shadow of the canopy does not float between the eyebrows.

Instead, he was quietly meditating in Ye Yang's mind. Die Wuhou's divine sword strike just now was blocked by the phantom of the Canopy God Lord.

At this time, during the movement of the Tianpeng Shenjun, Ye Yang's body was full of demonic energy, intertwined with each other.

A demonic elephant appeared behind him, with a floating aura and fangs like spears, tearing apart the sky and the earth, attracting rich starlight to fall from the sky and reflecting each other.

This powerful scene frightened everyone.

Ye Yang squinted his eyes, with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

Since breaking through to the realm of dispelling evil spirits, his Elephant Demon Fist is indeed extraordinary.

The Elephant Demon Fist combines the Endless Sha of Time with the extreme speed of the Great Demon Peng Technique.

The power that exploded far exceeded his imagination.

Consciousness sea, which was originally one of the only shortcomings, is now after practicing Feitianmen's Canopy Pulse Transformation Curse.

The mind is filled with the vast aura, and even attacks directed at the soul can be easily resisted.

"The successor of Xiang Mo Fist is really powerful."

Dao Xinghe on the side stood up, and his sword energy exploded, like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring.

In an instant, a strong pressure came from behind him.

"I accept it. In that case, maybe you can take my move?"

"Could it be that the legendary Dao Xinghe is such a coward? I don't even dare to take a move."


Ye Yang looked coldly at the heroes and glanced at him.

"Or, you just have a false reputation."

"This descendant of the Elephant Demon Fist is so arrogant, forcing Dao Xinghe to take action. Is it possible that he is really confident that he can defeat Dao Xinghe?"

"Diao Xinghe has defeated many people along the way. It is not something that a fledgling like Die Wuhou can compare with."

"Anyway, let's watch carefully. If we can only understand something, it will be a worthwhile trip."

"I've long said that this grand gathering will be a grand event for the whole world. Look how long it has only been, and all these big shots and experts have taken action one after another and it has become lively."

Dao Xinghe's face was ugly and he didn't take action for a long time. After a long time, he spoke.

"In that case, let me ask you for some advice."

His steps moved.

The figure is like a swimming dragon, moving and changing in a very ferocious manner.

The five fingers were clasped together, turning into five sky-reaching sword lights, spinning towards Ye Yang.

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

He had made many plans, and as an elephant demon, he had been waiting for this moment as far away as Ruyi Lake.

The blood orange tree buzzed and vibrated, and the green leaves billowed.

The blood oranges the size of pigeon eggs above fluttered in the air and turned into thirty-six golden-red sword auras.

The Qi was like golden light, the sword Qi was booming, and the blazing light shot out from the air, directly killing Dao Xinghe.

Dao Xinghe did not move, but struck down with one hand and responded to the enemy with his bare palm.

The brilliant sword light and the blood-orange sword collided with each other.

When the two collided, the leaked aura shook and fell into the wooden ship building.

The pavilion shattered into pieces, extremely powerful.

His sword skills are very domineering and wild, though. He didn't draw his sword, but used his palm instead of the sword, but it was still surprisingly powerful.

Facing such masters, Ye Yang knew that he had not yet fully exerted his full strength.

The move just now was just a test by the two of them.

"The magic roc turns to heaven!"

Ye Yang muttered softly.

Two magnificent golden wings suddenly appeared behind him, and the wings were filled with countless evil spirits.

A loud sound!

The golden giant wings spread out.

Ye Yang just flicked the fan in the air and was already behind Dao Xinghe.

He gathers energy into a sword.

Thirty-six golden-red sword energies formed a circle, which was hollow inside and rotating around the outside.

Swiping down from top to bottom, it actually cut the figure in front of him into two.

The sword energy spreads out, the sword light enters the body, and the blood scatters.


A scream!

This scene was not only unexpected by others. Ye Yang was also surprised.

Dao Xinghe was actually split into two by his sword energy from the Blood Orange Treasure Tree.

He broke through his body's defense with one strike of his sword.

Stab out from its back.

Then the sword energy shuttled back and forth.

Just tear it apart

Ye Yang turned back.

Dao Xinghe's body fell from mid-air.


It fell to the ground and turned into countless corpses.

"How could this happen?"

Even Ye Yang couldn't believe it. He had thought of countless possibilities.

The two fought one after another, and he was defeated.

Or the opponent loses.

But I couldn’t believe it no matter what.

He used the big magic roc method to strike with all his strength.

The other party was cut in half by him, torn into pieces, and died.

There was silence

No one expected it.

How could such a shocking cloud appear?

"This... this, Yichi Chang Qiu Dao Xinghe, who is ranked sixth on the Hidden Dragon List, was defeated like this?"

Everyone's eyes were twitching, and their hearts were cold.

Look at the tall and muscular figure in the sky.

"This is too scary."

From then on, this successor of Xiang Mo Fist will become famous all over the world.

Many people were shocked when they looked at his figure. Some frowned, and some relaxed and laughed. They didn't know what they were thinking.

Only Ye Yang frowned and said nothing at this moment.

There was still a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This matter is by no means as simple as he imagined

He didn't believe it.

Dao Xinghe could be defeated so easily.

However, the corpse was indeed real and could not be faked at all.

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