The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 350 The spiritual art of the Thirteen Swords of Time reappears

Elder Situ cried out in pain, and there were blood marks on his shoulders.

But Ye Yang looked slightly cold.

Although the swords pierced his body one after another.

However, due to the strong evil aura surrounding the opponent, although the White Horse Knife was sharp, it was flanked by the evil aura at the moment of the kill and did not have a miraculous effect.

While fighting with the old man of the Situ family, thunderclouds rioted in the sky, and a voice rushed straight towards him.

"Boy, die quickly!"

This is the right elder of the Five Poison Sect.

As soon as he appeared, he killed many disciples of Feitian Sect.

"Elder Right, you are here too?"

This right elder is quite famous among the Five Poison Sects.

The white tiger's natal spiritual beast is awakened, and the Geng Metal Qi soars into the sky.

As soon as he appeared, it was terrifying

Amid the roar of the powerful tiger, there was still a person in his hand, it was Li Bayuan.

As soon as he raised his hand, he threw Li Bayuan dozens of feet away.

Just a moment of fighting.

Li Bayuan was already covered in blood and seriously injured.

But Li Bayuan still refused to retreat.

He has a strong body and an unyielding will, and he has awakened his destiny as a giant warrior.

At this moment, in pain, his whole body was glowing and dripping with blood. He tore off the spiritual armor on his body and looked like a huge ancient war god.

But the gap between him and the right elder is really too big.

After a while, he fell heavily to the ground again.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang frowned, without using the demon elephant's true form.

His current strength is still at the fourth level of martial arts.

I thought that after asking for the Vajra Butter Secret Healing Pill and the Jade Evil Pill, I could quickly break through to the fifth level of martial arts cultivation realm.

But I didn't expect that the Five Poison Sect would attack too quickly.

Before he could break through, he was involved in this war.

At this time, he tried his best, but he could only use the sword technique to barely fight with the old man of the Situ family in front of him.

Over there, Li Bayuan had already been seriously injured, and his body was stained red with blood.

Even the top of his knees was covered with scarlet blood.

"Young junior, I don't have much strength, but I do have some backbone."

There is a huge white tiger behind the right elder. He was several feet tall, and his whole body was covered in silver and fierce light, shining brilliantly.

At this time, the tiger's power trembled, its body shook, and rocks flew apart, like an unparalleled ferocity.

In the later stage of martial arts, a strong person who has gathered evil spirit can be regarded as a powerful person anywhere.

At this time, he was like an unparalleled demon king, punching Li Bayuan directly in the throat.

Seeing that Li Bayuan was about to die, Ye Yang's eyes turned red.

At this time, his heart was bleeding.

"No, we must quickly drive this person away before we can save Li Bayuan."

Ye Yang soon had a plan in mind, and he once again killed the elder Situ in front of him.


Ye Yang no longer held back.

The white horse sword in front of him buzzed and vibrated.

Then, from the white horse's sharp sword, a spirit of a divine horse and a heroic white horse flew out.

The white horse is handsome and powerful, with flying mane. It raises its front hooves and roars high.

Ye Yang also swung his sword quickly and slashed it down with one strike, which immediately transformed into the power of thirteen swords.

White brilliance fills the air.

With just this one blow, it was like the heaven and earth were falling.

That intense white light seemed to contain the power of the vicissitudes of life.

The surrounding area, under the gentle vibration of the sand of time, all became withered.

"It's the Thirteen Blades of Time, junior, don't be arrogant."

The old man of the Situ family had also heard about Ye Yang for a long time. When he saw the strong light of the sword, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

After all, no one can respond lightly to such a terrifying power of time.

The next moment, he quickly fired a diamond-like defensive weapon.

The diamond stood up in the air, rotated and suddenly grew in size, and immediately turned into a copper wall and an iron wall.

The White Horse Knife is extremely fast, like lightning.

He wanted to escape, but it was too late.

A buzzing sound.

Ye Yang stood in the sky, holding a white horse sword and slashing hard.

At this moment, it turned into light and shadow, and white lightning struck out thirteen light waves, all of which struck the copper wall.

A crunch!

Facing this defensive weapon that was as strong as an iron wall, White Horse's sharp sword waved lightly.

Countless knife marks were made on it, but they did not penetrate through.

Elder Situ couldn't help but show a hint of joy.

"That's all for the legendary Thirteen Swords of Time! I don't know where it got its bad name. It's really just a false name."

He was glad in his heart that even though he said this, he did not underestimate the other party and used the magic weapon in time.

He thought to himself.

"Although the Thirteen Swordsmen of Time contain the power of time and are powerful, they also have weaknesses."

"Then the attack is not fast enough."

His defensive magic weapon, combined with his superior's Situ family's Vajra Art Spiritual Technique, has an astonishing defensive power.

It is difficult for anyone to break it.

But the next moment, the eyes of the Situ elders were horrified, and they couldn't help but show surprise.

" is this possible!"

The sharp knife was intercepted.

But those thirteen white sword lights seemed to ignore the defense of the copper wall and struck him directly through the defensive wall.

He couldn't help but groan, and felt a mouthful of blood gushing out of his abdomen, almost spitting it out on the ground.

"The blade clearly did not break through the diamond circle."

"Why can this spiritual technique pass through the defensive wall and kill me directly?"

His eyes were horrified, and he seemed to have thought of something the next moment.

There was a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

"Could it be that the Thirteen Swordsmen of this time were able to ignore defenses?"

The moment he was struck by the knife, he was surprised to find that his life span was rapidly disappearing.

A strand of white hair suddenly fell from his eyes.

He felt uncomfortable, mixed with anger, and felt that his life span had been lost for decades in this moment.

"You, you deserve to die!"

I couldn't help but feel regret in my heart.

For an old monk like him, life and longevity are more important than anything else.

Anyone who sees his longevity is wasted will feel uncomfortable.

Seeing the elder Situ's body completely drained of vitality, his green hair turned to white hair in an instant.

A hint of surprise flashed through Ye Yang's heart.

This is the first time Ye Yang has fully used the Thirteen Swordsmanship of Time after he forged the White Horse Knife.

The spiritual technique of the Thirteen Swords of Time is extraordinary and can cut off a person's time and life span.

At this moment, under the gentle shaking of the sand of time, the white horse's sharp sword was like a white horse passing through the gap. The double superposition made it even more powerful.

Just a moment ago.

He felt that it had taken away more than twenty years of the Situ elder's life.

You, the Situ family elder, has not yet reacted.

Still in a daze at this moment.

The next moment, he had made a decision.

"It's not worthwhile to fight against this guy. Even if I win, I will lose a lot of life. I'm not a young man, and I have a few twenty years to waste."

"I heard that Feitianmen has a lot of treasures, so why not take advantage of the opportunity to search for them."

His heart moved and he flew away quickly.

When Ye Yang saw the other person retreating, he smiled slightly, quickly passed the person, and stepped forward.

He waved his sleeve, and an object like a white rat rolled out from the sleeve.

The object fell in the wind, and in an instant it turned into a seven or eight-foot-long demonic elephant covered in scales, with huge red eyes and ferocious barbs all over its body.

The demon elephant roared and rolled away to the side.

It's just that the target is not the elder of the Situ family in front of him, but the right elder of the Five Poison Sect on the side.

The demonic elephant roared, and a huge force came, as if the heaven and earth were shaking.

Purple-black demonic energy surged out, like crystal purple crystals streaking through the air at extremely fast speeds.

The demon elephant punched the elder on the right with its fists the size of a small house.

At this moment, Li Bayuan was in danger.

The right elder's pair of dry, thin and extremely sharp claws had reached Li Bayuan's neck.

At this moment, a fierce elephant cry was suddenly heard.

Before he even looked back, he already knew who was coming.

He struck it down in the air and collided with the demonic elephant. The strong wind was raging and a soundless wave of air rushed out.

Land for miles around was destroyed.

Then a red light flashed quickly and pierced his back.

The red sword light came and went quickly, making him avoid it and not dare to go all out.

He dodged slightly, dodged the Elephant Demon's fist, and kicked out.

But he never thought that the strange red sword had pierced his thigh, piercing his thigh.

"The Red Maple Sword is Ye Yang, the master of both swords and swords."

In an instant, Elder You had an idea in his mind.

The two of them had just fought each other, but the other party seemed to have used a secret technique to escape, and now the other party was hiding aside.

Waiting for the opportunity.

It's just that he was very powerful, and the evil energy rolled down from his body. The white tiger behind him roared and forced the Red Maple Sword back with great force.

At this time, a red light came with lightning speed, holding Li Bayuan and riding on the scaled demon elephant.

At the moment of life and death, Li Bayuan secretly exhaled.

He originally thought that he was about to die, but in the end he was unexpectedly rescued by someone.

I couldn't help but feel a little thankful that I had survived the disaster.

After he raised his head and saw Ye Yang, he finally showed a smile that was meant to survive the disaster.

"Ye...Senior Brother Ye."

Before I finish a sentence,

But it was no longer possible. As soon as he closed his eyes, Li Bayuan passed out.

The right elder of the Five Poison Sect is also a strong man who has condensed his evil spirit for many years.

He and Elder Zuo have always been called the Five Poison Sect.

Very powerful.

Under a forced response, it was difficult for him to be sure of victory.

Furthermore, the thirteen swords of time have just been used.

The mana in his body has bottomed out slightly.

At this moment, Li Bayuan had fallen into a semi-conscious state.

Ye Yang carefully placed him on the demon elephant's back.

He stood up and looked at the right elder who was approaching slowly.

"Swordsmanship is nothing more than a title praised by others.

The right elder flies into the sky.

With a little movement, a huge white tiger appeared behind him, killing fluorescent lights, and there were fierce and endless thunderstorm sounds everywhere.

Thanks to two book friends with tail numbers 1223 and 6313 for their 100 starting coin reward.

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