The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 349 Changes: Fengyulou and Taiyi Qingmen’s reactions

Several real-person realm experts in the air are still fighting.

Gu Qingshu used the three sky-swallowing python demon pills and the blood essence of Mo Kui to forcibly stimulate herself.

It has long been transformed into a monster and is now raging in the sky. Joining forces with Gu Xuan, it is still unable to defeat the enemy's power.

At this moment, Ye Yang was startled. He suddenly raised his hand and saw several meteor-like escaping lights in the sky again.

"It seems that another powerful person from the Real Realm Realm has arrived."

There was an indescribable tension in Ye Yang's heart, and even a trace of expectation.

I don’t know who this real person realm expert is.

"Is it an enemy or a friend? Or are you here to fight against the autumn wind?"

At this time, the starlight rushing from the sky has illuminated the entire sky.

There are dazzling traces of snow-white everywhere.

I don’t know how many people’s eyes are watching Feitianmen.

This weird scene makes people feel frightened.

Wind and Rain Tower.

The cliffs are covered with silver snow.

The huge sect mountain guarding formation shone with dazzling luster.

"Lord, what should we do now?"

"According to the news, the Feitian Sect has now reached a critical moment of life and death."

A voice came out, it was a beautiful middle-aged woman with a long icy sword on her back and a head full of black hair.

There was another person sitting in front of this person, dressed in mist and mist. It was the owner of Fengyu Tower, Yanlou.

Hearing this, Master Yan was slightly startled and said in a deep voice.

"Has the winner been determined?"

There was a trace of anxiety in the beautiful woman's eyes, and then she said:

"The North Sea Divine Ni and the Murderous Giant Bandit mobilized the late King Yama's treasure weapon, the Heaven-Hanging Demon Hammer, the leader of the Thirteen Beihai Bandits, to forcefully break through the Feitian Gate's mountain-protecting formation."

"Although Gu Qingshu and Gu Xuan tried their best to stop it, judging from the current situation, I'm afraid the odds are against it. It won't be long before the sect is destroyed."

The owner of Yanlou said.

"From your point of view, what should we do now? Should we stay put? Sit back and watch the fishermen quarrel with each other and the fishermen benefit, or should we attack in anger and help one of them?"

After hearing this, the beautiful middle-aged woman's face turned slightly cold, and then she said:

"No matter who wins, it can be foreseen that in the future this sect will usher in a strong rise within a radius of thousands of miles."

"For many years, several sects have been fighting openly and secretly. It has been difficult to tell the winner. Someone with truly overwhelming power appears."

"After this war is over, perhaps a real overlord will be born."

"No matter whether the overlord is the Five Poison Sect or the Feitian Sect, this is not a good thing for me, Fengyu Tower."

Chen, the owner of Yanlou, groaned and said.

"Having said that, I'm afraid the middle process will not be smooth."

"The Feitian Sect is a partner of the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce. I don't believe that the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce is watching the forces that it has finally supported be destroyed like this."

The great elder asked immediately.

"But after the Feitian Sect is destroyed, the Five Poison Sect can still occupy Feitian Sect's spiritual veins, plant Tianhe Ice Lotus, and continue trading with the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce."

After a long time, the two of them had made a decision.

The owner of Yanlou said.

"In this case, we, Yanyu Tower, will adopt a compromise strategy. We will not help each other. Fengyu Tower will be closed for three months, and no outsiders will be seen."

At the moment when the voice just fell. Suddenly, a jet-black light shot directly towards the mountain-protecting formation of Yanyu Tower.

Master Yan looked up at the sky, only to find that the light had been flying in the air at some point.

She looked up and saw that it was Wu Qing, the leader of the Five Poison Sect.

Wu Qing waved one hand, and five poisonous beasts rotated behind him, just like the ancient Holy Spirit opening the sky and destroying the earth, forming a huge formation by himself.

"Master Yan. Please open the mountain protection formation. I am here to discuss important matters."

Master Yan smiled coldly.

Not only did the Yanyu Tower's mountain-protecting formation not stop, it actually became more intense.

"Master, please don't be impulsive and listen to me."

He transmitted the message into the secret. After hearing this, Master Yan had a flash of shock in his eyebrows and said in surprise.


Wu Qing said: "This is such a big deal, it involves your family and my life. Why would I come here alone if I had no other choice?"

Master Yan gave an order, and the protective formation of Yanyu Tower gradually opened. Wu Qing turned into a black light and entered the formation, and in an instant he was in front of Master Yan.

On the other side, the situation encountered in Taiyi Qingmen was exactly the same as that in Yanyu Tower.

It’s just that Chang Qingzi, the leader of Taiyi Qingmen, was killed by Mo Niansheng many years ago.

Up to now, in the entire sect, only the black and white elders maintain the affairs of the entire sect.

Elder Black is dressed in black, with a long face and a pale face, while Elder Bai is dressed in white robes, with a short face and a dark face.

In addition, there is another person next to the two.

With a thin body, holding a Zhuhan long sword, blood red in color, with slender eyebrows on her temples, and a sense of melancholy, she is none other than Die Wuhou.

Now he is in Taiyi Qingmen.

Diewuhou is ranked 142 on the Hidden Dragon Ranking, and has a mid-level warrior level.

It has long been one of the most powerful combat forces in Taiyi Qingmen.

Especially the two famous names of Eyes of Blood and Tears and Hidden Dragon List add a lot of mysterious aura to him.

The black and white elders looked at each other, then looked at Die Wuhou and said.

"Wuhou, what do you think of the current situation?"

Die Wuhou smiled coldly.

"If they want to fight, just let them fight to death. What does it have to do with me?"

"Besides, what does the sect's demise or survival have to do with me?"

After hearing such treacherous words, the black and white elders looked at each other, with a hint of coldness in their eyes.

But then they laughed again. After all, the two of them were older, the old ginger was spicy, and they were cunning.

Elder Bai had a rather gentle personality and walked over gently, holding his hand.

"You can't be so angry if you don't have a queen."

"We are both old and have been beaten by wind and rain in our lives. In the future, the mantle of Taiyi Qingmen will be handed over to you sooner or later."

Die Wuhou smiled coldly.

"I happen to have something I want to report to the two elders."

"The Immortal Catcher of the Universiade Dynasty personally invited me kindly some time ago to invite me to the Kyoto of the Universiade Dynasty to create another unparalleled prosperity."

"To be honest, Chisui Qinji was defeated in the battle with Ye Yang and has now been removed from the title of commander of the prefecture."

"From now on, in the Immortal Catcher Division, there is only one person with the title of commander, and that is - Die Wuhou."

"Today, I just happened to say goodbye to the two elders."


The battle is still heating up.

"Why did Fellow Daoist Ye run away so fast? I have heard of Fellow Daoist Ye's name a long time ago. When we meet today, it's time for us to get close to each other. You must not let me feel so cold."

The vitality of the surrounding world was changing violently, and Ye Yang looked at the old man behind him.

This man is a well-known elder of the Situ family, and he is running at this time.

A huge wolf head appeared on the left and right sides.

The two wolf heads opened their huge mouths and bit into the back of Ye Yang's neck.

Ye Yang's heart sank slightly.

The other party has already condensed a breath of evil energy.

The speed is extremely fast, running as fast as lightning, and the evil energy around the body is very strong, making it extremely difficult to deal with.

This strong man from the Situ family is very powerful.

At this time, the whole body was filled with evil energy, the heaven and the earth were shaking, and a wolf's claw covered the sky in all directions.

Especially the evil spirit that is full of it, which complements the wolf head, is really powerful.

Surrounded by runes, this claw is enough to break mountains and rivers, and spread evil energy everywhere.

"It's the Situ Family's Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf Technique."

Ye Yang frowned slightly

The Situ family in Liuzhou was between the Dayun Dynasty and Yalongling, and had always been wavering.

Taixu Daomen had previously asked Feitianmen to snatch the goods transported by its caravan.

However, the news somehow got out, and the Feitian Sect had not taken action yet.

The Situ family had already carried instructions from the Universiade Dynasty and came with a mighty force to kill.

Ye Yang could clearly see that the Taixu Taoist Sect and the three major sects also had support for the Feitian Sect.

But more of it is biased towards resources.

Although they are now life-or-death enemies with the Universiade Dynasty, they are far apart in terms of both hard and soft power.

He didn't dare to fight directly with him, and no one has come to rescue him until now.

There has been no sign of Taixu Taoist Gate for a long time.

Ye Yang couldn't help but sigh secretly.

"There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. Taixu Taoist Sect said it well before, but now it comes to help when the crisis comes. It really chills the hearts of the sects below."

This old man of the Situ family is filled with evil spirits and a thousand auspicious colors.

With one claw, the demonic energy spread everywhere.

There was an impact from the shadow of a demonic wolf beside him, and the strange wolf head came straight towards Ye Yang carrying a strong evil aura.

Ye Yang shouted softly and dodged to the side, the sword in his hand automatically moving without wind.

Especially the White Horse Knife. At this moment, the spirit in the knife neighed gently and flew into the air. There was a fierce roar and the blade trembled slightly.

"If you want to fight, then come on."

The light of the swords simultaneously let out a long roar.

There was a constant roar, and with a bang, the house shook.

The sound of scoffing is endless.

Countless sword qi and sword qi were like flying feathers, shining brightly.

At this moment, he went directly in front of Elder Situ and stabbed into the opponent's shoulder. Blood spattered and flew up more than two feet high.

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