The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 339 People are panicked and the decisive battle is coming

After a rough search, Ye Yang found some rare elixirs and elixirs.

At this moment, I suddenly heard Gu Qingshu shouting from above.

"Everyone retreat quickly!"

The moment I heard this.

Ye Yang then knew that the masters from the Five Poison Sect had come to support him.

He took the turtle root fruit he had just obtained in his hand, carefully hid it, searched for some elixirs and spiritual materials, and left in the air.

At this moment, a cold light suddenly struck from behind.

The man was obviously prepared and kept silent until Ye Yang relaxed his vigilance and prepared to retreat.

Just now he suddenly took action.

The killing move was fierce, Ye Yang's right hand shook, and the white horse's sharp sword automatically rose into the air, circled around in the air, and split the incoming attack in two.

It turned out to be several huge tiger-striped giant wasps, with tail hooks as sharp as needles.

The man yelled:

"Who are you? How dare you come to my Five Poison Sect and act recklessly."

Ye Yang glanced at the monk who suddenly appeared behind him.

He was young and kept a swarm of poisonous bees, and those who attacked him just now were some of the huge queen bees.

After this man's move failed to work, he sensed the unfathomable aura on Ye Yang's body.

He looked at the sharp knife in Ye Yang's hand and seemed to have thought of something, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Swordsmanship...Ye Yang."

The moment this idea appeared, he secretly shouted something bad and hid to the side, trying to escape.

Ye Yang smiled coldly, stepped forward, and a cold light flew out in an instant.

As soon as the man reacted, the white horse sword had transformed into a bolt of lightning.

In an instant, it reached the back of his neck. After circling around, a big head fell to the ground immediately.

The man did not close his eyes before he died.

"As expected of a double sword, such a fast sword..."

The head fell to the ground, and blood spurted out just now, showing the speed of the sword.

This place is located in the hinterland of Wudu Gate. After Ye Yang killed this man, he took away the storage bag and drove away the black bees, not daring to delay his steps.

As soon as he stepped away, the sword flew, and a white light shot straight into the sky, and soon reached the leader's flying boat.

Gu Qingshu held a beautiful ice crystal flower in her hand.

The flower is so hazy and dreamy that it is difficult to see clearly. At first glance, it makes people feel as if they are in a dream, as if they are drowsy.

She preciously accepted the Flower of the Ling Yue, and when she saw that everyone was already on the flying boat, she controlled the flying boat and rushed forward quickly.

Not long after Feitianmen left, a poisonous wood spirit boat about four to five feet long turned into a ray of light and flew to the medicine garden.

Looking at the damaged and messy ground, the leader roared angrily.

"Who is it? Our Five Poison Sect will definitely make them pay the price with their blood."

Someone next to him sensed the cultivation level of the flying boat in front, and his expression changed again and again.

"Elder Hao, he seems to be from the Feitian Sect. The leader seems to be Gu Qingshu, and Ge Canhong..."

"Damn it!"

Elder Hao roared angrily: "This Feitian Sect is really bullying people. Quick, let's go back to the sect quickly and report to the gods."

"Aren't we going to chase?"

Elder Hao glanced at the man meaningfully.

"What are you chasing after? If we go up together, we are not enough to kill Ge Canhong alone, let alone Gu Qingshu. He is more powerful than Ge Canhong. If we go up there, we are asking for death."

"Go back to the sect quickly, don't attract their attention, and come back to fight, otherwise none of us will be able to escape."

Sitting on the flying boat.

Ye Yang has been thinking about why the Feitian Sect suddenly summoned Gu Qingshu and others to take a detour from Xuexia City and attack the Five Poison Sect.

A guess arose in his mind.

"Maybe the Feitian Sect has already received the news about the Flower of the Moon through Wu Qi, and sent all the masters into the Blood Cloud Mountains."

"The purpose is to catch the Five Poison Sect unexpectedly and by surprise."

"Perhaps the news of searching for the Nine-leaf Heavenly Fragrance Fruit is true, but in the end, when you find that the Nine-leaf Heavenly Fragrance Fruit is unable to be used, it would be a good choice to directly attack the Five Poison Sect and obtain the Flower of the Moon."

Or it could be said that the Flower of Ling Yue is the fundamental purpose of Feitian Sect.

At this moment, Ye Yang vaguely guessed something, and he glanced at Gu Qingshu sitting in front.

Gu Qingshu was quite polite to Ye Yang because the Yueyang Orb refined by Ye Yang greatly alleviated the coldness of her refining three heaven-swallowing python inner elixirs.

She glanced at Ye Yang and said, "What, but you have doubts?"

Ye Yang said: "Nowadays, among the Five Poison Sects, there seems to be the Beihai Shenni. Today's battle between the two major sects can't even maintain the peace on the surface. I don't know if it will have any impact on my Feitian Sect."

Speaking of Bei Hai Shen Ni, Gu Qingshu smiled coldly and then said.

"It doesn't matter. Although they have real strong men, our Feitian Sect also has corresponding methods to stop them."

After a pause, Gu Qingshu said again:

"From my point of view, Wu Qing endures humiliation, is ruthless and resourceful, and is a much greater threat than Beihai Shenni."

Ye Yang's eyes darkened slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

He had received news from Wu Qi before that Beihai Shenni was going to invite the fourth of the Thirteen Giant Bandits of Beihai to join the Feitian Sect.

I don’t know if Feitianmen can resist it.

He had already told Gu Xuan this news.

Presumably with Gu Xuan's intelligence, he should have been prepared a long time ago.

Thinking of this, Ye Yang ignored it and focused on looking at the surrounding scenery.

Looking down from here.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, there are clear pines and green cypresses everywhere, which is very lovely.

The speed of the flying boat was extremely fast, and it took less than half a day to reach the Feitian Gate from the Five Poison Sect.

What surprised Ye Yang was that he did not encounter any monks from the Five Poison Sect who were chasing him on the road.

In addition, the Feitian Sect is now very powerful, and there are many experts among this group of people.

Even those casual cultivators saw everyone from the Feitian Sect on the flying boat.

They didn't dare to provoke him and quickly stayed away.

"Why did these people fly out of the Five Poison Sect's territory?"

"Is this going to be a head-on battle with the Five Poison Sect?"

"I heard they destroyed the medicine garden of Wu Du Sect."

"Looking at them, they seem to have gained a lot... Why are you pulling me?"

The man said one sentence, but he didn't finish it yet.

The person next to him quickly tightened his sleeves, pulled him, and said.

"Don't talk nonsense. Talk nonsense in front of this group of experts, or you may get burned."

"Now that Feitian Sect is so powerful, there is a faint tendency to integrate Fengyu Tower and Taiyi Qingmen, which has already pushed the Five Poison Sect into a desperate situation."

"It's not peaceful anymore. From my point of view, I'm afraid there will be another storm."

The news spread rapidly in all directions.

But the strange thing is that there is no reaction from the Five Poison Sect, and they are even quite honest, without any words of revenge.

Ye Yang returned to Feitian Gate and could not come out, carefully planning his next move.

If nothing unexpected happens, the decisive battle between Feitian Sect and Wudu Sect is not far away.

When the time comes to fight together, it will definitely be a millstone of flesh and blood that will wipe out all the monks.

Although his strength has reached the middle stage of martial arts, he will not be in danger if he is involved in this huge war.

Even if there is a strong person in the real world involved, if he is not careful, he may be trampled to death like an ant.

"Everything in the world is like a chess game, and everything is unpredictable. If a war breaks out, no one can protect themselves."

“You still have to plan ahead, plan in advance, and make adequate preparations so that you can live well.”

Ye Yang calculated it carefully.

Now his defensive weapon is the Yin Yang Heart Mirror, and the mysterious ancient whistle he got from the elder of the Five Poison Sect some time ago can be turned into a bone shield.

The combination of the two provides double defense, making it difficult for ordinary monks to threaten themselves at close range.

On top of the attack are the White Horse Knife and the Red Maple Sword.

Both of them are exquisite among the magic weapons, and at this stage, they can already meet his needs.

The only pity is that the Blood-Drying Pill is already full of cracks after it was used once after killing the blood dragon Gui Ao and the sick scholar Zhu Xingyu.

At most it can be used again.

This elixir can make his mana last longer and almost double his mana. This is the trump card with the greatest chance of winning.

It just requires the dragon's blood ginseng to be successfully refined. The dragon's blood ginseng is something you can come across but cannot find.

The last time I met him in Tao'anfang City, it was completely luck.

During this period of time, he had been searching hard, but he had never heard anything about this elixir.

There are still a few third-level talisman seals left. Although it is difficult to play a decisive role, the advantage is that it is easy to activate and does not consume mana. It can be used in emergencies.

"Breakthrough in the realm of spiritual practice is the most important thing."

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